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My mood...^^...

Guest Damnée

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Guest Dark Shadow


Muqlent w-allen

Anida a walint aḥbib


Ur d-ttawḍen ur qṛib

Anida kken

S-anga tṛuḥem

Aw-id u-nqebbel ara lɛib


Ul-iw yugi

Ad yamen belli tekfa-m

L-akken ittnadi

Yett-af ikken di nemnam

Anida kken

S-anga tṛuḥem

Aw-id i-ɣedṛen w-ussan


Lwaḥc yezga

Yuɣal w-ul-iw d-axxam-is

Γuṛṛi yufa

Yakk aye nig nuda w-ul-is

Anida kken

D-lfaṛḥ nwen

Is ara yeğğ amkan-is


Lwḥc yenna-k

D-axxam-iw ay arɣ ul-ik

Tura zmarɣ-ak

Ala iṛfiqen d afriwen-ik

W-id ak ṛuḥen


W-ar ay illin d-amɛiwen-ik


Nfiɣ aken yak nfan

Lamaɛna sebba yiwet

Gma m-is mennaɣ laḥsan

Yekard ɣṛi ad iyi-wet

Nfiɣ ad beddelɣ amkan

Qim gma-k ard i-sarwet


And-smekti lğğil yet-suɣ

Γ-af ḍaḍ asmi nẓemḍ arkas

M-ig ftel iw aɛdaw seksu

Nek ftelɣ-ased aḥlalas

Ass mi tekfa daɛwesu

Γliɣ ddaw laɛnaya-s


Laɛnaya-k tecba meṣmaṛ

Yaṛṣan di tesga yeqqim

Nek akd-ganniɣ amnaṛ

Seg-fus-ik ad-eččɣ alqim

Si tasaft id giɣ asɣaṛ

Mačči d terga w-ɣannim


Segg-ass m-ibaɛdent w-allen

Ur ctaq-ent imeṭṭi

Anɣ aṛğant w-ad iṛṛuḥen

Xaṛṛṣum at-id n-staqsi

Mačči d-kačč id iɣaḍen

D-akal isg-id nefrurri




A tiziri

Id-idehmen tiɣaltin—a tiziri

Anida liɣ

Anida bɣun allin – a tiziri

Ak-mett walliɣ

Aken id-akm-id ttwalin – a tiziri


Aṛṛğiɣ lexbaṛ

Yaɛdel y-iḍḍeli d w-ass-a

Aṛṛğiṛ lexbaṛ

Yaɛdel w-ass-a du-zeka

Aṛṛğiɣ lexbaṛ

Am u-nebdu am cetwa

Aṛṛğiɣ lexbaṛ

D tɛessa-ɣ m kul ğiha




Yussa-d w-agu yufa-yid

M-it steqsaɣ yenna-yid

Ay ameɣbun-iw ah


Ans-id tekkiḍ ay aggu

Ay aggu d-yebbi waḍḍu

Kiɣ-ed ansi d-ṛuḥeḍ

S-anda aken ur tett-uɣal-eḍ

Ay maɣbun-iw ah


D-ac-id ẓṛḍ ay aggu

Ay aggu d-yebbi waḍḍu

Ẓṛiɣd agad it-ḥemleḍ

Urt ttɛawadḍ aten teẓṛeḍ

Ay maɣbun-iw ah


D-acu id-infan ay aggu

Ay aggu d-yebbi waḍḍu

Seg-ass m-ig mut bab-k

It beddel targi fella-k

Ay maɣbun-iw ah


Ma mazal gma yeḥkkem

Ay aggu d-yebbi waḍḍu

Aḥkim ur nesɛ-ara aḥkim

Anwa ay aggad ma yeqqim

Ay maɣbun-iw ah


Mlid ma yella lbaṭṭel

Ay aggu d-yebbi waḍḍu

d-atmaten-ik it-ixeddmen

Mi yaɛyan degs at-neṭṭlen

Ay maɣbun-iw ah


Ihi yemmut lbaṭṭel

Ay aggu d-yebbi waḍḍu

D-atmaten-ik it-ineṭṭlen

Id-aid yeskfal-en

Ay maɣbun-iw ah


San-id tṛuḥeḍḍ ay aggu

Ay aggu d-yebbi waḍḍu

Cegɛan-iyid w-atmaten-ik

Iw-akken ak-ɣummaɣ iṭṭij-ik

Ay maɣbun-iw ah

Edited by Dark Shadow
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Guest Dark Shadow


Hey, what about yesterday

(What about us)

What about the seas

(What about us)

The heavens are falling down

(What about us)

I can't even breathe

(What about us)

What about apathy

(What about us)

I need you

(What about us)

What about nature's worth

(Ooo, ooo)

It's our planet's womb

(What about us)

What about animals

(What about it)

We've turned kingdoms to dust

(What about us)

What about elephants

(What about us)

Have we lost their trust

(What about us)

What about crying whales

(What about us)

We're ravaging the seas

(What about us)

What about forest trails

(Ooo, ooo)

Burnt despite our pleas

(What about us)

What about the holy land

(What about it)

Torn apart by creed

(What about us)

What about the common man

(What about us)

Can't we set him free

(What about us)

What about children dying

(What about us)

Can't you hear them cry

(What about us)

Where did we go wrong

(Ooo, ooo)

Someone tell me why

(What about us)

What about babies

(What about it)

What about the days

(What about us)

What about all their joy

(What about us)

What about the man

(What about us)

What about the crying man

(What about us)

What about Abraham

(What about us)

What about death again

(Ooo, ooo)

Do we give a damn

Edited by Dark Shadow
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