Guest George Bish Posted May 28, 2015 Partager Posted May 28, 2015 #OBAMA reconnait que l’invasion de l’Iraq par #BUSH est à l’origine de #ISIS Le groupe extrémiste Etat islamique (EI ou Daech acronyme arabe) est une conséquence non intentionnelle de l’invasion américaine en Irak, a déclaré ce lundi le président américain Barack Obama dans une interview à la chaîne de télévision Vice News.« L’EI émane directement d’Al-Qaïda en Irak. Elle a grandi pendant l’invasion américaine en Irak. C’est un exemple de conséquences non intentionnelles. Voilà pourquoi en règle générale, nous devrions viser avant de tirer », a indiqué Obama.Le président américain a récemment qualifié Daech et son califat auto-proclamé en Irak, en Syrie et en Libye de problème numéro un dans le monde.L’expansion du groupe djihadiste Etat islamique, appelé autrefois l’Etat islamique en Irak et au Levant (EIIL), est devenu l’un des problèmes internationaux majeurs en 2014. Source : la video en question: l'interview : Au meme titre, hier en surfant sur le net je suis tombé sur un site américain ou j'étais stupéfait par les déclarations d'un général américain 4 stars (Gen.Jack keane) faites au sénat. ( un bushiste sans doute :D ) à mon avis, ce général n'a fait qu'employer la méthode colin powel avant l'invasion de l'iraq (avec ces fameux photos et videos truquées ainsi que l'ampoule d’anthrax euuh.. je veux dire ampoule de sucre fariné.. qu'il tripotait entre ses mains devant les membres du conseil de securité de l'onu ) je vous laisse voir et lire par vous meme, c'est en anglais : Devastating Testimony: Absence of Clear Strategy Makes Wars Unwinnable U.S. policymakers refuse to accurately name the movement as radical Islam” and “we do not have a strategy to deal with radical Islam” as they multiply and spread like a cancer throughout the Middle East, North Africa and Southern Asia. That was the message from former chief military officers testifying before Congress Tuesday. Retired 4-Star General James Matthis, former head of U.S. Central Command, former Army Vice Chief of Staff and 4-Star General Jack Keane and Navy Adm. William Fallon, also a former CentCom chief, testified before the Senate Armed Forces Committee Tuesday and warned Congress and Americans that radical Islam is becoming more dangerous because our administration has a failed strategy and fails to name, identify and deal with radical Islam from the perspective of reality. They said that the absence of a White House strategy makes the ISIS, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan Wars unwinnable. “[We need to] come out from our reactive crouch and take a firm, strategic stance in defense of our values,” retired Marine Gen. Jim Mattis said to Congress Tuesday morning. “America needs a refreshed national security strategy,” he added, saying that it must look beyond the string of crisis “currently consuming the executive branch.” Megyn Kelly described the testimony as devastating on The Kelly File Tuesday evening. The administration saw the Arab Spring and refused to engage with it. Radical Islamists used the Arab Spring as an accelerant to take advantage of the upheaval. That’s why in Northern Africa, Middle East, South Asia maps look like they do, according to testimony offered. Radical Islam has increased fourfold in five years, ISIS ten times since 2012 when it only numbered 3,000, and Iran has control of the capitols in Beirut, Lebanon, Damascus, Syria, Baghdad, Iraq, and now Sanaa, Yemen, then of course Gaza in Israel, General Keane told Megyn Kelly on The Kelly File Tuesday evening. Gen. Keane helped devise the surge strategy, the one Obama refused to accept as effective when it obviously was. Even Biden recognized its success though he falsely credited Obama with it. Gen. Keane was privy to Al Qaeda intercepts in which they talked to each other and said ‘don’t send any more brothers” because “they lost the war” in Iraq. That was before Obama pulled all the troops out. A week after the last troops left, the first bombs began to go off in downtown Baghdad and have continued ever since. And they moved into Syria and back to Iraq. Last summer, General Keane described our withdrawal as an “absolute strategic failure.” Gen. Keane said, “We deposed Khaddafi and put in a moderate regime that wanted one thing from us – help them produce an effective security force to deal with armed militants. We [Obama] refused. As a result, they [radical Islamists] tried to kill the UK ambassador, they killed our ambassador, they burned our consulate to the ground, killed three other and now they are dominating Libya in its entirety…we refused to assist them, imagine that. We did the same thing with the Free Syrian Army.” When the moderates – the doctor/lawyer rebels – were pushing against Assad, we could have helped them. There was a chance and we blew it. This administration believes that “passivity is less likely to provoke,” General Flynn said. He worked for Barack Obama. Gen. Keane said they [the administration] are also paralyzed by the fear of adverse consequences in the Middle East driven by the realities of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The good thing – driven by the attack in Paris France and the beheadings – there was bipartisan support [during the hearing Tuesday] we don’t have a strategy and we’d better get one to deal with this. [YOUTUBE]watch?v=3LTbfoBr-9I[/YOUTUBE] pour ce qui est des Discuss des Global Challenges about U.S. National Security ca date de la fin janvier 2015, quelques semaines aprés les attentas de paris. la carte sur "the Radical islam" a surement due changé depuis. Obama le prix nobel de paix n'a pas adheré à ce que a evoqué ce général. mais on peut deviner à l'avance ce que certains militaires américains ont en tete. personnellement, je dit Bravo monsieur Obama Citer Link to post Share on other sites
Guest George Bish Posted May 28, 2015 Partager Posted May 28, 2015 [YOUTUBE]watch?v=isyAUrT9DTk[/YOUTUBE] the president said :" NO " Citer Link to post Share on other sites
Guest George Bish Posted May 28, 2015 Partager Posted May 28, 2015 Algériens, algériennes.. à vous la parole :D:D:D Citer Link to post Share on other sites
tlemçani 10 Posted May 28, 2015 Partager Posted May 28, 2015 Je sais que Isis est une création américaine, mais pourquoi sur la carte l'Algerie et l'Iran sont en rouge? Citer Link to post Share on other sites
Guest George Bish Posted May 28, 2015 Partager Posted May 28, 2015 Je sais que Isis est une création américaine, mais pourquoi sur la carte l'Algerie et l'Iran sont en rouge? T'as pas lu ou quoi ?!! elles sont l'une des sources de l'islam radical, des cibles à abattre. :D ne t’inquiète pas, obama a dit non. :D Citer Link to post Share on other sites
amarlekabyle 10 Posted May 28, 2015 Partager Posted May 28, 2015 Salut George... Gotaalek, tu es le meilleur... Citer Link to post Share on other sites
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