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Daech divise par 2 les salaires de combattants.

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Le groupe djihadiste Etat islamique (EI, Daech) divise par deux les salaires de tous ses combattants.

La "trésorerie" de l'Etat islamique, qui siège dans la ville syrienne de Raqqa, a pris la décision de diminuer les salaires des djihadistes de moitié, rapporte le quotidien britannique The Independent.


"Vu les circonstances exceptionnelles auxquelles Daech est confronté, il a été décidé de réduire de moitié les soldes versées à tous les moudjahidines, et personne n'échappera à cette décision, quel que soit son poste", stipule le texte en question, dont le journal a obtenu copie.


Depuis le 30 septembre 2015, la Russie effectue, à la demande du président syrien Bachar el-Assad, des frappes ciblées contre les sites de l'Etat islamique et du Front al-Nosra (filiale d'Al-Qaïda) sur le territoire syrien. Des centaines de terroristes ont été éliminés par les forces russes et des milliers de sites appartenant à ces deux organisations ont été rayés de la carte. Par ailleurs, la Russie, l'Iran, l'Irak et la Syrie ont créé fin septembre un centre d'information à Bagdad pour coordonner leur lutte contre l'EI.


La coalition internationale conduite par les Etats-Unis et regroupant quelque 65 pays effectue également des frappes contre les positions des djihadistes en Syrie sans toutefois demander l'aval des autorités syriennes.


sis 'halves salaries for fighters in Raqqa' as US-led coalition air strikes continue to target oil and revenue streams

What appeared to be an official document blamed the cut on 'exceptional circumstances'


Lizzie Dearden


7 hours ago











It is about 18 months since Isis took control of Raqqa, imposing its strict rules on citizens. Now the group Raqqa is Being Silently Slaughtered is fighting back against its repressive ideology

International planes have been targeting the group's oil smuggling and cash stores AP


Isis has cut its fighters' salaries by 50 per cent in Syria due to “exceptional circumstances” as air strikes continue to target its revenue streams, a document appears to show.


The US-led coalition has been bombing the terrorist group’s oil fields, supply lines and cash stores since October as part of Operation Tidal Wave II, and an order released little over a month later appears to show the tactic having an effect.


A document appeared to show fighters' salaries were being halved in Raqqa


The document appears to have been released by the so-called Islamic State’s treasury, the “Bayt Mal al-Muslimeen”, in its Syrian stronghold of Raqqa.

Read more


Isis 'kidnaps 400 civilians' after mass slaughter of civilians

Air strike hits Mosul bank as coalition targets Isis finances

MoD stresses need to protect civilians as RAF targets Isis oil revenue


It cites the Koran to discuss “jihad of wealth and jihad of the soul”, according to a translation by Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi, a research fellow at the Middle East Forum.


“So on account of the exceptional circumstances the Islamic State is facing, it has been decided to reduce the salaries that are paid to all mujahideen by half, and it is not allowed for anyone to be exempted from this decision, whatever his position,” the order reads.


“Let it be known that work will continue to distribute provisions twice every month as usual.”








RAF planes launch second round of strikes on Isis oil field in Syria


American officials claimed that operations were already “putting significant damage on Isil’s ability to fund itself” in November and vowed to “step up the attack”.


When British planes extended operations from Iraq into Syria last month, Isis’ Omar oilfields were the first target and Tornadoes and drones returned earlier this month to destroy attempted repairs.


A “cash distribution centre” reportedly used to pay fighters was hit by US planes on 11 January near its Iraqi stronghold of Mosul, with footage showing clouds of money blown into the air.


General Lloyd Austin, head of the US Central Command, told CNN it deprived the group of “millions of dollars”.

Timeline: The emergence of Isis


40 show all



“Combined with all of the other strikes that we've done on Isil's gas and oil production and distribution capabilities and strikes against his economic infrastructure and the various sources of revenue, you can bet that Isis is feeling the strain on his checkbook,” he added.


“Isil needs those funds to pay their fighters, to recruit new fighters and to conduct their various maligned activities.”


The US admitted killing at least eight civilians in air strikes in Syria and Iraq in 2015 and monitoring groups said either the coalition or Russia was responsible for killing 40 civilians, including eight children, in Raqqa on Saturday.


A Centcom spokesperson said “all feasible precautions” to avoid civilian casualties.

Edited by Zoubir8
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Ils ont un salaire, incroyable.. C'est pour ça que 1800 Français sont la-bas, à cause du chômage en France.


c'est les seuls qui embauche en ce moment des binationaux _ la ou il y a ps d'explosion c'est plutot la deche que daesh !

on devrait pas plaisanter avec ça mais bon c'est la triste realité !

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je me demande si ils admettent les mouvements sociaux - vont peut etre faire greve les salariés non?

le syndicat des moudjahidines ne devrait pas laisser passer une telle baisse des salaires .



Oui j'imagine une grève pour augmentation de salaires.


Wallah, ils sont foutus, les caisses sont vides;

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Vous ne parlez pas de DAESH mais de l'Islam, voilà deux choses distinctes.


Tu vois les choses ainsi.... Le sujet traite de daesh... Et du salaire des ses combattants....

Pourquoi crois tu qu'on parle de la religion et pas d'autre chose ?...

Daesh serait il l'islam dans ton inconscient ?.... :mad: ...

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Guest L'étrangère
Tu vois les choses ainsi.... Le sujet traite de daesh... Et du salaire des ses combattants....

Pourquoi crois tu qu'on parle de la religion et pas d'autre chose ?...

Daesh serait il l'islam dans ton inconscient ?.... :mad: ...



ça c'est dans le votre, puisque moi-même j'ai plaisanté du salaire mais la religion reste à sa place.

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Le groupe djihadiste Etat islamique (EI, Daech) divise par deux les salaires de tous ses combattants.

La "trésorerie" de l'Etat islamique, qui siège dans la ville syrienne de Raqqa, a pris la décision de diminuer les salaires des djihadistes de moitié, rapporte le quotidien britannique The Independent.


"Vu les circonstances exceptionnelles auxquelles Daech est confronté, il a été décidé de réduire de moitié les soldes versées à tous les moudjahidines, et personne n'échappera à cette décision, quel que soit son poste", stipule le texte en question, dont le journal a obtenu copie.


Depuis le 30 septembre 2015, la Russie effectue, à la demande du président syrien Bachar el-Assad, des frappes ciblées contre les sites de l'Etat islamique et du Front al-Nosra (filiale d'Al-Qaïda) sur le territoire syrien. Des centaines de terroristes ont été éliminés par les forces russes et des milliers de sites appartenant à ces deux organisations ont été rayés de la carte. Par ailleurs, la Russie, l'Iran, l'Irak et la Syrie ont créé fin septembre un centre d'information à Bagdad pour coordonner leur lutte contre l'EI.


La coalition internationale conduite par les Etats-Unis et regroupant quelque 65 pays effectue également des frappes contre les positions des djihadistes en Syrie sans toutefois demander l'aval des autorités syriennes.


sis 'halves salaries for fighters in Raqqa' as US-led coalition air strikes continue to target oil and revenue streams

What appeared to be an official document blamed the cut on 'exceptional circumstances'


Lizzie Dearden


7 hours ago











It is about 18 months since Isis took control of Raqqa, imposing its strict rules on citizens. Now the group Raqqa is Being Silently Slaughtered is fighting back against its repressive ideology

International planes have been targeting the group's oil smuggling and cash stores AP


Isis has cut its fighters' salaries by 50 per cent in Syria due to “exceptional circumstances” as air strikes continue to target its revenue streams, a document appears to show.


The US-led coalition has been bombing the terrorist group’s oil fields, supply lines and cash stores since October as part of Operation Tidal Wave II, and an order released little over a month later appears to show the tactic having an effect.


A document appeared to show fighters' salaries were being halved in Raqqa


The document appears to have been released by the so-called Islamic State’s treasury, the “Bayt Mal al-Muslimeen”, in its Syrian stronghold of Raqqa.

Read more


Isis 'kidnaps 400 civilians' after mass slaughter of civilians

Air strike hits Mosul bank as coalition targets Isis finances

MoD stresses need to protect civilians as RAF targets Isis oil revenue


It cites the Koran to discuss “jihad of wealth and jihad of the soul”, according to a translation by Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi, a research fellow at the Middle East Forum.


“So on account of the exceptional circumstances the Islamic State is facing, it has been decided to reduce the salaries that are paid to all mujahideen by half, and it is not allowed for anyone to be exempted from this decision, whatever his position,” the order reads.


“Let it be known that work will continue to distribute provisions twice every month as usual.”








RAF planes launch second round of strikes on Isis oil field in Syria


American officials claimed that operations were already “putting significant damage on Isil’s ability to fund itself” in November and vowed to “step up the attack”.


When British planes extended operations from Iraq into Syria last month, Isis’ Omar oilfields were the first target and Tornadoes and drones returned earlier this month to destroy attempted repairs.


A “cash distribution centre” reportedly used to pay fighters was hit by US planes on 11 January near its Iraqi stronghold of Mosul, with footage showing clouds of money blown into the air.


General Lloyd Austin, head of the US Central Command, told CNN it deprived the group of “millions of dollars”.

Timeline: The emergence of Isis


40 show all



“Combined with all of the other strikes that we've done on Isil's gas and oil production and distribution capabilities and strikes against his economic infrastructure and the various sources of revenue, you can bet that Isis is feeling the strain on his checkbook,” he added.


“Isil needs those funds to pay their fighters, to recruit new fighters and to conduct their various maligned activities.”


The US admitted killing at least eight civilians in air strikes in Syria and Iraq in 2015 and monitoring groups said either the coalition or Russia was responsible for killing 40 civilians, including eight children, in Raqqa on Saturday.


A Centcom spokesperson said “all feasible precautions” to avoid civilian casualties.


tant qu ils ont du captagon,ils sont contents

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Vous ne parlez pas de DAESH mais de l'Islam, voilà deux choses distinctes.


on parle surtout de la vision intégriste de l'Islam


crois-tu vraiment, comme le croient les djihadistes, que le Coran promet de jeunes vierges au paradis ?


L'islam est censé être une spiritualité je suppose

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