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Let's speek English !

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Wow !! I am really impressed a lot of people do speak English but in the place I would like to ask Nimo to do me a favour : Please can correct the spelling in your first sentence it's "speak" instead of "Speek" other than that I"ll say human do make mistakes.


Cheers everyone



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It would be better if you suggest a topic to discuss :)


Nimos wants to discuss about the need of the humans to get into outer space and settle a basement in the space as a first step to colonie the universe and moreover to ensure human kind won't disappear because of some flying stone in the space....as a matter of fact what could be really a threat for human kind is what we usually call neutral star ....


So thé fact is that due to all these real possibilities...technology has to be pushed to the limits in order to be ready to start this whole process of string an outer basement for humans....


However, many issues have to be solved before we reach thar point...starting from the willing to start such a project and decide who could pay and who will go there first and for what?


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