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Comment trouvez-vous le milieu professionnel en Algérie ? Je veux dire les rivalités, les coups-bas qui vont jusqu'a la sorcellerie selon les dire de certaines de mes connaissances!

Aussi, les regles de conduite pour réussir dans le milieu professionnel Algérien ? Les expats qui viennent travailler en Algérie trouvent souvent des difficultés a déchiffrer les codes socio-culturels en oeuvre dans le monde des affaires (ce pourquoi j'ai mis une traduction en anglais dans le titre lol).

Le but est plutot d'echanger les experiences et s'entre-aider, parce que je pense vraiment que beaucoup de travailleurs en Algérie, que ce soit dans le secteur privé ou public, souffrent de malvie et absence d'environnement pour l'épanouissement professionnel.

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Voici un exemple de recommandations sur la conduite a tenir dans le milieu professionnel en Algérie fournies sur le site de la banque espagnole Santander:



Business culture
The Fundamental Principles of Business Culture
In Algeria, courtesy, mutual confidence and respect are fundamental principles guiding business relations. Honour is a foundation block of Algerian society and the highest importance is given to preserving ones honour and reputation.
Social rank is important in Algerian society and this respect for hierarchy is also appearing in business context. The decision making process is vertically hierarchical, and anticipating a discussion may be seen as a defiance of authority.
Algerian society is relationship driven, hence personal relationships and networks are essential. It is important to invest time building trust and rapport, and to accept any prospective business partners’ invitation to have lunch or dinner at their home. Algerians like to keep business separate from pleasure, so it may take some time before you are invited.
First Contact
It is better to be recommended by someone who personally knows your prospective business partner. Appointments should be made at least two or three weeks ahead of time and confirmed one or two days before.
Business communications are centred more around phone conversations and fax than email and texting. You should avoid scheduling meetings in July and August, as these are periods when people often take their holidays.
Moreover, the month of Ramadan is not a good time for business meetings. Keep in mind that Fridays are a Muslim holiday.
Time Management
Punctuality is a valued quality but is not essential. Deadlines and schedules are viewed as goals that can and should change rather than rigid targets.
Greetings and Titles
When meeting someone for the first time, give a hand shake and maintain eye contact and an appropriate distance. Algerians do not leave much personal space between each other during conversations. In the presence of a woman, the best is to nod (with a smile) and wait for her to hold out her hand for you to shake. You should avoid prolonging eye contact and asking personal questions. Men may sometimes refuse to shake hand with foreign women as a sign of respect. The use of titles is important due to the hierarchical nature of Algerian society. When introduced to interlocutors, try to call them by their honorific, professional, or academic title and their surname. Common titles are "doctor", "professor", and "lawyer" in English or "docteur", "professeur", and "avocat" in French. Some religious scholars may be called "Sheikh". If you do not know your interlocutor’s title, address him by his name preceded by “Mrs” or “Mr”.
In addition to the handshake one is obliged to ask about family, work, the house, the weather, etc.
Gift Policy
Gift giving is a part of Algerian culture that is used to cement relationships. The gesture of giving is more important than the gift. You should give gifts with your right hand or both hands. They are not usually opened when received.
Dress Code
For the first meeting, it is preferable to adopt a rather conservative dress code, such as a suit and tie for men and a suit for women. Then, one may adapt to the dress code of the interlocutors, while keeping to classic styles. In summer (a period when it is often very hot), men may wear a short-sleeved shirt. Women must have at least the arms and legs covered. It is not uncommon to find oneself being judged on appearance.
Business Cards
Business cards are exchanged at the beginning of the first meeting without any formal ritual. You should always use the right hand to give and receive them. It is better to have them translated into French or Arabic. To help attract attention, they should incorporate graphics and colour codes of Arabic culture. Algerian businessmen often work in several companies and can therefore provide different visiting cards.
Meetings Management
During meetings, it is customary to spend a lot of time exchanging courtesies and engaging in small talk. You should wait for your interlocutor to initiate the business discussion.

PowerPoint presentations are not essential in Algeria. It is thus very important for you to be ready for an interactive and lively discussion. Negotiations can be long, thus patience is a real asset.

It is important to maintain eye contact with the interlocutor, in order show your consideration. You should ensure that your body language and the manner in which you speak and are always respectful, polite and formal. It is preferable not to contradict someone in public, to raise your voice nor to be too direct. As Algerians are often concerned about not losing face and preserving their honour and their interlocutor’s, you should be careful about your interlocutor’s unspoken thoughts. In general, Algerians have an open-door policy, thus appointments and meetings are often interrupted by visitors. You should wait for the person to leave before trying to bring the topic back to the original discussion.

Business appointments or meetings are normally held within the confines of the office. It is rare to hold them in restaurants or bars.

Sources for Further Information
Algerian business culture as per Commisceo Global
Global Affairs Canada
Career Addict
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Quelques perles tirées des recommendations ci-dessus:

"The decision making process is vertically hierarchical, and anticipating a discussion may be seen as a defiance of authority" 

"Algerians like to keep business separate from pleasure, so it may take some time before you are invited"

"It is better to be recommended by someone who personally knows your prospective business partner"

"When meeting someone for the first time, give a hand shake and maintain eye contact and an appropriate distance. Algerians do not leave much personal space between each other during conversations. In the presence of a woman, the best is to nod (with a smile) and wait for her to hold out her hand for you to shake. You should avoid prolonging eye contact and asking personal questions"

"In addition to the handshake one is obliged to ask about family, work, the house, the weather, etc."

"To help attract attention, business cards should incorporate graphics and colour codes of Arabic culture. Algerian businessmen often work in several companies and can therefore provide different visiting cards"

"During meetings, it is customary to spend a lot of time exchanging courtesies and engaging in small talk. You should wait for your interlocutor to initiate the business discussion"

"PowerPoint presentations are not essential in Algeria. It is thus very important for you to be ready for an interactive and lively discussion"

"As Algerians are often concerned about not losing face and preserving their honour and their interlocutor’s, you should be careful about your interlocutor’s unspoken thoughts"

"Algerians have an open-door policy, thus appointments and meetings are often interrupted by visitors. You should wait for the person to leave before trying to bring the topic back to the original discussion"

Et enfin, la meilleure:

"Punctuality is a valued quality but is not essential. Deadlines and schedules are viewed as goals that can and should change rather than rigid targets"

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Et celle-la:

"In addition to the handshake one is obliged to ask about family, work, the house, the weather, etc."

Genre une corvée lol

Et celle-ci:

"As Algerians are often concerned about not losing face and preserving their honour and their interlocutor’s, you should be careful about your interlocutor’s unspoken thoughts"

J'avoue ne pas etre trop enthousiaste quant a l'anticipation des "pensées non avouées" de mon interlocuteur algérien hahaha!

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Jsais pas qui a pondu ces conneries mais les mecs ont dû trop regarder Lawrence d'Arabie ou jsais pas quoiça fait vraiment cliché de zoo ils doivent penser qu'on vit dans des tentes et qu'on cuit du méchoui tous les soirs en lançant des youyou

Edited by aynazppr75
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Conneries ou pas perso je trouve qu'il y a un fond de vérité dans comment les expats étrangers qui viennent travailler en Algérie nous perçoivent !

Admettons-le, c'est tres pénible et difficile de travailler en Algérie, que ce soit dans le secteur privé ou public! La culture et l'environnement de travail sont vraiment lamentables.

Est ce juste les lois archaïques ? Ou bien c'est du aussi a la mentalité algérienne ? Comment expliquer le fait que les meilleurs éléments sont souvent cassés et découragés parfois par ceux la même qui bénéficient de leur travail ? Ce sabotage est typique de l'Algérie je pense.

Et toi tu en penses quoi?

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22 minutes ago, Vanny said:


Conneries ou pas perso je trouve qu'il y a un fond de vérité dans comment les expats étrangers qui viennent travailler en Algérie nous perçoivent !

Admettons-le, c'est tres pénible et difficile de travailler en Algérie, que ce soit dans le secteur privé ou public! La culture et l'environnement de travail sont vraiment lamentables.

Est ce juste les lois archaïques ? Ou bien c'est du aussi a la mentalité algérienne ? Comment expliquer le fait que les meilleurs éléments sont souvent cassés et découragés parfois par ceux la même qui bénéficient de leur travail ? Ce sabotage est typique de l'Algérie je pense.

Et toi tu en penses quoi?


J'en pense que les pseudos flnistes qui n'ont jamais tiré un coup de fusil pendant la guerre et leurs descendants sont responsables de ce népotisme et de cette corruption. Si on omet les problèmes d'infrastructure et d'éducation, faut arrêter de faire croire aux gamins algériens qu'ils peuvent finir ministres avec un semestre de fac, il manque plein d'artisans et d'ouvriers. 


Quand mon père a voulu faire agrandir la baraque familiale il a voulu employer les jeunes du village qui ont lui ont dit on va pas se fatiguer à faire les maçons. Résultat il a employé des bons à rien où sur 10 ouvriers y en avait 5 qui travaillaient et les 5 autres regardaient de loin si les murs étaient bien droits.  

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