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C'est Mon histoire... I need answers

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Bonjour; Sorry I want to write I English.


Here is my recent sad story:


I knew an Algerian girl since 2005 (Four years ago); and we use to talk a lot, she was a dream for me, she represented everything pure and nice in my life.


In 2006; I left Algiers and I went to work abroad; we kept in touch; I used to call her time to time; and our relationship was getting stronger and stronger… and it was really a very nice pure love.


I did not know about this girl any thing… only her name (the one used in the family by her grandmother). And I loved her and I was sure that she loved me too……..


She told me many time that people comes often to ask her for marriage from her family; I believed her but I did not take these things seriously because she told she is not willing to get married now.


And suddenly; I lost any contact with her since four months (I had just her phone number, no mail, no even name!!!!!!) ……


I kept calling for four month and her phone was always off….


I am going to Algeria after a week; and was planning to go ask her for marriage; I called two days ago; in the early morning because I was thinking of her all the night, and by chance; her mother answered: ‘how are you son? We are preparing ()’s Wedding’ this Thursday………………!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!’


I got checked; and her mother explained to me that her daughter waited for me and she is regretting me!!!!!!!!!!!! and that her father had put a pressure on her.


She is getting married the night when I will land in Algiers, and was planning to ask her for marriage.


I have just some questions: Why Algerian girls never fight for their love? Why Algerian girl can not say NO to her father for her life? Why she refuse to tell me that she is getting married so I will act immediately?


Why ….? Why….? Why…..?

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Bonjour; Sorry I want to write I English.


Here is my recent sad story:


I knew an Algerian girl since 2005 (Four years ago); and we use to talk a lot, she was a dream for me, she represented everything pure and nice in my life.


In 2006; I left Algiers and I went to work abroad; we kept in touch; I used to call her time to time; and our relationship was getting stronger and stronger… and it was really a very nice pure love.


I did not know about this girl any thing… only her name (the one used in the family by her grandmother). And I loved her and I was sure that she loved me too……..


She told me many time that people comes often to ask her for marriage from her family; I believed her but I did not take these things seriously because she told she is not willing to get married now.


And suddenly; I lost any contact with her since four months (I had just her phone number, no mail, no even name!!!!!!) ……


I kept calling for four month and her phone was always off….


I am going to Algeria after a week; and was planning to go ask her for marriage; I called two days ago; in the early morning because I was thinking of her all the night, and by chance; her mother answered: ‘how are you son? We are preparing ()’s Wedding’ this Thursday………………!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!’


I got checked; and her mother explained to me that her daughter waited for me and she is regretting me!!!!!!!!!!!! and that her father had put a pressure on her.


She is getting married the night when I will land in Algiers, and was planning to ask her for marriage.


I have just some questions: Why Algerian girls never fight for their love? Why Algerian girl can not say NO to her father for her life? Why she refuse to tell me that she is getting married so I will act immediately?


Why ….? Why….? Why…..?


It's 9waleb 7adda, that's why!

a bird in the hand is better than ten birds on the tree!:D

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bonjour mridh

desolee je ne saurai te repondre en anglais, mais j espere ke tu me comprendra


je ne suis pas d accord avec le fait tu dise

Why Algerian girls never fight for their love? Why Algerian girl can not say NO to her father for her life?


il ne faut pas generaliser mon cher, ce genre de choses arrive certes, mais c est tres tres rare, on ne marie plus les filles par contrainte de nos jours!


et encore si l histoire de cette Girl est vraie,


et comme tu le dis, si elle a ete vraiment forcee, pourquoi elle avait eteint son telephone et pourquoi ne t a pas informee de son mariage forcee?

et puis une absence de 4 mois, c pas si long ke ca! on ne prepare pas un mariage pendant une duree aussi courte


bref, je voulais te dire qu il ne faut pas croire tout ce k on te raconte, l algerie ce n est pas un pays arrieree, ou les parents forcent leurs filles a se marier ou meme les vendent!!!!


la plus part des filles de ce pays se marient par amour, ou du moins par consentement!


j espere pr toi ke tu depasse cette epreuve, je sais que ca doit etre tres tres dur, mais ne voyez pas l algerie, ou plutot les algeriens avec une mauvaise image:)


good luck:)

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Bonjour perle rare;


Je suis algerien aussi; et je crois pas au marriage force... l'idee c est pas qu'ils l'ont force a marrier quelqu un d autre.... mais ils ont mis de la pression... and believe me... it is still exist.

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Bonjour perle rare;


Je suis algerien aussi; et je crois pas au marriage force... l'idee c est pas qu'ils l'ont force a marrier quelqu un d autre.... mais ils ont mis de la pression... and believe me... it is still exist.


je sais tres bien ke ca existe toujours, mais c est vraiment tres tres rare!


et puis quant on parle de pression, ce n est pas dans une periode de 4 mois ke tout se fait quant meme


je suis desolee mon frere, mais je ne crois pas trop c ce genre d histoires, j ai vu tellement de cas dans ce domaine, que je suis sure que tout est possible!


et comme a dis royce,a mon avis, c 9aleb hadda!

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moi ce que je pense, c est que si elle t aime vraiment et k elle a ete vraiment forcee, elle n avai k a ne pas eteindre son tel, et t aurai appeler pr venir avant ke ce soit trop tard


oubien, elle aurai aumoins pris la peine de t informer k elle allai plutot se marier, pour t eviter de l aprendre de cette facon!

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Bonjour; Sorry I want to write I English.


Here is my recent sad story:


I knew an Algerian girl since 2005 (Four years ago); and we use to talk a lot, she was a dream for me, she represented everything pure and nice in my life.


In 2006; I left Algiers and I went to work abroad; we kept in touch; I used to call her time to time; and our relationship was getting stronger and stronger… and it was really a very nice pure love.


I did not know about this girl any thing… only her name (the one used in the family by her grandmother). And I loved her and I was sure that she loved me too……..


She told me many time that people comes often to ask her for marriage from her family; I believed her but I did not take these things seriously because she told she is not willing to get married now.


And suddenly; I lost any contact with her since four months (I had just her phone number, no mail, no even name!!!!!!) ……


I kept calling for four month and her phone was always off….


I am going to Algeria after a week; and was planning to go ask her for marriage; I called two days ago; in the early morning because I was thinking of her all the night, and by chance; her mother answered: ‘how are you son? We are preparing ()’s Wedding’ this Thursday………………!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!’


I got checked; and her mother explained to me that her daughter waited for me and she is regretting me!!!!!!!!!!!! and that her father had put a pressure on her.


She is getting married the night when I will land in Algiers, and was planning to ask her for marriage.


I have just some questions: Why Algerian girls never fight for their love? Why Algerian girl can not say NO to her father for her life? Why she refuse to tell me that she is getting married so I will act immediately?


Why ….? Why….? Why…..?

it is a very sad story :( i think that this woman is locked in tradition and she didn't want to disappoint her parents ! perhaps their parents forced her to marry with this man because they know him.

sorry for my bad english !! love stories are always difficult above all for people who believe in true love because when they think finding it and when they lose it, in their heart it seems like the end of love :rolleyes: it happened to me...

Bref c'est vrai que ca à l'air d'etre un mariage arrangé et forcé ton histoire et c'est dommage .

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c'est normal qu'elle ai eteint son portable ! je pense qu'elle devait souffrir de ton absence et que pour t'oublier elle a du eteindre son portable pour ne plus avoir de tes nouvelles. de plus vu son pere lui mettait la pression je pense qu'lle devait avoir peur de lui et si un autre mec (autre que son mari ) l'appelle c'est vraiment mal vu surtout si elle est chez elle !

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Guest cerise

Les parents ne sont plus comme avant , il n'obligent plus leurs filles à se marier avec le premier venu, n'importe quoi!


Elle n'avait peut être plus foi en toi, puisque tu ne lui a pas parlé de mariage et a dû trouver plus intéressant, je ne m'avance pas dans le jugement ce serait cruel, mais c'est aussi plausible que l'autre version.



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Les parents ne sont plus comme avant , il n'obligent plus leurs filles à se marier avec le premier venu, n'importe quoi!


Elle n'avait peut être plus foi en toi, puisque tu ne lui a pas parlé de mariage et a dû trouver plus intéressant, je ne m'avance pas dans le jugement ce serait cruel, mais c'est aussi plausible que l'autre version.



d'un c'est lui qui l'a dit , je cite

"and that her father had put a pressure on her"

de deux: je ne generalise pas, mai sil reste malheureusement quelqu'un cas rares , certes pas beaucoups mais ils restent envore des tarés en algerie qui obligent leurs filles à se marier! apres ca depend du milieu sociale de la situation geographique aussi peut etre

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Thanks a lot all for your replays;


The thing is that she got many people asking her for marriage and i told her that we will get married 'WHEN I AM READY', and she promissed me to wait for me,.... i will never forget this promess.


also; the guy she got married is taking her to a nice place (not in algeria).... and she knew also that i am taking to a place better.


Also her moher sent me a message after she told about the marriage saying that it is my mistake and ' ....Domage......'.... means that her mother could send the same emssage before so i can take action i the right time.


And what is killing me is that i did not know what happened; i dont have any answers for anything..... i am staying home with cigarettes and thinking of all the cinarios that could make her do that to me....


I will never forget her promess to wait for me.....

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Bonjour; Sorry I want to write I English.


Here is my recent sad story:


I knew an Algerian girl since 2005 (Four years ago); and we use to talk a lot, she was a dream for me, she represented everything pure and nice in my life.


In 2006; I left Algiers and I went to work abroad; we kept in touch; I used to call her time to time; and our relationship was getting stronger and stronger… and it was really a very nice pure love.


I did not know about this girl any thing… only her name (the one used in the family by her grandmother). And I loved her and I was sure that she loved me too……..


She told me many time that people comes often to ask her for marriage from her family; I believed her but I did not take these things seriously because she told she is not willing to get married now.


And suddenly; I lost any contact with her since four months (I had just her phone number, no mail, no even name!!!!!!) ……


I kept calling for four month and her phone was always off….


I am going to Algeria after a week; and was planning to go ask her for marriage; I called two days ago; in the early morning because I was thinking of her all the night, and by chance; her mother answered: ‘how are you son? We are preparing ()’s Wedding’ this Thursday………………!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!’


I got checked; and her mother explained to me that her daughter waited for me and she is regretting me!!!!!!!!!!!! and that her father had put a pressure on her.


She is getting married the night when I will land in Algiers, and was planning to ask her for marriage.


I have just some questions: Why Algerian girls never fight for their love? Why Algerian girl can not say NO to her father for her life? Why she refuse to tell me that she is getting married so I will act immediately?


Why ….? Why….? Why…..?


Moi je crois plutôt que tu ne connais pas toute l'histoire...ya quelque chose qui ne turne pas rond,si y a eu pression familiale ou non..le fait que vous soyez amoureux l'engageait à te dire toute la vérité,quand il le fallait!il ne faut pas trop culpabiliser koulchi bel mektoub....good luck!

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I dont know the full stroy, i have a thousand of question in my mind.


I posted it her trying to get more people to analyze it with me .... and some women to tell me how women think in a such situation???

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Guest cerise
And what is killing me is that i did not know what happened; i dont have any answers for anything..... i am staying home with cigarettes and thinking of all the cinarios that could make her do that to me....


I will never forget her promess to wait for me.....


Roméo, il y a un réel soucis!! pourquoi continuer à te poser des questions tu sais pertinemment que certaines ne tiennent pas leurs promesses.


A mon humble avis, elle t'a peut être trop attendu et on a dû lui conseiller de se marier avant de rester vielle fille.


Finalement, faut pas lui en vouloir, la société est cruelle envers les filles célibataires et beaucoup d'histoires montrent que les fiancés qui vont à l'étranger ne reviennent jamais, elle a surement eu peur que tu ne sois qu'un rêve.


Dis toi bien que tu as vécu un bel amour, et que c'est tellement rare de donner autant, mais les circonstances n'ont pas permis d'aller plus loin.

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Guest Sally
I dont know the full stroy, i have a thousand of question in my mind.


I posted it her trying to get more people to analyze it with me .... and some women to tell me how women think in a such situation???


Each woman is different than the other. Forget her.

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Bonjour; Sorry I want to write I English.


Here is my recent sad story:


I knew an Algerian girl since 2005 (Four years ago); and we use to talk a lot, she was a dream for me, she represented everything pure and nice in my life.


In 2006; I left Algiers and I went to work abroad; we kept in touch; I used to call her time to time; and our relationship was getting stronger and stronger… and it was really a very nice pure love.


I did not know about this girl any thing… only her name (the one used in the family by her grandmother). And I loved her and I was sure that she loved me too……..


She told me many time that people comes often to ask her for marriage from her family; I believed her but I did not take these things seriously because she told she is not willing to get married now.


And suddenly; I lost any contact with her since four months (I had just her phone number, no mail, no even name!!!!!!) ……


I kept calling for four month and her phone was always off….


I am going to Algeria after a week; and was planning to go ask her for marriage; I called two days ago; in the early morning because I was thinking of her all the night, and by chance; her mother answered: ‘how are you son? We are preparing ()’s Wedding’ this Thursday………………!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!’


I got checked; and her mother explained to me that her daughter waited for me and she is regretting me!!!!!!!!!!!! and that her father had put a pressure on her.


She is getting married the night when I will land in Algiers, and was planning to ask her for marriage.


I have just some questions: Why Algerian girls never fight for their love? Why Algerian girl can not say NO to her father for her life? Why she refuse to tell me that she is getting married so I will act immediately?


Why ….? Why….? Why…..?



I am sincerely sorry for you but it is your fault by the fact that it was necessary to ask for her hand as soon as you smelt that you falling love with her, why having waited for such a long time, she said to you that she had pretenders who came’s to ask for her hand from her father but you don’t made step to an engagement and there you come to tell us that you are surprised and checked.

When we fall in love with a girl we betroth it at least so that she(it) does not have to say not in front of her parent every time a pretender knocks in his door (it is not all the girls who can say that they have a boyfriend to their family with 2009.


tarrrrrrrrrrr l'ahmmmmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaammmmmmm ya wlidi kan lazem takhtab ezwadj machi la3ba désolé pour toi mais tu devrais l'oublier et bonne chance pour l'avenir:confused:

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