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Une jeune fille prostitue sa demi-soeur de 7 ans

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C'est une histoire stupéfiante survenue récemment dans un quartier populaire dans le New Jersey aux Etats-Unis : une jeune fille de 15 ans a accompagné sa petite demi-soeur (7 ans) dans un appartement où était organisé une fête entre voyous, et a eu des rapports sexuels payants avec plusieurs hommes avant de prostituer sa demi-soeur. Plusieurs adolescents et hommes ont alors violé la petite fille et l'ont menacé de la tuer si elle criait ou disait quoique ce soit aux gens.


La police a arrêté la fille de 15 ans et tente d'identifier les violeurs.


7-year-old N.J. girl pimped out at party by stepsister and gang-raped: cops

A 7-year-old Trenton girl was sold like a prostitute to a pack of perverts and gang raped by up to seven men and boys.


And the person who pimped out the grade-schooler was her 15-year-old stepsister, cops said.


"Let the boys do what they want to do," the teen told the younger girl as the leering lechers looked on - then stepped back and watched the men molest her.


"You don't even know what to say," Trenton Police Capt. Joseph Juniak said. "It's incomprehensible."


Residents of the Rowan Towers - a high-rise project near the New Jersey statehouse - were also aghast.


"Those people are monsters," said Gail Hall, 49, who added that she never lets her 11-year-old granddaughter roam the building alone.


A 21-year-old mom who goes by the nickname 'Sticks' said there would be blood if any man touched her 4- and 1-year-old daughters. "I would have not even called the police," she said.


Last night, Trenton cops were patrolling the grim hallways.


The 13th-floor apartment where the girl was violated appeared empty.


The horror show happened Sunday when the teen took the 7-year-old along to a party and left her unattended in the living room while she had sex for money with several men in a bedroom.


When she was done, the teen gave her stepsister a wad of cash and told her to let the men "touch her," said Juniak.


"It went from touching to straight out assault and rape," he said. "They threatened to kill her if she screamed or told anyone."


Meanwhile, the girls' parents had called police, fearing the troubled teenager had run off with the child.


Cops were questioning the parents when the little girl was brought home in tears by two kindly women who found her on the street.


The 15-year-old was charged with aggravated sexual assault, promoting prostitution and other crimes. She was in a juvenile lockup and prosecutors plan to try her as an adult.


More than a dozen people were at the party and cops were trying to identify the culprits.


Source : New York Daily News

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C'est une histoire stupéfiante survenue récemment dans un quartier populaire dans le New Jersey aux Etats-Unis : une jeune fille de 15 ans a accompagné sa petite demi-soeur (7 ans) dans un appartement où était organisé une fête entre voyous, et a eu des rapports sexuels payants avec plusieurs hommes avant de prostituer sa demi-soeur. Plusieurs adolescents et hommes ont alors violé la petite fille et l'ont menacé de la tuer si elle criait ou disait quoique ce soit aux gens.


La police a arrêté la fille de 15 ans et tente d'identifier les violeurs.


7-year-old N.J. girl pimped out at party by stepsister and gang-raped: cops

A 7-year-old Trenton girl was sold like a prostitute to a pack of perverts and gang raped by up to seven men and boys.


And the person who pimped out the grade-schooler was her 15-year-old stepsister, cops said.


"Let the boys do what they want to do," the teen told the younger girl as the leering lechers looked on - then stepped back and watched the men molest her.


"You don't even know what to say," Trenton Police Capt. Joseph Juniak said. "It's incomprehensible."


Residents of the Rowan Towers - a high-rise project near the New Jersey statehouse - were also aghast.


"Those people are monsters," said Gail Hall, 49, who added that she never lets her 11-year-old granddaughter roam the building alone.


A 21-year-old mom who goes by the nickname 'Sticks' said there would be blood if any man touched her 4- and 1-year-old daughters. "I would have not even called the police," she said.


Last night, Trenton cops were patrolling the grim hallways.


The 13th-floor apartment where the girl was violated appeared empty.


The horror show happened Sunday when the teen took the 7-year-old along to a party and left her unattended in the living room while she had sex for money with several men in a bedroom.


When she was done, the teen gave her stepsister a wad of cash and told her to let the men "touch her," said Juniak.


"It went from touching to straight out assault and rape," he said. "They threatened to kill her if she screamed or told anyone."


Meanwhile, the girls' parents had called police, fearing the troubled teenager had run off with the child.


Cops were questioning the parents when the little girl was brought home in tears by two kindly women who found her on the street.


The 15-year-old was charged with aggravated sexual assault, promoting prostitution and other crimes. She was in a juvenile lockup and prosecutors plan to try her as an adult.


More than a dozen people were at the party and cops were trying to identify the culprits.


Source : New York Daily News


il y a quelque années , il y a eu même des parents qui emmener leurs petits enfants a des soirée et les offres a leurs amis pervers, et c'est arriver en france.:(

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Des faits aussi immondes arrivent partout dans le monde hélas, et je crains que ça ne soit pas nouveau ! Je ne pense pas que que ces maux soient spécifiques aux temps modernes, je pense qu'ils ont toujours existé, mais les médias actuellement les font connaitre à la planète entière ce qui donne cette impression de nouveau. C'est malheureusment la bétise humaine exposée sous les feux des projecteurs:(


Albert Einstein a dit "Il n'y a que deux choses infinies: la bêtise humaine et l'univers..."

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il y a quelque années , il y a eu même des parents qui emmener leurs petits enfants a des soirée et les offres a leurs amis pervers, et c'est arriver en france.:(


Oui, si tu parles de l'affaire d' Outréau, mais c'était complètement faux. Je suis d'assez près l'actualité, et je n'en ai pas entendu parler d'autres.

Dans ce genre d'affaires, il faut faire attention. Sur le plan vérité c'est 50, 50.


Une fille avait accusé son voisin de l'avoir violée; 26 ans après elle a dit que c'était faux.


Les affaires de sexe font souvent péter les plombs à des gens psychologiquement fragiles.

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ce n est plus le reve americain ,ç est le cauchemar americain:(

Je m'excuse mais cette malediction ne tombe pas uniquement sur l'Amerique,la France ou le Maroc...ca s'est passee chez nous aussi.

En 2005,je suis rentre au pays pour voir la famille et retrouver mes anciens amis;un jour avec ces derniers on s'est fixes rancard dans un endroit ou il y avait une piscine.Fidele a mes rendez-vous,j'etais avant l'heure fixee donc j'avais choisis un bel endroit pres de la piscine jusqu'au moment ou une fillette de 10/11 ans vient m'aborder en me demandant une cloque soit disant pour sa mere,une fois coincee elle me devoile que sa maman n'etait pas presente et que la cigarette etait pour elle et tout le tralala,apres avoir enregiste toute la conversation avec mon mobile,je suis alle voir le manager du lieu meme et puis ensuite ca a tourne au vinaigre avec ce dernier et la suite est longue...

Donc,voila you should practice what you preach.

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Des faits aussi immondes arrivent partout dans le monde hélas, et je crains que ça ne soit pas nouveau ! Je ne pense pas que que ces maux soient spécifiques aux temps modernes, je pense qu'ils ont toujours existé, mais les médias actuellement les font connaitre à la planète entière ce qui donne cette impression de nouveau. C'est malheureusment la bétise humaine exposée sous les feux des projecteurs:(


Albert Einstein a dit "Il n'y a que deux choses infinies: la bêtise humaine et l'univers..."

Bien dit,je dirai meme tres bien.

Einstein a aussi dit "the sleep of reason begets monsters"

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  • 3 weeks later...
Merci :)




Je connaissais pas...


On apprend chaque jour, n'est-ce pas? :04:

De rien mademoiselle,par ailleurs je m'excuse ce n'etait pas Einstein,mais plutot Goethe;trop de pourritures dans mon cerveau.:(

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  • 6 months later...

C'est une histoire stupéfiante survenue récemment dans un quartier populaire dans le New Jersey aux Etats-Unis : une jeune fille de 15 ans a accompagné sa petite demi-soeur (7 ans) dans un appartement où était organisé une fête entre voyous, et a eu des rapports sexuels payants avec plusieurs hommes avant de prostituer sa demi-soeur. Plusieurs adolescents et hommes ont alors violé la petite fille et l'ont menacé de la tuer si elle criait ou disait quoique ce soit aux gens.


La police a arrêté la fille de 15 ans et tente d'identifier les violeurs.


7-year-old N.J. girl pimped out at party by stepsister and gang-raped: cops

A 7-year-old Trenton girl was sold like a prostitute to a pack of perverts and gang raped by up to seven men and boys.


And the person who pimped out the grade-schooler was her 15-year-old stepsister, cops said.


"Let the boys do what they want to do," the teen told the younger girl as the leering lechers looked on - then stepped back and watched the men molest her.


"You don't even know what to say," Trenton Police Capt. Joseph Juniak said. "It's incomprehensible."


Residents of the Rowan Towers - a high-rise project near the New Jersey statehouse - were also aghast.


"Those people are monsters," said Gail Hall, 49, who added that she never lets her 11-year-old granddaughter roam the building alone.


A 21-year-old mom who goes by the nickname 'Sticks' said there would be blood if any man touched her 4- and 1-year-old daughters. "I would have not even called the police," she said.


Last night, Trenton cops were patrolling the grim hallways.


The 13th-floor apartment where the girl was violated appeared empty.


The horror show happened Sunday when the teen took the 7-year-old along to a party and left her unattended in the living room while she had sex for money with several men in a bedroom.


When she was done, the teen gave her stepsister a wad of cash and told her to let the men "touch her," said Juniak.


"It went from touching to straight out assault and rape," he said. "They threatened to kill her if she screamed or told anyone."


Meanwhile, the girls' parents had called police, fearing the troubled teenager had run off with the child.


Cops were questioning the parents when the little girl was brought home in tears by two kindly women who found her on the street.


The 15-year-old was charged with aggravated sexual assault, promoting prostitution and other crimes. She was in a juvenile lockup and prosecutors plan to try her as an adult.


More than a dozen people were at the party and cops were trying to identify the culprits.


Source : New York Daily News

أعوذ بالله من الكبائر خفي منه و جهر

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