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Friday 18 Jun 2010

FIFA World Cup

12:30 Germany : Serbia


Astra 1L 19.2°E 10964 H Aanalog. - FTA


Hot Bird 13° East 12149 V 27500

Eutelsat Sesat 36°E 12521 H 4340

Biss key : A3 31 30 04 61 67 82 4A

-Pershy Natsionalny

Sirius 4.8E. 12130-V-27500,3/4

Biss Key: 10 06 10 26 11 07 11 29

-1TV Georgian

Türksat 3A @ 42°East 12601 V 2960

Biss Key:00 20 05 00 00 19 56 00


Intelsat 902(62°E) 11555 V 27500

Biss Key: 11 11 11 77 11 11 11 77


Türksat 2A @ 42°E 11094 H 24444

Biss Key: 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00


Astra 28.2°E -10847V22000 -FTA


Astra 1KR 19.2°E 11362 H 22000 -FTA


Astra 28.2°E-10818V-10847V-10788V-10803H-10773H -22000 -FTA


Intelsat 10-02 1°W 12687 H 27500 -DIGI TV

Nagra2 Key 01:73 9B 85 A6 E9 DB BF 55 E9 DF CA 43 50 92 F8 CA

-STV 1

Intelsat 10-02 1°W 12687 V 27500 -DIGI TV

Nagra2 Key 01:73 9B 85 A6 E9 DB BF 55 E9 DF CA 43 50 92 F8 CA

-STV 3

Intelsat 10-02 1°W 12687 V 27500 -DIGI TV

Nagra2 Key 01:73 9B 85 A6 E9 DB BF 55 E9 DF CA 43 50 92 F8 CA


Intelsat 10-02 1°W 12687 V 27500 -DIGI TV

Nagra2 Key 01:73 9B 85 A6 E9 DB BF 55 E9 DF CA 43 50 92 F8 CA


Intelsat 10-02 1°W 12607 V 27500 -DIGI TV

Nagra2 Key 01:73 9B 85 A6 E9 DB BF 55 E9 DF CA 43 50 92 F8 CA


Hellas Sat 2 @ 39° East 12524 H 30000 7/8 -BULSAT (39°E)

IRDETO2 KEY06: 00 5B 53 0E 49 DB 50 57 CA DA D8 BC BB E7 9D B1

-France 3

Atlantic Bird3 5°W 11591 V 20000

Viaccess key08 :69 74 09 FA 34 F2 BD 7B 23 B4 89 26 63 7F 38 0E

Atlantic Bird3 5°W 12732 V Analog. - FTA



15:00 Slovenia : United States


NILE SAT 7°W 12284 V 27500 -FTA

NILE SAT 7°W 11843 H 27500 -FTA

Atlantic Bird 4A 7.2°W 11220 H 27500 - FTA

Arabsat 2B 30.5°E 12567 V 4330 -FTA


Astra 1H 19.2°E 11954 H 27500 -FTA


Hot Bird 13° East 12149 V 27500

Eutelsat Sesat 36°E 12521 H 4340

Biss key : A3 31 30 04 61 67 82 4A

-Pershy Natsionalny

Sirius 4.8E. 12130-V-27500,3/4

Biss Key: 10 06 10 26 11 07 11 29

-1TV Georgian

Türksat 3A @ 42°East 12601 V 2960

Biss Key:00 20 05 00 00 19 56 00

-[ Rossiya 2 ( Sport) ]

Express AM1(40.0E) 11676 H 11936

Biss key:25 09 20 4E 08 17 03 22


Intelsat 902(62°E) 11555 V 27500

Biss Key: 11 11 11 77 11 11 11 77


Türksat 2A @ 42°E 11094 H 24444

Biss Key: 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00


Astra 28.2°E -10847V22000 -FTA


Astra 1KR 19.2°E 11362 H 22000 -FTA


Astra 28.2°E-10818V-10847V-10788V-10803H-10773H -22000 -FTA

-STV 3

Intelsat 10-02 1°W 12687 V 27500 -DIGI TV

Nagra2 Key 01:73 9B 85 A6 E9 DB BF 55 E9 DF CA 43 50 92 F8 CA


Intelsat 10-02 1°W 12687 V 27500 -DIGI TV

Nagra2 Key 01:73 9B 85 A6 E9 DB BF 55 E9 DF CA 43 50 92 F8 CA


Intelsat 10-02 1°W 12607 V 27500 -DIGI TV

Nagra2 Key 01:73 9B 85 A6 E9 DB BF 55 E9 DF CA 43 50 92 F8 CA


Hellas Sat 2 @ 39° East 12524 H 30000 7/8 -BULSAT (39°E)

IRDETO2 KEY06: 00 5B 53 0E 49 DB 50 57 CA DA D8 BC BB E7 9D B1

-France 2

Atlantic Bird3 5°W 11591 V 20000

Viaccess key08 :69 74 09 FA 34 F2 BD 7B 23 B4 89 26 63 7F 38 0E

Atlantic Bird3 5°W 12564 V Analog. - FTA



19:30 England : Algeria

-Canal Algérie Terrestre ( Programme nat)

Atlantic Bird 3 (5°W) 11065 H 18080 2/3

Biss Key: 11 00 11 22 00 11 00 11

-Canal Algérie Terrestre ( Programme nat)

NSS7 @ 22°W 12736 H 18085 3/4

Biss Key: 11 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

-RAI uno

Hotbird 13°E 10992 V 27500

Seca KEY0C:E4 5C 3D 58 F9 76 FE A6

-RTL Germany

AStra 19.2°E 12188 H 27500 -FTA

AStra 19.2°E 11229 V Analog - FTA


Hot Bird 13° East 12149 V 27500

Eutelsat Sesat 36°E 12521 H 4340

Biss key : A3 31 30 04 61 67 82 4A

-Pershy Natsionalny

Sirius 4.8E. 12130-V-27500,3/4

Biss Key: 10 06 10 26 11 07 11 29

-1TV Georgian

Türksat 3A @ 42°East 12601 V 2960

Biss Key:00 20 05 00 00 19 56 00


Intelsat 902(62°E) 11555 V 27500

Biss Key: 11 11 11 77 11 11 11 77


Türksat 2A @ 42°E 11094 H 24444

Biss Key: 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

-Scotish Tv

Astra 28.2°E -10906 V 22000 -FTA

-Ulster TV

Astra 28.2°E -10906 V 22000 -FTA


Astra 28.2°E -10832 H 22000 -FTA

EuroBird 28.5°E -11426 H 27500 -FTA


Atlantic Bird 3 5°W 12690 V Analog -FTA

-ITV 1

Astra 28.2°E -10891 H -10906 V -10758 V -10832 H 22000 -FTA


Intelsat 10-02 1°W 12687 H 27500 -DIGI TV

Nagra2 Key 01:73 9B 85 A6 E9 DB BF 55 E9 DF CA 43 50 92 F8 CA

-STV 3

Intelsat 10-02 1°W 12687 V 27500 -DIGI TV

Nagra2 Key 01:73 9B 85 A6 E9 DB BF 55 E9 DF CA 43 50 92 F8 CA


Intelsat 10-02 1°W 12687 V 27500 -DIGI TV

Nagra2 Key 01:73 9B 85 A6 E9 DB BF 55 E9 DF CA 43 50 92 F8 CA


Intelsat 10-02 1°W 12607 V 27500 -DIGI TV

Nagra2 Key 01:73 9B 85 A6 E9 DB BF 55 E9 DF CA 43 50 92 F8 CA


Hellas Sat 2 @ 39° East 12524 H 30000 7/8 -BULSAT (39°E)

IRDETO2 KEY06: 00 5B 53 0E 49 DB 50 57 CA DA D8 BC BB E7 9D B1

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