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i found it interestin' because it's treating current news.

good idea



And at least people will start to hear somthing else than if the chocolate is prohibited or if sitting on chair for a woman is prohibited....i find it really ver instructive

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good morning every body thank you for this new topic i's very interesting

but i think the most difficul thing in english is to speak and listen

so you have to think in english not to translate from an other language in you mind

this is my opigon as an algerian who speak only french & arabic since his chilhood


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good morning every body thank you for this new topic i's very interesting

but i think the most difficul thing in english is to speak and listen

so you have to think in english not to translate from an other language in you mind

this is my opigon as an algerian who speak only french & arabic since his chilhood


You are welcome.............and you are right, we have to think in English to not loose much time in translating it to another language.............good tip, thanks...;)

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You are welcome.............and you are right, we have to think in English to not loose much time in translating it to another language.............good tip, thanks...;)


It isn't as easy as we can think, it takes time before we reach such a level.

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