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my english is n't so good.............


Man !!!! it does not matter if or not good, the most important is to start, when you start you carry on till getting better one.


Well who´s gonna tell us about his travel?

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Hi there, how are you doing? Saha ftourkom, let's start this evening talking about the importance to learn a foreign language...(Or another subject semms to you interesting to talk about)....

P.S: Please correct when my english is wrong.Thanks


My English 's running out of Me :angel_sadangel:

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Man !!!! it does not matter if or not good, the most important is to start, when you start you carry on till getting better one.


Well who´s gonna tell us about his travel?


i went to the terga beach between ain temouchent.......

and i went to tunisia in sousse exactly......:)

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i went to the terga beach between ain temouchent.......

and i went to tunisia in sousse exactly......:)


Is not that the region where a nwe power plant is built? I think for producing electrical power, no?

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he surely doesn't pay attention to it ,he went for the beach:cool:



Well that´s so sad that most of Algerians are visiting and passing their hollidays en tunisia or whereever.....By the other hand I undertsand that it too much expensive, not interresting as touristic Installation...

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I passed my holidays here in Algeria, there's a very beautiful places to visit, superb view of the beach and forest at the same time, I love it.........


Where was that? how long? this where a hotel? or you were on camping?

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I don´t think that has the meaning of "Juste de passage", ou go your own way is more a form of saying "Follow your own choices"
I Think you are right,Ladoz think he knows all the answers.

the''wooden language"that makes Belkhadem so proud has no place in this topic.in others words, it's not like texas holdem, you can't bluff , either you know or you don't but there is no shame in admitting your ignorance, after all,we are all here to learn from each other. i am saying all this because of your answers and attitude under others topics.Be modest ladoz,it's just a small advice from some one who don't share your political point of vues but is always respectful for others it's called democracy.Did you heard about it in the banana republic of algeria?My goal beside teaching ladoz a small lesson(he never miss an opportunity to do the same for me)so don't think i am mean but just kidding and teasing ladoz. Have a nice day every one.Take care.

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I Think you are right,Ladoz think he knows all the answers.

the''wooden language"that makes Belkhadem so proud has no place in this topic.in others words, it's not like texas holdem, you can't bluff , either you know or you don't but there is no shame in admitting your ignorance, after all,we are all here to learn from each other. i am saying all this because of your answers and attitude under others topics.Be modest ladoz,it's just a small advice from some one who don't share your political point of vues but is always respectful for others it's called democracy.Did you heard about it in the banana republic of algeria?My goal beside teaching ladoz a small lesson(he never miss an opportunity to do the same for me)so don't think i am mean but just kidding and teasing ladoz. Have a nice day every one.Take care.


Mister AbouBiri could learn the illustrious Mr Ladoz how to speak ............Kabyle (or Kabylian :mdr:) , but surely not how to spak English.

:mdr: :mdr:

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