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Guest chebmourad
Comme vous avez remarqué dans le titre, essayons de maintenir la discussion ici rien qu'en anglais................ça vous dit?...........................le premier qui commente commence en anglais et les autres répondent en anglais bien sur.......

Go ahead, thank u

P.s: I'm not very good in english, but I'm trying.........


Goodmorning my name si mahmoud

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No no i would to to speak to you in intimity, want you?


Then man....use the MP :confused:


your intimity should not be exposed here ;) anyway this is correct only if the concerned girls says YES WE CAN :crazy:

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I don't have an MP yet (private mail at the forum)..........;)


Well you have more than 20 Messages and you are registred since Aout no? so more than 20 days....I think it should be working

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In fact, I don't know how to check my MP, help.........


Shit, that sucks :rolleyes:


Well as i see that you are connected then check on the top-right of the page of FA you should see somthing like "Bienvenue Moonlight", ans just below you will see private messages (Received, Total)


If not then you should talk to one of ours crazy gang of Admin :47:

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Well man you know It smells good to lose somtime the northern star and feel .....in no land....


firstly,i'm not a man :mad: khou,i'm a pretty sweet girl :mdr:

secondly,i didn't get what you are saying...i understood word by word but when i link them ....nothing :mad:

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firstly,i'm not a man :mad: khou,i'm a pretty sweet girl :mdr:

secondly,i didn't get what you are saying...i understood word by word but when i link them ....nothing :mad:


Ohhhhh bad bad Nimos :crazy:, Sorry it is because of the night I passed away from sleeping :)


Ok I try to explain:


I meant that it´s somtimes good to leave the Program, and plan and just take the second as it comes...

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