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I´m jalouse of ....:crazy:


well I studied in the same fools producing factory: The Algerian School, Never had a particular Classes, Only the School, yeah....Incredible but even the Algerian School is able of that, we have more than we might think


School is not the only mean to learn, there are many ways to do it...........

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School is not the only mean to learn, there are many ways to do it...........



Of course it is not the unique way....but as we mainly pass the major part of our student lives in school then better optimizing this time, otherwise it will be gone with the wind...

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Guest chebmourad
You know if taking time to know you future wife is a waste of time Then I would advise you to hang out look for you mum and asking her to get you one as "you suppose" you want, Man remember "All we thing we want is not exactely what we want"


And I gave you another advice (For free :)) Never fix dead line for things like that, you point one year to find her, and you live 4 years to know that you have made the wrong choice....in choosing so quickly...


Take the road wherever it takes you, and if ....in this Wherever, there is a mariage then ...there you are


mamamiaaaaaa....tu maîtrises mon frère!!!! MAY BE you were born in england...or your mom is from ireland or england or usa obama? lol


ok so i should do absolutely nothing with her??

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mamamiaaaaaa....tu maîtrises mon frère!!!! MAY BE you were born in england...or your mom is from ireland or england or usa obama? lol


ok so i should do absolutely nothing with her??


I´am Algerian, Born there My parents are Algerians is were my grand fathers....


You know It is prohibited to talk in other language than english in this topic the objective is try to ....manage and ask or tell everything in english, so that if someone is wrong.....like me, than others can correct the mistaken words or sens


Man, Why are you asking me about what concerns her? Even is she is oo young for me she stills old enough to answer you ;)

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I know, I made mistakes, I am what I am, I'm only a man...


No one wants you to be something else :p


Never mind man, we all are here just to learn and for sure I have made mistakes and I would have appreciated if anyone had corrected that mistakes


"Do not try to find a way to not fall, Only find the way to know how to rise each time you fall"

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Guest chebmourad
No one wants you to be something else :p


Never mind man, we all are here just to learn and for sure I have made mistakes and I would have appreciated if anyone had corrected that mistakes


"Do not try to find a way to not fall, Only find the way to know how to rise each time you fall"


you're wright, know his mistakes is the better way to progress

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Comme vous avez remarqué dans le titre, essayons de maintenir la discussion ici rien qu'en anglais................ça vous dit?...........................le premier qui commente commence en anglais et les autres répondent en anglais bien sur.......

Go ahead, thank u

P.s: I'm not very good in english, but I'm trying.........


Voila la phase qui me plait beaucoup en anglais et l´homme qui a dit cela pour moi il a milles fois raisons


" don´t trow your pearls to the piggs "

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