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Guest Ziha-Dz
I got another question , but it's kinda weird :


Would you eat an insect ( Grellou for example ) for 500 DA ? If not, how much money would it take? :D


Dead or alive insect ? :shifty: raw or cooked insect ? :shifty: Big or small one ? :shifty:

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je participe en mémoire de Moonlight


oh moonlight you manque us

we are missing you

and the forum is strange

no one can tell why

If you'r reading those words

doon't forget that here

there are people who appreciate you

moor than you thought


roo, je me débrouille bien je trouve.

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Guest Mohamed Jacob
je participe en mémoire de Moonlight


oh moonlight you manque us

we are missing you

and the forum is strange

no one can tell why

If you'r reading those words

doon't forget that here

there are people who appreciate you

moor than you thought


roo, je me débrouille bien je trouve.


nice words , she'll like them :)

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je participe en mémoire de Moonlight


oh moonlight you manque us

we are missing you

and the forum is strange

no one can tell why

If you'r reading those words

doon't forget that here

there are people who appreciate you

moor than you thought


roo, je me débrouille bien je trouve.


That's quite a masterpiece Risk :)

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