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Oh my dear, do me a small place :D


how can we translate "wach had lmozaham" :mad: to English

this is Arabe People...ya3arfou rir yzahmou :dots:


welcome my dear,but don't take a lot of place :D

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I know, but I'm talking about people who celebrate it and venerate it....For me, it's just a change in writing 2010 becomes 2011...funny


let's them have fun ...wach hsadtihoum :dots:

in my view,it is not just a change in number...that's time we loose specaily when we didn't achieve anything in our life...and that's so sad :(

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why my dear?


we are wasting time even if we didn't do much last year,that's a year we lived


yes you are right :yes: but you know i say to myself i didn't do yet anything :confused:

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Explique moi le mot quote stp :D


i mean by quote ,what you wrote

you see when you answer,there is

we say quote aussi fro instance for a proforma,the price of the articles that a supplier send you :)

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That's what I said before, whatever your English level, go ahead and write in English, we will correct each other here...


yes :)

hmm let's talk about other things :p but don't ask me about what :04:

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