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Hey everybody,


I am definitely a dunkey in computer science, what a shame being a software ingeneer lol. I wanna thank you for your help, I got the problem and fix it. You're all right and it was about the administrator who took time to add a new topic, and also, I didn't see the link to post my new discuss. It's ok now, I can see my new discuss, and my several answers on other discussions, so thank admino, and I wanna than all who helped me (Ilia, ytreza, Fée and moonlight2010).


I also fixed my immigration problem, and I added a post on my discussion to help whom are in need (if any).


Ummm what else... thanks also Miss moonlight for the topic, I am impressed by your anglish, and amazing how algerians are good in english, keep on practising hopely practise makes you perfect, indeed it will since you're all good at the basis and you're motivated to learn.


Well, Have a nice day, nice holiday too maybe, and see you :-).


NB: Only a note I wanna make a remark, I guess this website is known by many people and that's why for only one discussion there're many answers, however, when someone who did already post or answer to a question, look for it again, he's kinda lost in looking for answers posted immediately after his one (this was my case). Even this person makes a research, his reseach does not direct him to his own answer but to the first page, and he has to look in every page to find his answer. I donno if you got my problem, if I did explain well or not... To conclude, I wanna suggest -if I can call it thus- an "improvement" to the research function, which can direct the user to the exact page he's looking for (when he's surching a page by an author). I wish I was clear, even I am often ambigus in my explanations, what a shame too on being a teacher lol.


Well, have a nice day everybody, and good luck :-).

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- Hi!


- Please, how can I translate the word \"épanouissement\", I think of blossoming, but is it correct when it is related to the field of work? such in \"l\'épanouissement au travail\"


Salut la louve ... pour dire (je m\'épanouis au travail) je dirai :

I find my jog very fulfilling

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Guest blood-n-sugar
- Hi, it's me again :ermm:


- How can I translate, "m'en richir", don't tell me "get rich", please find other definitions. :(


Tu peux donner le contexte pour que ça aide? :04:

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Guest blood-n-sugar
- une ambiance de travaille enrichissante, dans ce genre là! :confused:


Tu sais que le plus simplement du monde, to enrich, ça existe en anglais :D

"I find my workplace very enriching: I learn so much" C'est correct et très utilisé.

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Guest blood-n-sugar
- Ou "de se développer et s'enrichir par le travail"


I gained a lot of experience through my work

My workplace has brought me a lot in terms of personal growth (and development)

I have been enriched by my work experience

My job has brought me growth and experience


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I gained a lot of experience through my work

My workplace has brought me a lot in terms of personal growth (and development)

I have been enriched by my work experience

My job has brought me growth and experience



Lol, Very interesting and very rewarding !


What else ? Nespresso !

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Guest blood-n-sugar
ok ,good answer ,sorry for my "curiosité" ,because when I have seen you eye I said this is not an algerian eye :rolleyes:



It's true, it's true, it is not an algerian eye... I am not algerian. :D

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