Bomontim 10 Posted December 19, 2010 Partager Posted December 19, 2010 17 millions de turcs à l'est de la turquie? Allons bon, d'où sortent tous ces millions de turcs sachant que l'est est une région kurde ?? je n'invente rien je ne les ai pas compté, les chiffres je les ai repris ici d'ailleurs j'avais dis qu'il restait 2 familles, mais je m'étais trompé il n'en reste que 1 Un témoignage humain et non inventé A l’Est de la Turquie : Les derniers Arméniens de Diyarbakir. “Dara : Je me sens si seule…” - Sur les routes d’Asie Centrale - Blog Payzar et Sarkis, mari et femme de plus de quatre-vingts ans, sont les deux derniers Arméniens originaires de Diyarbakir, rescapés des massacres et restés dans la ville jusqu’à nos jours. Ils habitent aujourd’hui dans l’enceinte d’une église, à l’abri de l’agitation de la ville.....Après divers massacres, d’abord en 1895 puis en 1915, la plupart des Arméniens survivants ont fui leur terre natale. D’autres, restés sur place, se sont convertis à l’islam et assimilés à la population locale par des mariages mixtes. .....Dans la région de Diyarbakir, qui comptait 150 000 Arméniens en 1878, il ne reste plus aujourd’hui qu’une seule famille originaire de la région. Ajouter à cela deux autres familles venues des villes alentour et établies plus récemment dans la grande ville. A ce moment là évitez de choisir des historiens négationnistes sinon ca sert strictement à rien, puisque la conclusion on la connaît d'avance Ma grand-mère n'est pas arménienne, 100% kurde issue de famille de cheikh. Ces même cheikh poursuivis par Ataturk le soit-disant musulman, qui a fait tuer beaucoup de chef religieux. A Diyarbakir, les arméniens ont toujours été nos voisins historiques. Ma famille était propriétaire de plusieurs terrains, c'est dans les endroits comme ca qu'ils mettaient les cadavres Si des historiens Neutres iraient fouiller là ba, il ferait d'énormes prises.. Tous les génocidaires, de quels pays ils viennent, doivent êtres jugés, et ce pas par des historiens négationnistes qui se permettent de réecrire l'histoire sous la menace de différents lobbies. Il faut lire ce qu'on écrit C'est bien 17 millions de musulmans qu'il s'agit Puisqu'à l'époque on parle des musulmans et des chrétiens C'est bien 6 millions de musulmans qui sont mort dans la région en 6 ans Alors? Genocide ou non? Des témoignages isolés on en trouve de partout Il y a des milliers de témoignages de musulmans sur les atrocités et meurtre commis par l'armée française, l'armée russe et bien sur par des arméniens qui rêvaient de la grande Arménie et il fallait absolument nettoyer ethniquement (pas de turcs ni de musulmans dans la nouvelle Grande Arménie) Les historiens ne sont pas négationnistes, ils sont historiens point! Dire (A ce moment là évitez de choisir des historiens négationnistes sinon ca sert strictement à rien, puisque la conclusion on la connaît d'avance) c'est dire vraiment n'importe quoi, on réuni des historiens qui pensent différemment, pour beaucoup d'historiens la thèse du "génocide" n'est absolument pas prouvé, d'ailleurs l'avocat du fameux Movses Nisanian, adjoint au maire de Villeurbanne qui avait traité Maxime Gauin, étudiant en histoire, de négationniste et s'en mord les doigts, avait déclaré au procès qu'il n'y avait ABSOLUMENT PAS DE PREUVE DIRECTE DU GENOCIDE, Pour un génocide qu'on ne peut pas prouver dans un procès, l'historien dit "les événements de 1915 ne peuvent être considérer comme un génocide" ou est le négationnisme là dedans? Si on catégorise les historiens de "négationnistes" d'un coté et bien penseur de l'autre et qu'on écarte des historiens honorable qu'on a nommé injustement et par propagande "négationniste" il nie restera que des historiens bien pensant pour les arméniens, quel sera le résultat de cette commission d'historiens que les arméniens n'en veulent pas par peur de voir les vérités éclaté au grand jour Citer Link to post Share on other sites
Bomontim 10 Posted December 19, 2010 Partager Posted December 19, 2010 D'un coté il y avait ces cheik avec beaucoup de terres leur appartenant Et des pauvres paysans de l'autre Alors Atatürk a écarté et chassé ces cheik qui se servaient allègrement da la religion pour garder ces pauvres paysans Dans leur extrêmes pauvreté Le fameux extrémiste Serfiraz fait partie de ces gens donc les grands parents ont profité des ces pauvre paysans parce qu'ils étaient une famille de cheik. Il n'y a pas de place aux cheik ni aux parasites qui se déclarent supérieur aux autres Citer Link to post Share on other sites
bedros 10 Posted December 19, 2010 Partager Posted December 19, 2010 Les historiens ne sont pas négationnistes, ils sont historiens point! un brun d'intelligence ? On réuni des historiens qui pensent différemment, pour beaucoup d'historiens la thèse du "génocide" n'est absolument pas prouvé, d'ailleurs l'avocat du fameux Movses Nisanian, adjoint au maire de Villeurbanne qui avait traité Maxime Gauin, étudiant en histoire, de négationniste et s'en mord les doigts, avait déclaré au procès qu'il n'y avait ABSOLUMENT PAS DE PREUVE DIRECTE DU GENOCIDE, J'espesre que l'avocat ( tout comme gauin ) lira ce message : ( BOm tu , transmets , ca peut l'interresser pour sa culture historistique ) : Mme Kaloustian : La memoire dans la peau : La mémoire dans la peau : génocide des Arméniens Citer Link to post Share on other sites
lesoldat 10 Posted December 19, 2010 Partager Posted December 19, 2010 Je veux bien le lien de cette histoire si tu l'as. Après c'est sur qu'aujourd'hui il y a de la haine entre turc et arménien, donc y'a de la surenchère des deux côtés Voici le liens en Anglais Je te mets le paragraphe concerné "This was similar to the one time where I read a Reader's Digest article hilariously entitled "Why I hate the Turks" -- The Armenian that wrote it, discussed how this very old Armenian described a story of how, he and his family and all of his fellow villagers were trapped in a church, and the "evil Turks" used wood to cover up the windows, and then poured kerosene everywhere and lit the church on fire. He told about how he cried with his family and told them they'd be together again in heaven. Then the story cut off--- huh?? -- How did he escape then? Apparently, that miraculous detail was classified. My suspicion is that he was an ARF member who was the one burning Muslim families in a Mosque, and just twisted the story and made himself the victim, I have no proof, but then again, he doesn't have any proof of his story either." je n'invente rien je ne les ai pas compté, les chiffres je les ai repris ici (merci de lire la biographie que de la journaliste qui est une indépendante, aimant l'asie centrale) d'ailleurs j'avais dis qu'il restait 2 familles, mais je m'étais trompé il n'en reste que 1 Un témoignage humain et non inventé A l’Est de la Turquie : Les derniers Arméniens de Diyarbakir. “Dara : Je me sens si seule…” - Sur les routes d’Asie Centrale - Blog Oui comme tu dis, elle vient d'une source (Blog), c'est le point de vue de l'auteur. Donc comment peut ont être sur qu'il n'en reste qu'une ? Ce que je ne comprend pas, c'est pourquoi en turquie on assasine des arméniens ? Dois-je répondre à cette question ? C'est comme si je dirais : Combien de Turcs sont assassiner en Arménie ? Il est possible que des arméniens aient commis des crimes envers des turcs et peut etre meme des kurdes. Mais tout ce qu'on nous montre vise à manipuler donc ca ne donne pas envie d'y croire. Donc je vais faire mes recherches moi-même et me faire ma propre opinion. Citer Link to post Share on other sites
lesoldat 10 Posted December 19, 2010 Partager Posted December 19, 2010 Les frontières naturelles des kurdes ont toujours existées, même sous l'empire ottoman. Le Nord-est de la Turquie, je l'accorde, c'est un territoire bien turc (mer noire) Pour le reste n'oublions pas les assyriens, chaldéens. Les Kurdes ont toujours exister il n'y a jamais eux de frontière Kurde. la frontière avait été promis par les grandes puissances de l'époque qui n'ont pas tenu promesse. ils ne sont pas négationniste "à mes yeux", mais quand ces historiens sont proches de personnalités politiques et de certains partis, c'est louche. On a choisit personne, perso les kurdes ont avoués avoir tués des arméniens qui tentaient de s'enfuir durant cette période (des kurdes montagnards), à la demande d'ataturk. pour nous l'affaire est close. Tous tourne autour d'Atatürk ? Les Kurdes avoue sur la demande Atatürk et l'affaire est classer, C'est à quel époque ou quel année tous ceci ? Si je vous dis que les Arméniens Ottoman ont massacrés la population musulmane à la demande de la FRA engagés dans l'armé Tsariste vous me dites ? « Depuis le début de la guerre, les Arméniens ont combattu aux côtés des alliés sur tous les fronts. [...] Les Arméniens ont été des belligérants de facto, puisqu’ils ont refusé avec indignation de se mettre du côté de la Turquie... » Boghos Nubar, coprésident de la délégation arménienne à la conférence de la paix de Paris, « The Times of London », 30 janvier 1919 « Ayant des hommes, nous avons pu former des bandes de volontaires arméniens et les envoyer au théâtre de la guerre. Nous avons pu ainsi exprimer notre haute gratitude à la Russie qui nous a témoigné tant de bienveillance. L’organisation de volontaires arméniens continuera. [...] Le plus grand devoir qui nous incombe est de régler et d’étendre cette organisation et de la maintenir jusqu’à la fin de la guerre. Les Arméniens seront de ceux qui asséneront le coup de grâce à la Turquie agonisante dans ses derniers moments. La Turquie en mourant doit voir ceci de ses propres yeux et lire cette page de son histoire maudite avant de les fermer. Aujourd’hui notre principal ennemi, c’est le Turc. Ceux qui, ouvertement ou en cachette, sont contre l’organisation de volontaires ou cherchent à limiter cette force, doivent être considérés comme les ennemis du dedans. » « Inkenavar Hayasdan », organe du parti révolutionnaire arménien Hintchak, 19 juin 1916, cité dans « Aspirations et agissements des comités révolutionnaires arméniens », op. cit., p. 155. Citer Link to post Share on other sites
sealife2010 10 Posted December 20, 2010 Author Partager Posted December 20, 2010 les armeniens appliquent la methode israelienne.: se montrer toujours victimes pour cacher leur barbarie et etre negationiste Citer Link to post Share on other sites
SERFIRAZ 10 Posted December 20, 2010 Partager Posted December 20, 2010 Les historiens ne sont pas négationnistes, ils sont historiens point! Dire (A ce moment là évitez de choisir des historiens négationnistes sinon ca sert strictement à rien, puisque la conclusion on la connaît d'avance) c'est dire vraiment n'importe quoi, on réuni des historiens qui pensent différemment, pour beaucoup d'historiens la thèse du "génocide" n'est absolument pas prouvé, d'ailleurs l'avocat du fameux Movses Nisanian, adjoint au maire de Villeurbanne qui avait traité Maxime Gauin, étudiant en histoire, de négationniste et s'en mord les doigts, avait déclaré au procès qu'il n'y avait ABSOLUMENT PAS DE PREUVE DIRECTE DU GENOCIDE, Pour un génocide qu'on ne peut pas prouver dans un procès, l'historien dit "les événements de 1915 ne peuvent être considérer comme un génocide" ou est le négationnisme là dedans? Si on catégorise les historiens de "négationnistes" d'un coté et bien penseur de l'autre et qu'on écarte des historiens honorable qu'on a nommé injustement et par propagande "négationniste" il nie restera que des historiens bien pensant pour les arméniens, quel sera le résultat de cette commission d'historiens que les arméniens n'en veulent pas par peur de voir les vérités éclaté au grand jour Tu ne trouve pas bizarre qu'une personne change de discours une fois arrivé au procès?? tu vas me faire croire qu'elle a "ouvert les yeux" entre temps. Je ne peux pas accorder de crédit à ce genre de cas; Encore tu m'aurais dis, il est retourné faire ses recherches, là oui j'aurai pu y croire au retournement de situation. Un historien corrompu n'est donc pas un vrai historien un historien qui a des liens avec un parti nationaliste, ou qui est membre d'un groupe très influent, et qui répète finalement les mêmes idées que ceux-ci, ne peux pas être objectif. Voilà pourquoi je parle d'historiens neutres. Donc non, un historien n'est pas un historien. Il y'a des sujets dont lesquels l'enjeu est important, donc il y'a beaucoup de lobbies qui interviennent pour faire peser la balance en leur faveur. Citer Link to post Share on other sites
sealife2010 10 Posted December 21, 2010 Author Partager Posted December 21, 2010 de vrais guignols ces arméniens. la compagnie aereinne turque THY a signe un contrat de pub avec la basketteur amercain koby Bryant. le lobby arménien us manifeste pour que kobe se retire. ils ne savent qu'aboyer. Citer Link to post Share on other sites
sealife2010 10 Posted December 21, 2010 Author Partager Posted December 21, 2010 comme chaque annee,le lobby armenien qui a acheté qlq politiciens, menace de faire voter une loi anti turque. chaque annee, c''est la meme comédie.. Citer Link to post Share on other sites
sealife2010 10 Posted December 23, 2010 Author Partager Posted December 23, 2010 arméniens, encore debouté !!! les nazis armeniens , comme chaque année, essaient de faire passer un loi comdannant la turquie , grace à une femme politicienne US que ils paient tres cher. cette annee encore, ils ont ete decus. Citer Link to post Share on other sites
Bomontim 10 Posted December 23, 2010 Partager Posted December 23, 2010 Ils ont encore bu la tasse Et ça ne fait que commencer Les politiques c'est de la marchandise Ça s'achete a volonté Ils vont morde le doigt pour avoir fait de la politique sur ce sujet Citer Link to post Share on other sites
Kabylia 10 Posted December 23, 2010 Partager Posted December 23, 2010 les nazis armeniens , comme chaque année, essaient de faire passer un loi comdannant la turquie , grace à une femme politicienne US que ils paient tres cher. cette annee encore, ils ont ete decus. Des nazis respectueux des lois? :crazy: Les méthodes nazis, entre autres, ça serait plutôt celle des nazis Jeunes Turcs du CUP, des loups gris... parce que question rafles , déporations et crime de masse...ils connaissent bien eux... sealife, tais toi. Citer Link to post Share on other sites
Bomontim 10 Posted December 23, 2010 Partager Posted December 23, 2010 Et si les Turcs punissaient la négation du génocide vendéen ? Par Henri Amouroux \* Que dirions-nous ? Oui, que dirions-nous si le Parlement turc votait une loi interdisant sous peine d'amende, voire de prison, la négation du génocide vendéen de 1792-1794 ? Nous dirions, sans doute, que cela ne le regarde pas ; qu'il doit d'abord s'occuper de l'histoire de son pays... du génocide arménien, par exemple, et que sa volonté d'interdire, en Turquie, la négation d'un événement historique qui s'est déroulé en France, dont on peut débattre librement chez nous, le nier, ou en excuser les excès, est insupportable. Et nous aurions raison. Il y a bien eu génocide, cependant, dans ces départements de l'Ouest où, n'épargnant ni femmes ni enfants (32 gamins de moins de 15 ans assassinés à La Renaudière par les soldats de Cordelier), les armées de la République avaient ordre de mettre à la raison, par le fer et le feu, ceux qui s'obstinaient à défendre Dieu, le roi, ou plus simplement leurs anciennes libertés. Une ville comme Cholet perdit dans les massacres et les combats plus de 37 % de sa population. À Vihiers, le chiffre atteignit 30 % ; à Chemillé, Clisson, Mortagne, il dépassa 25 %. Au total, sur les 815 029 habitants que comptaient, en 1790, les 773 communes concernées par l'insurrection et par la répression, ce sont 117 257 personnes qui disparurent. Les ordres du Comité de salut public étaient impitoyables : « Tuez les brigands, au lieu de brûler les fermes », ordonna-t-il le 8 février 1794. « Faites punir les fuyards et les lâches en écrasant totalement cette horrible Vendée. » Or, aucune loi n'interdit, en France, de discuter, sous-estimer, dissimuler, nier le génocide vendéen. Des historiens qui longtemps imposèrent leurs vues - Aulard, Mathiez, Soboul - le passèrent sous silence et il fallut les exhortations de Pierre Chaunu, les travaux de Dupâquier sur Carrier - l'abominable organisateur des noyades de Nantes - de Gérard, de Reynald Sécher pour que la partie cachée du drame enfin révélée, acceptée, on pût le connaître dans sa totalité et sa complexité. Et c'est très bien ainsi. Laissons le temps accoucher de la vérité historique. En tout cas, ce n'est pas l'affaire des hommes politiques que d'imposer leur vérité. On a vu, en URSS stalinienne (où l'on retirait des photos de groupe prises le lundi ceux qui, le jeudi, étaient disgraciés ou exécutés), en Chine maoïste, en Allemagne hitlérienne, le résultat de pareilles manipulations. Sans doute, les législateurs français n'ont- ils pas, aujourd'hui, l'intention d'imiter les honteux fabricants d'une histoire officielle. Gardons-nous, toutefois, de suivre une pente dont mon confrère et ami le grand juriste François Terre a écrit dans ces colonnes qu'elle conduisait à un « abus de droit ». J'ajoute que les donneurs de leçons s'exposent à en recevoir. À nos députés, qui se mêlent de fixer ce que les historiens d'aujourd'hui et ceux de demain ont (et auront) le droit de dire ou de ne pas dire, on pourrait demander pour quelles raisons ils n'ont pas interdit la négation des génocides commis sous Staline (ils furent longtemps approuvés, parfois applaudis, par une partie de la gauche française), les génocides commis sous Mao et, plus près de nous, sous Pol Pot ? Sur l'immense chantier de l'histoire, les génocides ont été nombreux. Mais c'est aux historiens à les découvrir, à les étudier, à en débattre, à les dénoncer et non à des parlementaires, réagissant en fonction de leurs passions ou de leurs intérêts électoraux du moment. Citer Link to post Share on other sites
bedros 10 Posted December 24, 2010 Partager Posted December 24, 2010 Femmes Francaises juillet 1946 pdf : Nouvelles d'Arménie en Ligne Citer Link to post Share on other sites
Bomontim 10 Posted December 24, 2010 Partager Posted December 24, 2010 le génie de l’Arménie il ne reste plus un seul turc ni azéri en Arménie alors qu'ils y étaient majoritaire. le génie arménien a complètement nettoyé les azéris de leur terres, le haut karabag, nettoyage ethnique parfait et maintenant ils vivent selon leur génie et leur foi bravo Citer Link to post Share on other sites
djallalnamri 10 Posted December 25, 2010 Partager Posted December 25, 2010 Armenians and Terror Chronology 1973-1986 January 27, 1973 Santa Barbara, USA: Armenian-American citizen Gourgen Yanikyan (Yanikian) murdered Turkish Ambassadors, Mehmet Baydar and Bahadir Demir. Yanikyan was sentenced to life-long prison. April 4, 1973 Paris, France: Turkish Embassy and THY (Turkish Airlines) offices were attacked with bombs. Severe damage was reported. July 2, 1973. Gourgen Yanikyan, who triggered the Armenian terror by assassinating 2 Turkish Ambassadors in Santa Barbara was convicted of murder. On the other hand, the Armenian press defined Yanikyan as hero and legalized the murders.[1] October 26, 1973 New York, USA: Coordinated bomb attack aganist Turkish Information Office was noticed just on time and disposed. A group named Yanikyan Commandos took the responsibility of the attack and claimed Yanikyan’s freedom. January 20, 1975 Beirut, Lebanon: A bomb attack targeted an office which was functioning under the management of World Church Council. And ASALA spokemen defined this incident as the first operation of ASALA several times. February 7, 1975 Beirut, Lebanon: Turkish Information and Tourism Offices were attacked with bombs. Bombs were noticed just on time and disposed. While a Lebanese officer was injured, Prisoner Gourgen Yanikyan Group took the responsibility. February 20, 1975 Beirut, Lebanon: THY offices were severely damaged by bomb attacks. Yanikyan Group and ASALA took the responsibility. October 22, 1975 Vienna, Austria: Turkish Ambassador Danis Tunaligil was killed by 3 Armenian terrorists. ASALA took the responsibility. On the other hand JCAG spokemen defined the incident as the first operation of JCAG. [2] October 24, 1975 Paris, France: Terrorists trapped Turkish Amabassador Ismail Erez and his driver Talip Yener. ASALA and JCAG (Justice Commandos Aganist Armenian Genocide) took the responsibility separately.[3] October 28, 1975 Beirut, Lebanon: A Hand grenade attack targeted Turkish Embassy. ASALA took the responsibility. February 16, 1976 Beirut, Lebanon: Embassy Assistant Secretary Oktar Cirit was assassinated on Hamra Street. ASALA took the responsibility. May 17, 1976 Frankfurt, Essen, Cologne, Germany: Bomb attacks were conducted aganist Turkish Embassies in the cities of Frankfurt, Essen and Cologne. May 28, 1976 Zurich, Switzerland: Bomb attacks were conducted aganist Garanti Bank and Turkish Embassy. Bomb targeting Turkish Tourism Office was disposed just on time. JCAG took the responsibility. May 2, 1977 Beirut, Lebanon: The cars of Military Attache Nahit Karakay and Administrative Attache Ilhan Ozbabacan were attacked with bombs. Their cars were ruined while both Karakay and Ozbabacan managed to survive with minor injuries. ASALA took the responsibility. May 14, 1977 Paris, France: Bomb attack aganist Turkish Tourism Bureau. The attack caused severe damage. New Armenian Resistance Group took the responsibility. June 6, 1977 Zurich, Switzerland: The store of Huseyin Bulbul, a Turkish citizen living in Switzerland, was attacked with bomb. June 9, 1977 Rome, Italy: An assasination was conducted aganist Turkish Ambassador. And Ambassador lost his life shortly after the incident. JCAG took the responsibility.[4] October 4, 1977 Los Angeles, USA: The house of Professor Stanford Shaw, known for his neutral and important researches on Ottoman Empire was attacked with bomb. Armenian Group of 28 took the responsibility. January 2, 1978 Brussels, Belgium: A building was attacked with bombs where the several branches of a Turkisk bank furnished services. New Armenian Resistance took the responsibility. June 2, 1978 Madrid, Spain: The car of Turkish Ambassador Zeki Kuneralp was attacked. 3 armed terrorist opened fire on the office car. The wife of the Ambassador Necla Kuneralp and retired Ambassador Besir Balcioglu were killed immediately under heavy fire. The Spanish driver who was deadly injured lost his life in the hospital. ASALA and JCAG took the responsibility.[5] December 6, 1978 Geneva, Switzerland: A bomb blasted in front of Turkish Embassy. New Armenian Resistance Group took the responsibility of the attack that caused severe damages. December 17, 1978 Geneva, Switzerland: Bomb attack aganist THY bureau. ASALA took the responsibility. August 22, 1979 Geneva, Switzerland: The car of Turkish Ambassador was attacked with bomb. The Ambassador managed to survive while 2 Swiss people passing were injured. The car was completely ruined. August 27, 1979 Frankfurt, Germany: THY bureaus were completely destroyed after a bomb attack. While a pedestrian was injured ASALA took the responsibility. Citer Link to post Share on other sites
djallalnamri 10 Posted December 25, 2010 Partager Posted December 25, 2010 August 27, 1979 Frankfurt, Germany: THY bureaus were completely destroyed after a bomb attack. While a pedestrian was injured ASALA took the responsibility. October 4, 1979 Copenhagen, Denmark: 2 Danish people were injured due to the bomb attacks near THY bureaus. ASALA took the responsibility. October 12, 1979 La Hague, Holland: Ahmet Benler, the son of Turkish Amabassador Ozdemir Benler was assassinated by Armenian terrorists. While the killers were on the run, ASALA and JCAG took the responsibility. October 30, 1979 Milan, Italy: THY bureaus were destroyed by bomb attacks. ASALA took the responsibility. November 8, 1979 Rome, Italy: Turkish Tourism Bureau was destroyed by a bomb attack. ASALA took the responsibility. November 18, 1979 Paris, France: THY, KLM and Lufthansa bureaus were completely destroyed by bomb attacks. While 2 French officers were injured ASALA took the responsibility of the incident. November 25, 1979 Madrid, Spain: A bomb blasted in front of TWA and British Airways. While ASALA was taking the responsibility of the incident, they claimed that the underlying reason behind the attacks was about Pope’s visit to Turkiye. December 8, 1979 Paris, France: 4 bombs blasted on the same day. First targeted THY bureaus. The others were located near Turkish Labour Attache and several tourism offices. The last one was targeted OECD, the perpetual representative of Turkiye, but noticed just on time and disposed. JCAG took the responsibility. December 9, 1979 Rome, Italy: PANAM, British Airways and Philippine Airlines bureaus were damaged by bomb attacks took place in city center. New Armenian Resistance Group took the responsibility of the incident, in which 9 people were injured. December 17, 1979 London, England: Bomb attacks near THY bureau caused severe damages. The Freedom Front of Armenia took the responsibility. December 22, 1979 Paris, France: Tourism Attache Yilmaz Colpan was assassinated while walking on Champs Elysee. More than one group; ASALA, JCAG ve Armenian Militant Commandos Aganist Genocide took the responsibility of the attack separately. December 22, 1979 Amsterdam, Holland: A bomb blast in front of THY bureau caused severe damage. ASALA took the responsibility. December 23, 1979 Rome, Italy: A bomb blasted in front of World Church Council which was functioning as a passage board for Armenian refugees from Lebanon. While ASALA was taking the responsibility, they claimed that the warning was for the Italian authoritatives to stop Armenian immigration. December 23, 1979 Rome, Italy: 3 bombs blasted in front of Air France and TWA bureaus. Countless number of passengers were injured. ASALA, taking the responsibility of the incident claimed that they were protesting French authoritatives who took preventive measures aganist Armenian terror. January 10, 1980 Tehran, Iran: A bomb blast in front of THY bureau caused severe damage. ASALA took the responsibility. January 20, 1980 Madrid, Spain: Lots of people were injured by series of bomb attacks near TWA, British Airways, Swissair and Sabena Airways. JCAG took the responsibility. February 2, 1980 Brussels, Belgium: Several bombs blasted in front of THY and Aeroflot bureaus consecutively. New Armenian Resistance Group took the responsibility of the incidents. February 6, 1980 Bern, Switzerland: A terrorist opened fire on Turkish Ambassador Dogan Turkmen. While the Ambassador managed to survive by chance, the terrorist Max Klindjian caught in France was sent to Switzerland for trial. JCAG took the responsibility. February 18, 1980 Rome, Italy: Lufthansa, El Al and Swissair bureaus were damaged by 2 bomb blasts. While ASALA was taking the responsibility of the incident, they pointed out three reasons. First two of them were the tendencies of Zionist Jews and Germans supporting “Turkish fascism” and the last one was the pressure of Switzerland on Armenians. March 10, 1980 Rome, Italy: THY and Turkish Tourism Bureaus were attacked with bombs. 2 Italians lost their lives and 14 people were injured. New Armenian Resistance Group took the responsibility. Citer Link to post Share on other sites
djallalnamri 10 Posted December 25, 2010 Partager Posted December 25, 2010 April 17, 1980 Rome Italy: Vatican Ambassador of Turkiye Vecli Turel was shot. Both Ambassasor and his driver Tahsin Guvenc were deadly injured as a result of the assasination. JCAG took the responsibility. May 19, 1980 Marseille, France: A rocket was targeted Marseillian Embassy of Turkiye. As it was noticed just on time, the rocket was disposed. ASALA and a group called themselves Black April took the responsibility. July 31, 1980 Athen, Greece: Administrative Attache of Embassy Galip Ozmen and his family were attacked by Armenian terrorists. Ambassador and his 14 years old daughter Neslihan lost their lives. His wife and his son were injured. ASALA took the responsibility of murders. August 5, 1980 Lyon, France: 2 Armenian terrorists who broke into Lyon Embassy of Turkiye opened fire. 2 people were killed and lots of people were injured. ASALA took the responsibility. August 11, 1980 New York, USA: An Armenian group attacked aganist a Turkish house near UN. September 26, 1980 Paris, France: Press Attache of Turkish Embassy Selcuk Bakkalbasi was shot on his way to home. Bakkalbasi managed to survive but became paralyzed for the rest of his life. ASALA took the responsibility. October 3, 1980 Geneva, Switzerland: An explosion occured while 2 Armenian terrorists were setting up a bomb in their hotel room. Terrorists were injured. Afterwards Suzy Mahseredjian and Alexander Yenikomechian from California (Canoga Park) were arrested. Their arrestment triggered a new terrorist group named 3 October which would shoot Switzerland targets. October 3, 1980 Milan, Italy: 2 Italians were injured due to a bomb attack near THY bureaus. ASALA took the responsibility. October 5, 1980 Madrid, Spain: 12 people were injured due to the bomb attacks aganist Alitalia bureaus. ASALA took the responsibility. October 6, 1980 Los Angeles, USA: Several molotov cocktails were thrown at the house of Kemal Arikan, the Ambassador. Arikan managed to survive with minor injuries. October 10, 1980 Beirut, Lebanon: 2 bombs blasted near Swiss bureaus in West Beirut. 3 October took the responsibility and they also attacked aganist several Swiss bureaus in England. October 12, 1980 New York, USA: A bomb located in front of a Turkish house blasted. 4 people passing were injured and JCAG took the responsibility. October 12, 1980 Los Angeles, USA: A bureau of a Turkish-American citizen living in Hollywood was destroyed. And JCAG took the responsibility. October 12, 1980 London, England: Turkish Tourism and Information bureaus were destroyed by bomb attacks. ASALA took the responsibility. A well-known Swiss mall in the central of London was severely damaged by a bomb attack. 3 October took its responsibility. October 13, 1980 Paris, France: A Swiss travel agency was damaged due to attacks done by 3 October terrorists. October 21, 1980 Interlaken, Switzerland: A bomb was found on a Swiss train headed from Paris and disposed. The authoritatives speculated the incident as an activity of 3 October Terror Group. November 4, 1980 Geneva, Switzerland: Swiss Court of Justice was severely damaged due to a bomb attack. 3 October took the responsibility. November 9, 1980 Strasbourg, France: A bomb blasted in front of Turkish Embassy and caused severe damage. ASALA took the responsibility. November 10, 1980 Rome, Italy: 5 people were injured due to the attacks aganist Swiss Airlines and Swiss tourism offices. Both ASALA and 3 October took the responsibility of the incidents separately. November 19, 1980 Rome, Italy: Turkish tourism bureaus and THY offices were damaged by bomb blasts. ASALA took the responsibility. November 25, 1980 Geneva, Switzerland: Union of Swiss Banks buraeus were damaged by bombs and 3 October took the responsibility. December 5, 1980 Marseille, France: Police disposed a time-bomb located in front of Swiss Embassy and 3 October took the responsibility. December 15, 1980 London, England: Police disposed 2 bombs located in front of France Tourism Bureaus. While 3 October was taking the responsibility, the group threated France not to struggle aganist Armenian terror. December 17, 1980 Sydney, Australia: Turkish Ambassador and his guard were assassinated. JCAG took the responsibility. December 25, 1980 Zurich, Switzerland: A radar monitor was destroyed due to a bomb blast on Kloten Airport. Second bomb was noticed and disposed. 3 October took the responsibility of the incident which would have been a massacre. December 29, 1980 Madrid, Spain: A Spanish journalist was injured in a phone booth reporting bomb attacks aganist Swiss Airlines. 3 October took the responsibility. Citer Link to post Share on other sites
djallalnamri 10 Posted December 25, 2010 Partager Posted December 25, 2010 December 30, 1980 Beirut, Lebanon: Credit-Suisse bureaus were attacked with bombs. Both ASALA and 3 October took the responsibility separately. January 2, 1981 Beirut, Lebanon: ASALA warned Swiss authoritatives not to abuse the terrorists arrested in Switzerland. January 4, 1981: ASALA declared that Swiss authoritatives had only few days to revise the conditions of their last warning. January 14, 1981 Paris, France: The car of Finance Attache Ahmet Erbeyli was attacked with bomb. Erbeyli managed to survive but the his car was completely ruined. A group named Alex Yenikomechian Commandos related to ASALA took the responsibility. January 27, 1981 Milan, Italy: Swiss Airlines and Swiss tourism bureaus were destroyed by bomb attacks. 2 people passing were injured and 3 October took the responsibility. February 3, 1981 Los Angeles, USA: Bomb experts disposed a bomb located in front of Swiss Embassy. Right after the incident, a phone call warned that their actions would continue till Suzy Mahseredjian was set free. February 5, 1981 Paris, France: Bombs blasted in front of TWA and Air France. A person was injured and the offices were completely destroyed. 3 October took the responsibility. March 4, 1981 Paris, France: 2 Armenian terrorist opened fire on Labour Attache Resat Morali, Religious Affair Attache Tecelli Ari and Paris Representative of Anadolu Bank Karakoc. Morali and Ari were killed, Karakoc managed to survive. ASALA took the responsibility. March 12, 1981 Tehran, Iran: A group of ASALA terrorists attempted to invade Turkish Embassy. 2 security guards were killed in the incident. 2 people in charge were caught and punished by Iranian executives. ASALA took the responsibility of the incident. April 3, 1981 Copenhagen, Denmark: Embassy Labour Attache Cavit Demir was shot on his way to home around evening. Demir was seriously injured. ASALA and JCAG took the responsibility. June 3, 1981 Los Angeles, USA: Turkish folk dancing group was forced to cancel their exhibition in San Francisco after receiving intense threats. June 9, 1981 Geneva, Switzerland: Turkish Embassy Secretary Mehmet Savas was assassinated by a Yerguz Armenian terrorist called Mardiros Jamgocyan. The arrestment of Jamgocyan who was also related to ASALA exposed a brand new killing team named The Ninth of June Organization. They became responsible of many murders in course of time. June 11, 1981 Paris, France: A group of terrorist in the leadership of Ara Toranyan invaded THY bureaus. The terrorists were ignored by French police and discharged in an odd way. And no further legal procedure was performed. December 19, 1981 Tehran, Iran: A bomb blasted in front of Swiss Airlines and The Ninth of June Organization took the responsibility. June 26, 1981 Los Angeles, USA: A bomb blasted in front of Swiss Banking Corporation and The Ninth of June Organization took the responsibility of the incident. June 19, 1981 Bern, Switzerland: A bomb blasted in front of Swiss General Assembly and again The Ninth of June Organization took the responsibility of the incident. June 20, 1981 Zurich, Switzerland: A bomb located in a snapshot cabin blasted at Zurich Airport. The Ninth of June Organization took the responsibility. June 21, 1981 Lausanne, Switzerland: 20 women were injured by a bomb blast located in a store. The Ninth of June Organization took the responsibility. July 22, 1981 Geneva, Switzerland: A bomb blasted on a train station and authoritatives suspected of The Ninth of June Organization. After an hour, another bomb blasted on the same station. August 11, 1981 Copenhagen, Denmark: The bureaus of Swiss Airlines were destroyed by 2 bomb blasts. While an American tourist was injured in the incident, The Ninth of June Organization took the responsibility. August 20, 1981 Los Angeles, USA: A bomb blasted near Swiss Precision Instruments offices and The Ninth of June Organization took the responsibility. August 20, 1981 Paris, France: Several bombs blasted in front of Italian Airways. 3 October which kept its silence for a while took the responsibility of the incident. September 15, 1981 Copenhagen, Denmark: 2 people were injured by a bomb blast in front of THY. Second bomb was noticed just on time and disposed. The Sixth Armenian Freedom Army took the responsibility. September 17, 1981 Tehran, Iran: Swiss Embassy was damaged by a bomb blast. The Ninth of June, a branch of ASALA took the responsibility. September 24, 1981 Paris, France: 4 Armenian terrorists invaded Turkish Embassy. When breaking into the building, they seriously injured Ambassador Kaya Inal and security guard Cemal Ozen. Ozen lost his life in the hospital. The terrorists of ASALA took 56 hostages. September 3, 1981 Geneva, Switzerland: Main post office building and civic center of the city were attacked. While a person was injured The Ninth of June Organization took the responsibility. Citer Link to post Share on other sites
djallalnamri 10 Posted December 25, 2010 Partager Posted December 25, 2010 September 24, 1981 Paris, France: 4 Armenian terrorists invaded Turkish Embassy. When breaking into the building, they seriously injured Ambassador Kaya Inal and security guard Cemal Ozen. Ozen lost his life in the hospital. The terrorists of ASALA took 56 hostages. September 3, 1981 Geneva, Switzerland: Main post office building and civic center of the city were attacked. While a person was injured The Ninth of June Organization took the responsibility. September 25, 1981 Rome, Italy: Second Secretary of the Embassy, Gokberk Ergenekon was attacked by an Armenian terrorist. Ergenekon managed to survive. ASALA took the responsibility of the incident in the name of 24 September Suicide Commandos. October 25, 1981 Paris, France: A well-known French restaurant named Fouquet was attacked with bombs. An organization called themselves as September-France took the responsibility of the attack. October 26, 1981 Paris, France: A booby-trapped car in front of Le Drugstore exploded and September-France took the responsibility. October 27, 1981 Paris, France: A bomb attack aganist Roissy Airport. September-France once again took the responsibility. The same day, a bomb blasted in a crowded elevator. No one was injured and the same organization undertook. October 28, 1981 Paris, France: A film theater was attacked with bomb. While 3 people were injured September-France took the responsibility of the incident. November 3, 1981 Madrid, Spain: A bomb blasted in front of Swiss Airlines. 3 people were injured and the attack destroyed the surroundings. ASALA took the responsibility. November 5, 1981 Paris, France: A bomb blasted near Gare de Lyon. A person was injured. It was claimed that an Armenian orgnization named Orly was in charge. November 12, 1981 Beirut, Lebanon: Several bombs blasted in front of French representative offices. Orly Organization took the responsibility of the blasts carried out in front of France Institute and Air France bureaus. November 14, 1981 Paris, France: A bomb that blasted near Eiffel Tower damaged a car seriously. The same day, a group of tourists were attacked and Orly Organization took the responsibility of both incidents. November 15, 1981 Beirut ve Paris: Orly Organization threated France Airways to blow up one of their planes on air. 3 France targets were attacked with bombs almost simultaneously in Beirut, the capital of Lebanon. And the targets were Union de Paris, Air France bureaus and Banque Libano-Francaise. Orly Organization which intensified its violence lately took the responsibility. The same day a McDonald’s store was destroyed. This time September-France terror organization was in charge. November 16, 1981 Paris, France: The bomb blasted at Gare de l’Est ýnjured the people passing. Orly took the responsibility. November 18, 1981 Paris, France: Orly Organization reported a bomb setup at Gare du Nord. November 20, 1981 Los Angeles, USA: Turkish Embassy in Beverly Hills was attacked. The consulate building was destroyed and JCAG took the responsibility of the incident. January 13, 1982 Toronto, Canada: A bomb attack aganist Turkish Embassy caused severe damage. ASALA took the responsibility. January 17, 1982 Geneva and Paris: 2 bombs located under the parked cars exploded, ASALA-The Ninth of June Organization took the responsibility. A bomb blasted near Bank Unions in Paris. Second bomb located in front of Credit Lyonnais was disposed. Orly took the responsibility. January 19, 1982 Paris, France: A bomb blasted near the bureaus of Air France in Palais des Congres. Orly took the responsibility of the incident. January 28, 1982 Los Angeles, USA: The Los Angeles Ambassador of Turkiye, Kemal Arikan was assassinated on his way to work. After the attack, 19 years old Hampig Sasunyan was arrested and sentenced to life-long prison. March 22, 1982 Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA: A gift shop belonging to Orhan Gunduz, a Turkish Ambassador, was blown up. Furthermore the Ambassador was threated to quit his job. JCAG took the responsibility. March 26, 1982 Beirut, Lebanon: 2 people were killed and 16 people were injured by a bomb attack located in a film theater. ASALA took the responsibility of the attack. April 8, 1982 Ottowa, Canada: The Commercial Attache of Ottowa Embassy, Kani Gungor was injured by Armenian terorists in his garage. ASALA took the responsibility. April 24, 1982 Dortmund, Germany: Various Turkish offices were destroyed by bomb attacks. A terror organization named New Armenian Resistance took the responsibility. Citer Link to post Share on other sites
djallalnamri 10 Posted December 25, 2010 Partager Posted December 25, 2010 May 4, 1982 Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA: Turkish Ambassador Orhan Gunduz was assassinated in Boston. The killer was never caught. May 10, 1982 Geneva, Switzerland: Bombs exploded in front of 2 banks. An Armenian terror group named World Punishment Organization took the responsibility. May 18, 1982 Toronto, Canada: 2 Armenians were caught on smuggling. It was claimed that the illegal money would be used for terrorist operations. Throughout the investigations, it was also found that the house of a reluctant Armenian was attacked with bomb. May 18, 1982 Tampa, Florida, USA: The office of Turkish Ambassador Nash Karahan was attacked. May 26, 1982 Los Angeles, USA: Swiss Banking Corporation bureau was damaged seriously by a bomb attack. 4 Armenian suspects were blamed for their relations with ASALA. May 30, 1982 Los Angeles, USA: 3 ASALA terrorists (Hratch Kozibioukyan, 31; Siranouche Kozibioukyan, 22 and Varan Chrinyan, 29) were caught and arrested on setting up a bomb in Canadian Airways shipment bureau. Their aim was to put pressure for 4 arrested Armenian terrorists. Two of the militants were a spouse and the third one was a migrant from Middle-East. June 7, 1982 Lisbon, Portugal: Managerial Attache of the Turkish Embassy Erkut Akbay and his wife were assassinated in front of their house. JCAG took the responsibility. July 1, 1982 Rotterdam, Holland: The Turkish Ambassador of Rotterdam Kemalettin Demirer was killed by 4 Armenian terrorists. Armenian Red Army took the responsibility. July 21, 1982 Paris, France: A bomb blast around Place Saint-Severin injured 16 people. Orly, that took the responsibility of the incident accused France police treating the Armenian terrorists under arrest as common criminals rather than political prisoners. June 26, 1982 Paris, France: A bomb blast at Pub Saint-Germain injured 2 women and Orly took the responsibility of the incident. August 2, 1982 Paris, France: An Armenian terrorist Pierre Gulumian lost his life while setting up a bomb. August 7, 1982 Ankara, Turkiye: 2 Armenian terrorists opened fire on the crowd waiting at Esenboga Airport. One of the militants was caught and the other took more than 20 hostages. 9 people were killed and 82 people were injured in the incident. Terrorist Levon Ekmekciyan was arrested and convicted. August 8, 1982 Paris, France: A bomb located by Orly Organization was noticed just on time and disposed. August 12, 1982 Paris, France: Terrorists opened fire on a police officer guarding Tourism Attache, luckily no one did get hurt. August 27, 1982 Ottowa, Canada: Military Attache of Turkish Embassy Atilla Altikat was killed in his car. His car was attacked in the traffic jam and the terrorist Armenian organization JCAG took the responsibility.[6] September 9, 1982 Burgas, Bulgaria: Administrative Attache of Burgaz Embassy was assassinated in front of his house. Terrorists left a message in the crime scene: “We murdered a Turkish diplomat. Justice Struggle Units Aganist Armenian Genocide”. A person in the name of ASALA took the responsibility of the incident by phone. September 26, 1982 Los Angeles, USA: 5 Armenian terrorists who were also the members of JCAG were accused of attempting to assassinate Turkish Ambassador of Philadelphia. December 8, 1982 Athen, Greece: 2 Armenian terrorists on bike threw bombs into the bureaus of Saudia Arabia Airways. Iranian-Armenian Vahe Kontaverdian was arrested but liberated immediately. ASALA stated the underlying reason was the amicable relations of Saudi Arabia with Turkiye. January 21, 1983 Anaheim, California, USA: Several bombs hidden in an Armenian oven accidentally exploded and this event clarified the armament of Armenian terrorists. January 22, 1983 Paris, France: 2 terrorists attacked aganist THY with hand-grenade. ASALA took the responsibility of the incident in which no one did get hurt luckily. The same day plastic explosive near THY bureaus at Orly Airport was disposed. February 2, 1983 Brussels, Belgium: Bomb attacks aganist THY bureaus. New Armenian Resistance Organization took the responsibility of the incident. February 28, 1983 Luxembourg and Paris: A bomb located in front of Turkish Embassy was disposed. It was claimed that New Armenian Resistance Organization was in charge. The same day Marmara Travel Agency was blown up in Paris. While French secretary Renee Morin lost her life, 4 French people were injured. ASALA took the responsibility only few minutes after the incident. March 9, 1983 Belgrade, former Yugoslavia: Belgrad Ambassador of Turkiye, Galip Balkar was killed in city center. His driver was shot. While the terrorists were running away, the pursuit got extended. A terrorist who injured a Yugoslavian on the run was caught by the police. The other terrorist opened fire on the crowd. A student was killed and a teenager girl was injured. Eventually two Armenian terrorists, Kirkor Levonyan and Raffi Elbakyan were arrested, jugded and sentenced. Citer Link to post Share on other sites
djallalnamri 10 Posted December 25, 2010 Partager Posted December 25, 2010 March 9, 1983 Belgrade, former Yugoslavia: Belgrad Ambassador of Turkiye, Galip Balkar was killed in city center. His driver was shot. While the terrorists were running away, the pursuit got extended. A terrorist who injured a Yugoslavian on the run was caught by the police. The other terrorist opened fire on the crowd. A student was killed and a teenager girl was injured. Eventually two Armenian terrorists, Kirkor Levonyan and Raffi Elbakyan were arrested, jugded and sentenced. March 31, 1983 Frankfurt, Germany: A person treated to attack aganist the bureaus of Tercuman Journal and kill the people working in it by phone. May 24, 1983 Brussels, Belgium: Several bombs blasted near the bureaus of Culture and Information Embassy. The Italian CEO of the bureau was injured. ASALA took the responsibility of the incident. June 16, 1983 Istanbul, Turkiye: Armenian terrorists attacked aganist civils with bombs and automatic weapons. 2 people were killed and 24 people were injured in the incident which ASALA undertook. July 8, 1983 Paris, France: Armenian terrorists attacked aganist British Council offices to protest the trials of the Armenians under arrest. July 14, 1983 Brussels, Belgium: Administrative Attache of Turkish Embassy Dursun Aksoy was killed by Armenian terrorists. ASALA, ARA and JCAG claimed that they executed. July 15, 1983 Paris, France: A bomb blast in front of THY counter at Orly Airport. 8 people were killed and more than 60 people were injured. The crime scene was a real massacre. Syrian Armenian terrorist Varadjian Garbidjian admitted that he had located the bomb and ASALA took the responsibility of the incident. [7] July 15, 1983 London, England: The bomb similar to the one located in Orly was disposed right on time. ASALA took the responsibility of the attempt. July 18, 1983 Lyon, France: ASALA threated to counter bomb attack aganist Lyon railway station. July 20, 1983 Lyon, France: Lyon Gare de Perrache was instantly cleared out after the threats of ASALA. July 22, 1983 Tehran, Iran: Bomb attacks aganist France Embassy and Air France. Orly took the responsibility of the incidents. July 27, 1983 Lisbon, Portugal: 5 terrorists attempted to break into Lisbon Embassy of Turkiye. After the failure they took a family as hostage. When the bombs located by the terrorists exploded, 4 terrorist and Cahide Mihcioglu died. Yurtsev Mihcioglu and his son Atasay managed to survive with minor injuries. The fifth terrorist was shot by Turkish security. A Portugese officer was killed and the other was injured. ARA took the responsibility. After the incident, Portugese government prepared the arrengements of information units aganist terrorism.[8] July 28, 1983 Lyon, France: Another bomb attack threat aganist Lyon-Perrache rail station. ASALA took the responsibility. July 29, 1983 Tehran, Iran: Security precuations increased in the France Embassy aganist the threats of a rocket attack. July 31, 1983 Lyon and Rennes, France: 2 planes of Air France had emergency landings aganist the threats of bomb attacks. August 10, 1983 Tehran, Iran: A car was blown up in front of France Embassy. ASALA took the responsibility of the bomb attack. August 25, 1983 Bonn, Germany: 2 people were killed in an attack aganist France Embassy and 23 people were injured. ASALA terror organization was in charge. September 9, 1983 Tehran, Iran: 2 cars belonging to France Embassy were attacked with bombs. While 2 officers were injured in the incident ASALA took the responsibility of the attack. October 1, 1983 Marseille, France: A bomb located in an international exposition caused severe damages in the stands of America, Russia and Algeria. A person was killed and 26 people were injured in the incident. Both ASALA and Orly took the responsibility of the incident. October 6, 1983 Tehran, Iran: A car belonging to France Embassy was blown up. 2 people were injured. Orly organization took the responsibility of the incident. Citer Link to post Share on other sites
djallalnamri 10 Posted December 25, 2010 Partager Posted December 25, 2010 October 29, 1983 Beirut, Lebonan: Bomb attack aganist France Embassy. A terrorist, also a member of ASALA was arrested. The same day Armenian terrorist attacked aganist the Turkish Embassy in Beirut. 19 years old Lebanese Armenian Sarkis Danielian was caught. ASALA took the responsibility. February 8, 1984 Paris, France: A bomb attack threat aganist Air France. March 28, 1984 Tehran, Iran: Serial attacks were carried out aganist Turkish diplomats. 2 Armenian terrorists attacked the officer Ismail Pamukcu and injured him severely. The same day, the Embassy Secretary Hasan Servet Oktem was attacked in front of his house. The cautiousness of Ibrahim Ozdemir, Managerial Attache of the Embassy saved him from a possible assassination. Ozdemir got 2 suspected staring at him arrested. 3 Armenian terrorists right in front of Turkish Embassy were caught. And an ASALA terrorist Sultan Gregorian Semaperdan lost his life while he was setting up a bomb in a car belonging to Turkish Embassy. March 29, 1984 Los Angeles, USA: ASALA threated the Turkish athletes not to participate in the olympics. April 8, 1984 Beirut, Lebanon: ASALA declared that all the flights to Turkey would be handled as targets. April 26, 1984 Ankara, Turkiye: ASALA claimed to pay off seriously on the condition if prime minister Turgut Ozal would visit Tahran. April 28, 1984 Tehran, Iran: 2 Armenian terrorists murdered Sadiye Onder, the wife of Isik Yonder working in the Embassy, on her way to work. ASALA took the responsibility. June 20, 1984 Vienna, Austria: The car of Erdogan Ozen, an officer of the Embassy was attacked with bomb. Ozen lost his life and 5 people in the same car were injured seriously. A terror organization named ARA took the responsibility of the attack. June 25, 1984 Los Angeles, USA: A person called French press and threated to attack the countries, the companies and the people that would help Turkish athletes in Los Angeles Olympics. August 13, 1984 Lyon, France: A bomb blasted in Lyon rail station. Mild damage was occured and ASALA took the responsibility. September, 1984 Tehran, Iran: Many Turkish offices were threated by letters. After the letters, several offices were attacked. One of them was an office belonging to Sezai Turkes and one of his workers lost his life in the fire. September 1, 1984 Tehran, Iran: Iranian authoritatives managed to expose the assassination plan of Ismet Birsel, the Turkish Embassy of Tehran. September 3, 1984 Istanbul, Turkiye: 2 Armenian terrorists died while setting up a bomb. ARA took the responsibility of the incident. November 19, 1984 Vienna, Austria: Enver Ergun, the Assistant Director of United Nations Social Development and Human Aid Center was killed on his way to work. Attackers left a flag in the crime scene written ARA on it. Citer Link to post Share on other sites
Cosner 10 Posted December 25, 2010 Partager Posted December 25, 2010 salam je n'ai pas lu les articles du topic , juste le titre , je m'en excuse , mais la question que je me pose resume et repond au sujet de tout temps sur terre l'homme a été un falsificateur , il a falsifié meme les écritures saintes lui venant de Dieu , pourquoi il s'apposerait une interdiction a falsifié l'ecriture de son histoire ? l'experience a montré a maintes reprise que l'histoire se racontais en fonction de notre notoriété , notre pouvoir , note suprematie, et notre génie , elle nous desservé ou nous mettez sur le banc des accusés si on etais pauvres ou ignorant j'en conclut que l'histoire a perdu sa vertu , pour servir les rois puissants au detriment de la vérité pauvre Citer Link to post Share on other sites
djallalnamri 10 Posted December 25, 2010 Partager Posted December 25, 2010 je n'ai pas lu les articles du topic , juste le titre , je m'en excuse , mais la question que je me pose resume et repond au sujet de tout temps sur terre l'homme a été un falsificateur , il a falsifié meme les écritures saintes lui venant de Dieu , pourquoi il s'apposerait une interdiction a falsifié l'ecriture de son histoire ? l'experience a montré a maintes reprise que l'histoire se racontais en fonction de notre notoriété , notre pouvoir , note suprematie, et notre génie , elle nous desservé ou nous mettez sur le banc des accusés si on etais pauvres ou ignorant j'en conclut que l'histoire a perdu sa vertu , pour servir les rois puissants au detriment de la vérité pauvre l'histoire n'est plus ce que Hérodote voulait qu'elle soit ... comme me le disait un ami : l'histoire de ces trois derniers siècles est entièrement trafiquée ... Citer Link to post Share on other sites
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