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how I can know if my girlfriend realy love mé . . .


Poor boy....:)


Anyway, never think about how she can handle it....juste say it truley and who knows....Not me I never lost control :rolleyes:


And remeber what said Djabran Khalil Djabran in his famous book "The prophet": "When love gives yu sign don´t hesitate to follow it"


In love there is no....thinking, no planning


"En amour il n´y a pas lieu a raisonner, seulement á résonner":crazy:

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thak's .............


No, it's not a good solution... She will thing u'r a weirdo :) (i know it's for fun).


Seriously, u only want to improve you're english or you really want to know if you're gf likes you ?

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No, it's not a good solution... She will thing u'r a weirdo :) (i know it's for fun).


Seriously, u only want to improve you're english or you really want to know if you're gf likes you ?


of course no . . . .I talk sériousely ...and I never fun about that

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