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Louisiana 1927

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Cette chanson, écrite par Randy Newman en 1974, parle de la grande inondation qui a touché le fleuve Mississipi en 1927 .. L'une des plus grandes catastrophes naturelles de l'histoire des Etats-Unis

Randy Newman est lui-même originaire de la Nouvelle-Orleans


Après l'ouragan Katrina en 2005, Aaron Neville (lui aussi originaire de la Nouvelle-Orleans) a fait une magnifique reprise


Une des chansons les plus émouvantes .. je vous laisse apprécier


La version originale (Randy Newman) :



La version de Aaron Neville :




What has happened down here is the wind have changed

Clouds rolled in from the north and it started to rain

It rained real hard and it rained for a real long time

Six feet of water in the streets of Evangeline


The river rose all day, the river rose all night

Some people got lost in the flood, some people got away alright

The river had busted through clear down to Plaquemine

Six feet of water in the streets of Evangeline


Louisiana, Louisiana

They're trying to wash us away, they're trying to wash us away

Oh, Louisiana, Louisiana

They're trying to wash us away, they're trying to wash us away


President Coolidge come down in a railroad train

Little fat man with a notepad in his hand

President say, "Little fat man, oh, isn't it a shame

What the river have done to this poor farmer's land"


Oh, Louisiana, Louisiana

You're trying to wash us away, you're trying to wash us away

Oh, Louisiana, oh Lord, oh Louisiana

They're trying to wash us away, oh Lord, they're trying to wash us away

They're trying to wash us away, they're trying to wash us away

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Cette chanson, écrite par Randy Newman en 1974, parle de la grande inondation qui a touché le fleuve Mississipi en 1927 ..


Vraiment triste la chanson!


A propos de cette catastrophe il y'a aussi "When the levee breaks" ecrite et chante en 1929 par Kansas Joe MacCoy ne au Mississippi et par Memphis Minnie nee a Alger ... en Louisianne :D. La chanson fut reprise et readapte avec beaucoup de succes par Led Zeppelin en 1971 :p




Text original par Kansas Joe MacCoy et Memphis Minnie


If it keeps on rainin', levee's goin' to break (2x)

And the water gonna come in, have no place to stay


Well all last night I sat on the levee and moan (2x)

Thinkin' 'bout my baby and my happy home


If it keeps on rainin', levee's goin' to break (2x)

And all these people have no place to stay


Now look here mama what am I to do (2x)

I ain't got nobody to tell my troubles to


I works on the levee mama both night and day (2x)

I ain't got nobody, keep the water away


Oh cryin' won't help you, prayin' won't do no good (2x)

When the levee breaks, mama, you got to lose


I works on the levee, mama both night and day (2x)

I works so hard, to keep the water away


I had a woman, she wouldn't do for me (2x)

I'm goin' back to my used to be


I's a mean old levee, cause me to weep and moan (2x)

Gonna leave my baby, and my happy home


:48: :present: :48:



Text readapte par Led Zepp


If it keeps on rainin', levee's goin' to break, [X2]

When The Levee Breaks I'll have no place to stay.


Mean old levee taught me to weep and moan, [X2]

Got what it takes to make a mountain man leave his home,

Oh, well, oh, well, oh, well.


Don't it make you feel bad

When you're tryin' to find your way home,

You don't know which way to go?

If you're goin' down South

They go no work to do,

If you don't know about Chicago.


Cryin' won't help you, prayin' won't do you no good,

Now, cryin' won't help you, prayin' won't do you no good,

When the levee breaks, mama, you got to move.


All last night sat on the levee and moaned, [X2]

Thinkin' about me baby and my happy home.

Going, going to Chicago... Going to Chicago... Sorry but I can't take you...

Going down... going down now... going down....





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Merci pour les videos (quoi que je n'arrive pas à les visualiser directement à partir du forum).. Je connaissais la version de Led Zep mais pas l'originale par contre .. Pour le blues de cette epoque je suis surtout resté bloqué sur le grand (que dis-je ? l'IMMENSE ) Robert Johnson ...

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Merci pour les videos (quoi que je n'arrive pas à les visualiser directement à partir du forum).. Je connaissais la version de Led Zep mais pas l'originale par contre .. Pour le blues de cette epoque je suis surtout resté bloqué sur le grand (que dis-je ? l'IMMENSE ) Robert Johnson ...


Clapton, Page et beaucoup d'autres considerent Robert John comme le pere du blues dont ils se sont inspires et pour qui ils ont beaucoup d'admiration.







Traveling Riverside Blues (un chef d'oeuvre a mes yeux :p)






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Magnifique, sublime, prenant, émouvant ... je n'ai pas assez de qualificatifs pour cette musique du delta du mississipi .. Le blues est une musique qui me donne la chair de poule. Quand j'ecoute robert johnson, john lee hooker, muddy waters ou buddy guy je suis sur une autre dimension. Merci camarade, content de voir quelqu'un qui a les même gouts.. ;)

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