Guest samirovsky Posted April 5, 2011 Partager Posted April 5, 2011 Nom de Dieu! Tu parles du français comme s'il était la langue de la Kabylie! Et quid de la langue kabyle? N'a-t-elle donc aucun rôle à jouer pour que vous faisiez appel au français? Serait-elle aussi faible que ça pour ne pas pouvoir se maintenir? C'est plutôt vous qui brandissez la "menace" de l'arabisation (si arabisation il y a) pour, non pas protéger la langue kabyle, dont apparemment vous vous en fichez royalement, mais maintenir la langue française! Vous sombrez dans le ridicule. My fellow citizen, I do know who the arabists are. Changing french for english is nothing than a scheme in order to take over Kabylia by arabizing it, because, in your minds, french language is the main problem to your pervert agenda. Citer Link to post Share on other sites
Narzo 10 Posted April 5, 2011 Partager Posted April 5, 2011 Marié à une musulmane donc des nôtres. Désolé mais c'est elle qui a cousu le premier drapeau Algérien. Cela confirme parfaitement ce que je pensais .... Le colonialisme n'est pas mort , il a seulement revêtit un nouvelle habile ... Le spectre néo-colonialisme subsiste toujours !!!! Citer Link to post Share on other sites
An-Nisr 6 595 Posted April 5, 2011 Author Partager Posted April 5, 2011 My fellow citizen, I do know who the arabists are. Changing french for english is nothing than a scheme in order to take over Kabylia by arabizing it, because, in your minds, french language is the main problem to your pervert agenda. No one wants to take Kabylia over and there's no need to "arabize" it. It has it's own language that must be respected. And it is to the Kabyle people themselves to do so at the first place. Sorry to remind you a fact that, in principle, is plain to all of us: french is by no means the language of Kabylia or any other algerian region. You must accept it. Citer Link to post Share on other sites
TLEMCENARAB 10 Posted April 5, 2011 Partager Posted April 5, 2011 Cela confirme parfaitement ce que je pensais .... Le colonialisme n'est pas mort , il a seulement revêtit un nouvelle habile ... Le spectre néo-colonialisme subsiste toujours !!!! Tu en est la preuve non?:D :D J'aime bien le vert. :D Citer Link to post Share on other sites
moonlight2010 10 Posted April 5, 2011 Partager Posted April 5, 2011 Stop talking........move........... Citer Link to post Share on other sites
An-Nisr 6 595 Posted April 5, 2011 Author Partager Posted April 5, 2011 Stop talking........move........... Yope, and in our modern World moving fast and well requires English...The French Minister himself seems to get it more than you, among others, do. Citer Link to post Share on other sites
moonlight2010 10 Posted April 5, 2011 Partager Posted April 5, 2011 Yope, and in our modern World moving fast and well requires English...The French Minister himself gets it more than you do. Why more than me? what about you? what have you done besides talking? let me hear something interesting, please... Citer Link to post Share on other sites
Guest samirovsky Posted April 5, 2011 Partager Posted April 5, 2011 Stop talking........move........... He is moving from a topic to another, Citer Link to post Share on other sites
An-Nisr 6 595 Posted April 5, 2011 Author Partager Posted April 5, 2011 Why more than me? what about you? what have you done besides talking? let me hear something interesting, please... More than you in a sens that he admits that teaching English to people must be implemented in the best way possible and the as soon as possible. As for the second part of your message, where you accuse me of being too "talkative", keep this: in a discussion forum one does nothing but...duscussing. But it's not as easy as it seems when one finds hismself explaining that 1 + 1 = 2. Citer Link to post Share on other sites
Narzo 10 Posted April 5, 2011 Partager Posted April 5, 2011 Anti-française puisque anti-coloniale. Je le réitère, à moins d'avoir rater un chapitre, je ne pense pas que les contestations étaient berbéristes. A ton avis les 45 % de martyrs kabyles et un bon autre pourcentage de martyrs Chaouis et Mozabites imaginaient une Algérie comment après la Guerre d'Indépendance ...???? Tu penses qu'ils luttaient pour une Algérie Arabe ???? Réfléchis un peu .... je sais que t'es loin d'être un hmar ;)!!!! La Guerre de Libération a été initié par des berbéristes , des tenants de l'amazighité , qui lutter pour une Algérie non-dénaturée !!! C'est après que sont intervenus les cloques inspirés du Parti Baâs qui nous gouvernes et qui ton bouffer le cerveau ....!!!! Ceux qui on empêcher une véritable Révolution , une véritable Renaissance Algérienne au profit d'une Algérie assujettit à l'Orient et aux préceptes dogmatiques du pan-arabisme ...!!!! Citer Link to post Share on other sites
moonlight2010 10 Posted April 5, 2011 Partager Posted April 5, 2011 When I said stop talking, I aimed every one...... I know English is a very interesting and useful language, so we have to improve our skills and learning in English, but what I denied is your idea about telling that french is not useful anymore and should be replaced.......... Thanks for answering... Citer Link to post Share on other sites
Narzo 10 Posted April 5, 2011 Partager Posted April 5, 2011 Tu en est la preuve non?:D :D J'aime bien le vert. :D Que veux-tu dire par là ??? Citer Link to post Share on other sites
TLEMCENARAB 10 Posted April 5, 2011 Partager Posted April 5, 2011 Que veux-tu dire par là ??? Rien j'ai juste pas compris ce que toi tu avais voulu dire. :mdr: Tu écris sans visé directement, va droit au but. Citer Link to post Share on other sites
ytreza 10 Posted April 5, 2011 Partager Posted April 5, 2011 oooooooooooooo Citer Link to post Share on other sites
Guest samirovsky Posted April 5, 2011 Partager Posted April 5, 2011 french is by no means the language of Kabylia... Arabic too, is not the language of Kabylia. Otherwise, as far as you respect my language, all my due respect to your's Citer Link to post Share on other sites
An-Nisr 6 595 Posted April 5, 2011 Author Partager Posted April 5, 2011 When I said stop talking, I aimed every one...... I know English is a very interesting and useful language, so we have to improve our skills and learning in English, but what I denied is your idea about telling that french is not useful anymore and should be replaced.......... Thanks for answering... We must, as a Nation, make a choice since both languages are foreign languages to us. So none of them can pretend to be national. Starting from this fact, another criterion pops out: which one is more useful nowadays? The answer is undoubtedly English. French is no more. It will then be replaced without you noticing it. ;) Citer Link to post Share on other sites
An-Nisr 6 595 Posted April 5, 2011 Author Partager Posted April 5, 2011 Arabic too, is not the language of Kabylia. Otherwise, as far as you respect my language, all my due respect to your's Nobody said the contrary. Citer Link to post Share on other sites
moonlight2010 10 Posted April 5, 2011 Partager Posted April 5, 2011 We must, as a Nation, make a choice since both languages are foreign languages to us. So none of them can pretend to be national. Starting from this fact, another criterion pops out: which one is more useful nowadays? The answer is undoubtedly English. French is no more. It will then be replaced without you noticing it. ;) The world is changing, who knows what will happen in the futur? ;) Citer Link to post Share on other sites
An-Nisr 6 595 Posted April 5, 2011 Author Partager Posted April 5, 2011 The world is changing, who knows what will happen in the futur? ;) The futur is made up of present elements, it doesn't come from the void. And the present elements we all have before our eyes, if we accept to keep them widely open, is that English has become a linga frinca worldwide. Knowing this, Algeria can no longer "pay the luxury" to remain excluded and must take radical measures to dive into new and more enriching waters. Citer Link to post Share on other sites
TLEMCENARAB 10 Posted April 5, 2011 Partager Posted April 5, 2011 que ceux qui veulent apprendre l'anglais et/ou le francais doivent pouvoir avoir le choix et la possibilité de le faire...c'est la seule chose importante...le reste c'est de l’idéologie... C'est aussi simple que sa? Citer Link to post Share on other sites
Guest samirovsky Posted April 5, 2011 Partager Posted April 5, 2011 Nobody said the contrary. But you know that arabic language is imposed in this region as was french language before. So, nothing seems to change for Kabylian people. Citer Link to post Share on other sites
Apulee 10 Posted April 5, 2011 Partager Posted April 5, 2011 But you know that arabic language is imposed in this region as was french language before. So, nothing seems to change for Kabylian people. Tu vas avoir droit a sa fameuse reponse, "c'est ta langue, thab oualla takrah". :mdr: Citer Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zancko Posted April 5, 2011 Partager Posted April 5, 2011 An-Nisr @ Qui ta dit que l'arabe est ma langue maternelle ? Citer Link to post Share on other sites
Guest samirovsky Posted April 5, 2011 Partager Posted April 5, 2011 Tu vas avoir droit a sa fameuse reponse, "c'est ta langue, thab oualla takrah". :mdr: He didn't even dare to reply, Il se la joue respectueux des autres langues. Mon oeil !! Tu connais le proverbe : lazam tba3 el kedhab hata bab darou. ( désolé pour la traduction) Citer Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bkam Posted April 5, 2011 Partager Posted April 5, 2011 ______________________________ Citer Link to post Share on other sites
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