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J'ai envie de dire !

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that's exaggerated :20: , Well , for me , when someone tells me that he misses me , I tell him something nice in return , such as : " thank you " or " that's nice from you " , .. or " I missed you too " if I really do , simple, isn't it ?


Well....said like that it seems like a commercial transaction....you say something and have to receive in return...:)

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haya labass.. ga3 kberna.. lol   J'ai eu Kakashi l'autre jour..  Il se porte hyper bien..  mazalou yeqra mlih.. lol djab 20/20 en maths et en physique..  hahahahaha

Hey je viens de comprendre, faut réagir aux posts, chaque réaction te rajoute 1 point de réputation SVP likez mes posts hahahaha!!!

Oh merci les gars, j'ai 3 points dans ma réputation!!! Wow!!! Super contente!!! Mandemtsh lli neqqelt hnaya hahahaha!

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Guest Mohamed Jacob
Well....said like that it seems like a commercial transaction....you say something and have to receive in return...:)


mmm I dunno , for me it's neither like a commercial transaction nor like something else , it's not a big deal , .. I like to act normally , as a normal human :) :)

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mmm I dunno , for me it's neither like a commercial transaction nor like something else , it's not a big deal , .. I like to act normally , as a normal human :) :)


How....can you define normal?...Nimos does not like to use such word it´s a dangerous and confusing one where we can put anything just because we consider this ....is normal:confused:

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Guest Mohamed Jacob
How....can you define normal?...Nimos does not like to use such word it´s a dangerous and confusing one where we can put anything just because we consider this ....is normal:confused:


I know the term " normal " is not the same for all people , it depends one many factors especially the way of thinking .

but there are several things common in all humans , I can call this : the Instinct , human nature , or Fitrah ( الفطرة ) . like smiling , being angry , laughing , ...... I think these things don't change from a race or a nation to an other !

so when I said , being normal I meant : to act spontaneously , and not to think about the very simple reactions .

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Guest Candies
ro7i te9raye ya tafla :mad:


Rani neqra:confused:

En plus g appris pleeiiiiin de choses...pas intéressantes du tout:mdr:

Non sérieux chui en pause je déguerpis dans quatre minutes:p

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Guest syrius
Je m'ennuie au boulot. Sinon, tout va bien et toi ?


Il faut que je sorte mais j'ai pas envie, je reprends le travail à 13h et entre temps il faut que j'aille déposer un papier et que je prépare un truc à grignoter.


Je souffre d'une sacrée flemmite. :zorro:

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Guest PrincesseSarah
saluut ça va ? :)


ouii , le sport est très soulageant , .... et ça donne la sensation d’être super actif !!


Salut ! ça va hemdoulleh et toi? ^^

Trop ! là je me sens comme sur un nuage, j'ai envie de dormir :p

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