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Entre las lineas de mis poemas estás escondida

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Guest Nimos

And this is how it goes....Like a song God wrote and Angels played.

The ring was the smile of your lips, lost between the sight of a rising summer

The vilons and pianos of a sweet closing eye...before I just lye..

You told me you don´t need time or space....That you are the forces and I was the Universe.


You lied, You lied, I knew it, You knew me, But So sweet it was to believe a lie

You told me you will stop smiling, you did not....You lied You lied...


You promised stop holding me too tight...You lied, You lied....

You even told me you will leave me, You lied, You lied....


Almost gone everywhere, and there you were.....You know that you lied....You know you lied...


You told me I will forget our first days....You just lied Lied Lied...

But Darling Your lies....are the only truth I can get from myself.....


You told me you care....tonight we go to never see tomorrow....

You lied Lied....


And after all you left me on the night...It brings me those days I spent with your lips, You told me "I will never be back"....Darling You know You lied You Lied....

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