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Yahourt algérien goût aux dattes.

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I'm not talking about Visas. Not immigrating, but visiting.


So this is what your pride is about? Not being proud of Algeria, but afraid you would be refused a visa? :D :D


Yes I would like to visit Algeria


Mr Ladoz thinks that he has not to answer ....... some personal questions neither give "too personal" informations ....


The generous and kind :crazy::crazy: Mr Ladoz would invite you whenever you want !!!

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Guest blood-n-sugar
Mr Ladoz thinks that he has not to answer ....... some personal questions neither give "too personal" informations ....


The generous and kind :crazy::crazy: Mr Ladoz would invite you whenever you want !!!



Thank you; I might reconsider though, I would be afraid of what you would do to me :D

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Guest blood-n-sugar

Mr Ladoz is a gentleman .... :cool:


A man of class and integrity !! :crazy::crazy:


Of course... This is why this was your fallowing message :28:


Well sometimes you have to "bip bip" yourself before you get bibipped bigmdrbigmdr

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ya khouya grib er-ramdhanne!

non, sérieux

je suis effaré

j'ai l'impression que le sucre des dattes n'est pas assez utilisé

oui le sucre ses dattes n'est pas utilisé du tout

comme quoi il y a beaucoup a faire dans le pays :)

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oui le sucre ses dattes n'est pas utilisé du tout

comme quoi il y a beaucoup a faire dans le pays :)


Tout à fait ....


C'est aussi un problème d'absence de compétences scientifiques et d'encouragement à la recherche ....


On pourrait trouver à ce sucre des vertus médicales par exemple ....

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Guest blood-n-sugar
By the way .....


Seeing :crazy:.......


Mr Ladoz is enjoying this picture :crazy::crazy:


Ah. So you see you do like Canada :D This is the view from the CN Tower. At 435 m high :D

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Ah. So you see you do like Canada :D This is the view from the CN Tower. At 435 m high :D


Mr LADOZ would not exactly be on the same page with you :crazy::crazy:


But it is just a question of appreciation :crazy: :throb:

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Guest samirovsky
Purée ça n'existe pas!

Ce serait un moyen d'utiliser des produits algériens:

- sucre de dattes,

- dattes.


Et réduire nos importations de sucre.


....et faire don de l'excédent de notre balance de paiement pour la Palestine:cool:

d'une pierre, deux coups,

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Guest blood-n-sugar
Mr LADOZ would not exactly be on the same page with you :crazy::crazy:


But it is just a question of appreciation :crazy: :throb:


You don't like the city?

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Guest blood-n-sugar
Mr Ladoz likes all the cities of the world (and the universe too ) :crazy::crazy:


But truth is he also like some other things :crazy:


Well, this is a nice view of the city that is all.


What do you like, honey, conspiring angainst sionist? :D

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Guest blood-n-sugar
Take care Mr Ladoz ! Blood is a special agent of Mossad :D She's able to cause you an heart attack.


Save your soul. Save our cause.


Take a cold shower.:04:


rooo qu'est-ce tu racontes toi :28:

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