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Guest samirovsky
yevgha thabougousth


il a tout dit :D


dh achou mazal th tshawisemt ?


yiweth deg kout our thevghi at zwedj, aqlikout dhagui itmenyik bark:cool:

negh amar ur themlihemth ara,

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Guest kirit
azul a kirit


aqli ca va pas ditou !!


fkaniyi bessif en plus i sin dha3raven :helpsmilie:


adh yili rebbi yidhem a tha7vivth


unqeblara i3raven :mad:


dhlev l divorce thura kan :chut:

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Guest kirit
yiweth deg kout our thevghi at zwedj, aqlikout dhagui itmenyik bark:cool:

negh amar ur themlihemth ara,


nek melhagh u vghigh adh zewjagh yidhek aghiyi :cool::mdr::mdr:

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Guest samirovsky
nek melhagh u vghigh adh zewjagh yidhek aghiyi :cool::mdr::mdr:


Ok, ma thmelhadh, machi tazeboult machi tamgharth s warawiss

ihi, le MP at yel3av tout de suite:chut:

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achou n saha yagui


nighamed fkaniyi bssif mbla ma vghigh


forcing :(


iwarnu i ssin :eek:


zrigh ..............c'est le sens inverse que je voulais dire lol:09:

yiwen amdyinni ar thafoularth bessif wayedh ameyinni alla outsefghara

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Guest samirovsky
admino ikerhiyi yougui ayi dyefk la mp ::mad::chut:


dhgha kemini a Kirit, ar imanim ar rif.

zrigh belli thes3idh arawim, tezina, am thenyedj rebbi, akem gagh am yemma.

coeur de patate, ur oumingh ara thezmer at 3ich louk dh wargaz yibwas.

freeness, ur thezra ara dhachu thevra encore. atan dhi tewhid.

mazal Pulse anwali amek ara thefegh theswi3th.:crazy::crazy:

Ps: ur zmirhara ith zmagriyin

amicalement votre

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dhgha kemini a Kirit, ar imanim ar rif.

zrigh belli thes3idh arawim, tezina, am thenyedj rebbi, akem gagh am yemma.

coeur de patate, ur oumingh ara thezmer at 3ich louk dh wargaz yibwas.

freeness, ur thezra ara dhachu thevra encore. atan dhi tewhid.

mazal Pulse anwali amek ara thefegh theswi3th.:crazy::crazy:


ouzrighara achou vghigh wakka ikyennan ......

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Guest kirit
dhgha kemini a Kirit, ar imanim ar rif.

zrigh belli thes3idh arawim, tezina, am thenyedj rebbi, akem gagh am yemma.

coeur de patate, ur oumingh ara thezmer at 3ich louk dh wargaz yibwas.

freeness, ur thezra ara dhachu thevra encore. atan dhi tewhid.

mazal Pulse anwali amek ara thefegh theswi3th.:crazy::crazy:

Ps: ur zmirhara ith zmagriyin

amicalement votre


nek match tsazmigrith :mad: :mdr::mdr::mdr:

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