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Agence matrimoniale "NADIK LOUKEN BEDRA3"

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Guest kirit
w nta tu leurs donne loccas bech yestechfaw fiya :( chouf hadik lbahloula li rahi tetmeragh f lard beda7k :confused: pfffff:(


bigmdr bigmdr


haka tet3elmi ma t7ebich errajel m awal nadhra :mdr:

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Guest kirit
ma rakich ti3i zewj te3ek yek gotlek résumé ma bghitich :mad: anti tali9 bi talet


hak résumé ya lfenya :mdr:


aya hadi fi khater mon maRi:D mais ntouma ma tchoufouch hein:cool:


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Guest fleure bleue
bigmdr bigmdr


haka tet3elmi ma t7ebich errajel m awal nadhra :mdr:


hawlik tela9ni :( thanitou doka??? ana nro7 w ma nzidch kamel nahder m3akoum ,jra7touli 9albi sghiwer :angel_sadangel:

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Guest fleure bleue
ma tkhafch 3lih :mdr: rah tela9ha bethalath :chut: :mdr:


ya tefla,fi 3oud mateb9ay testechfay fiya,ro7i 3assi rajlek li rahou yel3ab gauche droite,ça se vois que ma 9ana3tihch kamel :D

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Guest fleure bleue
:mdr: mdrrrrrrrr


allé toi :D khallili wardaty tranquille aya


ma ranich wardatouka :mad: et dire que j allais vnir te voir le week end :rolleyes: pfff bon bein tant pis

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