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The rebellion against the Kadaffi dictatorship in Libya has not produced any official outside help, but Egypt has apparently sent some of its commandos in to help out the largely amateur rebel force. Wearing civilian clothes, the hundred or so Egyptian commandos are officially not there, but are providing crucial skills and experience to help the rebels cope with the largely irregular, and mercenary, force still controlled by the Kadaffi clan. There are also some commandos from Britain (SAS) and American (Special Forces) operators are also believed wandering around, mainly to escort diplomats or perform reconnaissance (and find out who is in charge among the rebels).


The Egyptian commandos come from Unit 777, a force that was established in the late 1970s, but underwent some ups and downs in the next two decades before achieving its current form. Today, the 250-300 -man Unit 777 is a significantly improved force. They fall under the command of the Army Commando Command, both of whom are based in Cairo. Force 777 trains with the help of the German GSG-9, French GIGN, and American Delta Force commandos.

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L'Egypte le payera chère et aura de lourdes conséquences. Elle veut un Etat islamique et elle voudra aidé la Palestine et elle rentrera en conflit avec l'Otan et sera bombardé des deux cotés, l'est et l'ouest, Israel aura sa base militaire en Libye et l'attaquera des deux cotés. L'Egypte est dans le piège !!! Bien fait pour elle !!!!!!!

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L'Egypte le payera chère et aura de lourdes conséquences. Elle veut un Etat islamique et elle voudra aidé la Palestine et elle rentrera en conflit avec l'Otan et sera bombardé des deux cotés, l'est et l'ouest, Israel aura sa base militaire en Libye et l'attaquera des deux cotés. L'Egypte est dans le piège !!! Bien fait pour elle !!!!!!!



detrompe toi mousquetaire l Égypte vient de signer une coopération bi latéral et on reprit la fourniture du gaz et du petrole


ma question est la suivante pourquoi avoir destituer moubarak le vendu des sionistes pour mettre les memes guignols qui vont servir l entite sioniste

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NATO paves the way for civil war & foreign occupation as Western oil giants pounce on Libya

23 August 2011 1,645 views 16 Comments


by Martin Iqbal.


The finishing touches are being added to the myth of the Libya war. A barrage of propaganda is convincing the world that the war is almost over. Amid the chaos Western oil giants pounce, foreshadowing a protracted and bloody civil war, and a foreign occupation in the guise of a ‘peacekeeping’ force.


Conventional wisdom has it that events in Libya are the result of an indigenous uprising that has organically risen from the soils of Libya. We are meant to believe that the ‘rebels’ are an independent force finally seeking freedom from a 42-year dictatorship under Muammar Gaddafi.


From the outset, this is the narrative that has been pushed by a concerted global corporate media campaign, and it is a completely false one. This myth has allowed NATO to bombard Libyan infrastructure, soldiers, and civilian volunteers who have taken up arms to defend themselves from foreign invasion.


In the last few days, this myth has culminated in a brazen psychological warfare operation mounted in tandem with a NATO attack on Tripoli, aimed at crushing the Libyan Resistance once and for all.

Demolishing the ‘revolution’ myth


From the very beginning, the Pakistan Observer reported that on the night of February 22/23, British, American, and French military personnel were landed in Benghazi and Tobruk via boat from NATO warships anchored off the Libyan coast. The Indian Navy also sent its largest warship – the INS Jalashwa (formerly the USS Trenton – delivered to India by the U.S. four years previously). These troops set up military bases in Libya from which they could train and direct the disorganised, untrained ‘rebel’ forces.


From early March, reports of British troops on the ground in Libya saturated the press. The British government refused to comment on its special forces presence in Libya, but admitted to the presence of a military advisory team.


Amid the British, French, American, and Israeli military and intelligence personnel directing the ‘rebels’, a Libyan CIA asset returned to Libya to take a commanding post. In mid March, Khalifa Haftar returned to Libya from his comfortable home in Vienna, Virginia – where he had lived for 20 years – 5 miles from Langley, CIA Headquarters.

NATO’s cowardly and bloody air war


What followed was a cowardly military campaign wherein NATO jets and drones destroyed Libyan air defences, and simply levelled anything in the rebels’ path. Weeks after the onset of the NATO bombing in mid March and after negligible military progress, British and French attack helicopters entered the fray, further tipping the balance in favour of the ‘rebels’. Libyan Army soldiers, many who were teenage conscripts, as well as civilian volunteers, were torn to shreds as Apache helicopters and jets attacked ‘Gaddafi troop concentrations’.


After 5 months of intense NATO aerial bombardment, the ‘rebels’ were still unable to achieve any lasting strategic victories. More importantly the Libyan people, especially in Tripoli, had become galvanised and staunch in their unity against NATO, against the rebels, and in solidarity with Col. Gaddafi.

Operation Mermaid Dawn: Smoke, Mirrors, and Blood


Knowing that the ‘rebels’ had no chance whatsoever against the popular will of Libya, NATO resorted to the only tactic that could work: psychological warfare partnered with a cowardly blitzkrieg of Tripoli, accommodating a ground advance into the capital.


On Saturday 20 August at 20:00 – just after the Iftar, the breaking of the Ramadan fast – NATO’s Operation Mermaid Dawn went into action. The Mosque loudspeakers of Tripoli were used to signal dormant ‘sleeper cells’ of rebels. In several small groups, these armed rebels carried out multiple attacks. The fighting overnight left 350 dead, over 3,000 wounded, and was intended to cause panic amongst the Libyan Resistance. Thierry Meyssan reports that fighting subsided during the day of Sunday 21 August, until phase II of NATO’s final push began.


A NATO ship docked at Tripoli, and unloaded heavy weaponry as well as Qatari troops and rebel forces. NATO’s cowardly modus operandi continued as Apache helicopters strafed Libyans in the streets in order to clear the way for the rebels. Bombing was stepped up on Tripoli in order to terrorise the Libyan resistance and increase the likelihood of rebel success. Over 1,300 were killed within a 10 hour period on Sunday night.


Independent journalists Mahdi Nazemroaya and Don DeBar, citing sources in Tripoli, both report the presence of Qatari troops, several of whom have been killed in the fighting. Nazemroaya also reports CNN journalists threatening independent journalists, warning that they would be killed if they mentioned the rebels’ al Qaeda links.


Further, Thierry Meyssan reports the presence of CIA & MI6 spies in the Tripoli Rixos hotel, who are masquerading as journalists.


The corporate-Zionist media dutifully played its role in the psychological warfare operation, ensuring the world was oblivious to the reality on the ground. Across the spectrum, reports flowed in of people ‘flooding the streets’ and celebrating as the rebels rolled in to Tripoli meeting little resistance. The truth of the matter was that Tripoli was suffering a lethal and intense NATO bombardment with hundreds upon hundreds being killed in a matter of hours. In tandem with this, Qatari troops and rebel forces advanced under the shadows of NATO bombs and bullets – the whole operation coordinated by Western intelligence.


Qatar-based Al Jazeera went to extreme lengths to attempt to psychologically cow the Libyan people. On the morning of August 22 they orchestrated an elaborate hoax. Al Jazeera Arabic screened footage of rebels celebrating in Green Square, that was actually filmed in a studio replica of the square in Doha, Qatar. The fraudulent images made their way across the global corporate media, but Libyan intelligence had learned of this plot two days prior to the event, and had already warned the Libyan people via State TV.


As part of the psychological warfare operation, even the ICC got involved in telling barefaced lies. The ICC confirmed that Saif al-Islam Gaddafi had been captured, and this in fact turned out to be a complete fabrication intended to cow the Libyan Resistance into submission. Matthew Chance, a senior CNN correspondent subsequently had a face-to-face meeting with Saif al-Islam, and even took a photo.

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detrompe toi mousquetaire l Égypte vient de signer une coopération bi latéral et on reprit la fourniture du gaz et du petrole


ma question est la suivante pourquoi avoir destituer moubarak le vendu des sionistes pour mettre les memes guignols qui vont servir l entite sioniste


Enfin Helena qui prend le dessus!!! Praline va avoir la diarhée:mdr::mdr:

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In the following RT report you will see Saif al-Islam Gaddafi parading the streets of Tripoli. Furthermore, Lizzie Phelan’s report puts paid to the thrust of NATO’s psychological warfare – the lies that the Resistance is ‘crumbling’, and rebels are in control of most of Tripoli:


And now, in what is perhaps one of the central objectives of the psychological warfare being waged in the media, Western oil giants have begun to pounce. The global corporate media tells the world that the war in Libya is as good as over. In reality, Libya is now entering a period of protracted civil war as the Libyan Resistance refuses to submit to the foreign invaders and their proxies. A violent foreign occupation, already predicted for October 2011, also seems imminent, and has already been called for by the President of the Council on Foreign Relations. Amid the chaos and confusion, Libya’s most precious national asset is already being stolen and divvied up, and you can expect its gold to follow.

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Foreign forces in Libya helping rebel forces advance


August 24, 2011|From Barbara Starr, CNN


Special forces troops from overseas have stepped up operations in Tripoli and other cities in recent days to help rebel forces.


Special forces troops from Britain, France, Jordan and Qatar on the ground in Libya have stepped up operations in Tripoli and other cities in recent days to help rebel forces as they conducted their final advance on the Gadhafi regime, a NATO official confirmed to CNN Wednesday.


British forces, in particular, have assisted rebel units by "helping them get better organized to conduct operations," the official said. Some of these forces from all the countries have traveled with rebel units from towns across Libya as they advanced on Tripoli.


The official declined to be identified due to the sensitive nature of the intelligence information.


Overall, the special forces have helped rebels "improve their tactics," the official said.


The forces have also provided targeting information to warplanes conducting airstrikes and conducting reconnaissance missions in Tripoli, he said. This has been especially critical in recent days in the capital, as fighters from both sides have mixed together in close range. The forces have also assisted rebels in communications as they conducted the assault on the capital.


Qatari and French forces also have provided some armaments, the official said.

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This phone call is a dispute between a Misurati rebel leader and the NTC’s Military spokesman, Colonel Ahmed Bani, showing numerous rebel’s lies & hypocrisy. It confirms several facts:1 – They talk about the presence of U.S & French troops within Misurata and Tripoli, and they are clearly admitting that foreign troops engaged in the attack & occupation of Tripoli, and are still there.


2 – A major conflict between the Misurata brigade and the NTC in Benghazi, about how the Misurata brigade is perceived by Benghazi, the minimizing of its role in the fights. The Misurati commander seems really tired of hearing the Military spokesman gloating on TV & in the news, talking about a so-called new National Army, while they are being crushed by Gaddafi troops, without the help of Benghazi. He says “Your Sp-called National Army has been totally crushed at Dafniya by Gaddafi troops, and they took all the weapons and armoured vehicles. There is no Libyan Army anymore. Where is your Libyan army in Sirte? Are you talking about those waiting outside parading for TV & photographs? A Commander like you should come to the battleground, not go parading on TV! Stop acting like the Americans & French, like Sarkozy parading while the war is still ongoing in the country. Come to the battleground! ”


3- Bani, The NTC’s Spokesman, answer him about the psychological operation & aims for his use of the word “New National Army”, he says that the whole world is fearing a guerrilla situation in Libya, fearing Al Qaeda and fratricide fights between the different factions. The international community must not see the Libyan rebels as a bunch of different factions, militias and brigades, so he uses the word “Libyan Army” to pretend that Libya is ok, that the situation is under control, and that there are only small pockets of pro-Gaddafi fighters to defeat. So they try to convince the US, UK and France that a Libyan army is under construction, blablablah..


4- The Misurati commander stop him, telling him that the US & French are very well informed about the situation on the ground, since they are with them on the ground. They where in Tripoli during the assault, and they are still there. He says in his own brigade only, there is a foreign intel. group of 12 US spec ops, and 6 French (spies?), they are giving all the info, through internet & press (?). So the situation is quiet clear for them, no need to pretend there is a new Libyan army.


3- A dispute over the weapons & “troops” or “mercenaries” from Qatar. “Where are the weapons from Qatar, where are the troops when we need them?”, says the Misurati rebel. The deficiency of backing troops and weapons from Benghazi, while they given them 150 millions (?) for weapons- The Misurati commander says that they didn’t get the weapons they were promised while they know the weapons are in Benghazi. He swears that each of those in Benghazi who betrayed the Misurata brigade will pay the hard price and that the ‘revolution’ will succeed with or without them. He says that even if colonel Bani pretend he didn’t betrayed, he need to fix the situation, and give what they promised to Misurata brigade, as he’s in power.(money & greed)


4- The Misurati commander says that Benghazi owe them money and respect for the Misurata ‘martyrs’, the wounded and amputations (?), for all what they have done, including destroying the Gaddafi army in Misurata and areas “ Think abouth the armies we destroyed, Man, we destroyed 16 battalions in Misurata, there are MASS GRAVES of Gaddafi soldiers, but we are not supposed to talk about it. Who destroyed them? And you are talking about a National army?! Where is your National army of Benghazi? We are taking major casualties right now. Ambulances and planes are full of our casualties; hospitals are full of Misuratan rebels! Where is the help coming from Qatar? Where are the weapons coming from Qatar? You guys are excluding us from Libya like if we were Bangladesh. You are doing worse than Gaddafi, forgetting us and putting us apart”

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