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Europe’s free ride on the back of Nato is over

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With America losing faith in the Nato alliance, Britain and France must lead its renewal.


These are confusing times for supporters of Nato. On the one hand, the alliance has completed its mission in Libya without a single casualty. On the other, its future looks less certain than ever in the face of fiscal austerity, increasingly uneven burden-sharing between members, and America’s dwindling faith in its utility.


The fact that the US feels this way is understandable. In 2000, America’s share of Nato defence spending was around 50 per cent. Today, it has risen to 75 per cent. With peace at home, many European nations have redirected spending towards other priorities, free-riding off the US when it comes to threats overseas. And this problem is set to get worse, since every European Nato member is set for severe defence cuts – including France, whose own equivalent of Britain’s defence review begins next year.


This decline in capability has come about not just because we are spending less, but because we continue to spend badly. Military funding is channelled through dozens of separate national programmes and structures, creating enormous duplication and failing to achieve economies of scale. While Europe has half a million more military personnel than America, it can deploy just a fraction of them overseas.


Nato is also being weakened by changes in US foreign policy: as the then defence secretary, Robert Gates, said earlier this year, his country is starting to look west as much as east. What America sees in Nato is yesterday’s vision of the future: allies with declining capabilities, reluctant to put troops in harm’s way, and an institution ill-suited to addressing US interests – especially with defence cuts looming in Washington as well.


To see where this is leading, consider what happened in Libya. After the initial air strikes, the US played a substantial but supporting role, encouraging Britain and France to lead the operation. As a result, the mission suffered from significantly reduced firepower, with less than a quarter of the planes used in Kosovo, flying less than a fifth of the sorties, and ammunition running dangerously low. As in Bosnia in the 1990s, it exposed how poorly equipped, organised and prepared Europe is for serious and sustained missions, even in its own backyard.


So what can we do? How do we reassure the Americans that Europeans are committed to the transatlantic alliance? How do we deliver greater capabilities when money is tight? And how do we provide for our own security if and when the US declines to lead?


Some say the answer is a European army. This is a pipe-dream for lazy thinkers: it would require a common budget, common equipment and integrated command, under clear political direction, none of which are forthcoming. Yet the status quo is equally unpalatable.


The answer, therefore, is for Britain and France to lead the way. The starting point would be our recent bilateral defence treaties, which have the potential to deliver real savings through joint procurement, R&D, maintenance, training, and shared military doctrine. Yet without the will to develop a wider vision, these risk descending into the usual black hole for good intentions.


The first deficiency of the current London-Paris defence axis is the assumption that true co-operation can be achieved by bringing generals together to agree how to collaborate on the battlefield; or fitting aircraft carriers with catapults. Such moves are perfectly sensible – but they are not big, new or original. It’s what Blucher and Wellington tried at Waterloo, Hague and Foche attempted at Flanders, and what I did with the Dutch Marines in the 1970s. Working co-operation – even integration – between troops is sensible. But it will not lead to the deeper connections and cost-saving that we need.


Proper defence co-operation will not be driven by generals at the top, but by integrating defence industries at the bottom. In my own part of the world, Westland helicopters offers a shining example, having allied first with French and then with Italian firms. If European nations can develop an interlocking strategic view as a prelude to common procurement, it will not only create genuine defence co-operation, but allow us to make the huge savings necessary – and start to build a globally competitive European defence industry.


The second problem with the current arrangements is that London and Paris see the new treaties differently. For Eurosceptics, it’s the Entente Cordiale re-created; an exercise stopping at Paris. But for the French, it represents much more. Europe already has an active structure for Franco-German co-operation, a UK-Dutch Amphibious Force, a Nordic Grouping. The French vision is to create a wider process of co-operation between like-minded countries, based on practical steps and national interests. This is the right vision – but it is anathema to some in London.


Britain must realise that, in isolation, Anglo-French co-operation will not provide the capabilities required to strengthen Nato, or deliver the savings needed. Unless others are involved, it will not be able to provide for our collective security when the US declines to lead. So we must not only deepen our bilateral co-operation, but actively explore co-operation with other European partners – and be relentless in exporting that model across Europe. As Anglo-French leadership in Libya comes to an end, Anglo-French leadership in Europe needs to begin.


The Telegraph

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it exposed how poorly equipped, organised and prepared Europe is for serious and sustained missions, even in its own backyard.




L'appetit semble s'etre demesurement accru en mangeant on dirait :mdr:


L'OTAN (corsaires des temps modernes) a fait ses preuves en Libye et il faudrait plus de moyens pour de plus grandes cibles (dans le backyard) :crazy:



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L'appetit semble s'etre demesurement accru en mangeant on dirait :mdr:


L'OTAN (corsaires des temps modernes) a fait ses preuves en Libye et il faudrait plus de moyens pour de plus grandes cibles (dans le backyard) :crazy:




je me creuse un abri antiatomique vite fait :D

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