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la libye tombe sous la coupe du F.M.I. et de la banque mondiale

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Libya c.bank looks to IMF amid cash crisis



He said he hoped the influence of international organizations would help shape a new Libyan model of banking, and the groundwork had already been laid by IMF and World Bank over the previous 2-3 years.


"The IMF and WB have a roadmap and I would like to go ahead with the facelift. We need a strong central bank," he said.


A primary obstacle would be overcoming a shortage of labour because the national workforce lacked the skills required for the banking sector - as in most sectors across the economy. These included English and other foreign languages, which were removed from the school curriculum under Gaddafi's rule.


"Over the past 42 years the old regime tried to break the education system... there are not enough high-skilled workers," he said.


Elkaber urged foreign skilled workers to return to the country, but conceded that worries about security could remain an impediment for years to come.


The demands of bringing the country's unruly and heavily armed militia under the control of the transitional government is worrying foreign observers and many foreign workers are adopting a wait-and-see approach until stability is restored.


"The security issue will take some time," he said adding that it could take five years for the new political system to settle.


For now, working out a basic budget and dealing with emergencies were the bank's priority. It was too early to comment on exchange rate policy, foreign licenses or specific banking models Elkaber said.


"Our focus is food, medicine and reconstruction in areas like Sirte, Misrata, Zintan and Zawia, but also in smaller towns, and to try to reactivate manufacturing," he said.

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les libyens a cause des rats n'ont pas fini de s'en mordre les doigts, de vomir les rats qui ont ruiné leur pays et surtout regretter celui qui leur avait tout donné, le luxe suprême de ne pas être entre les griffes du FMI.........


C'est ainsi que cela se passe lorsque des harkas vendent leur patrie, leur peuple pour un plat de lentilles!

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le cours actuel du dollar libyen :

Thursday, November 3, 2011


1 US Dollar = 1.25185 Libyan Dinar

1 Libyan Dinar (LYD) = 0.79882 US Dollar (USD)


Median price = 1.20809 / 1.25185 (bid/ask)

Minimum price = 1.20490 / 1.24840

Maximum price = 1.21000 / 1.25390


attendons de voir ce qu'il en adviendra après endettement

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en fait des observateurs ont été étonnés par le fait que les rats du cnt quelques jours après le début de la pseudo-révolution aient institué une nouvelle banque centrale ...
étonnés? surement pas.....tout était calculé surtout! Se retrouver entre les griffes du FMI est un comble, lorsque l'on sait que sous Kadhafi, zero dettes, 200 milliards us dollars de réserves..........IDH 53 ème place mondiale.......

Voila le résultat du harkisme!

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