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le criminel sioniste Peres: on va attaquer iran bientot

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Peres: une attaque contre l'Iran "de plus en plus vraisemblable"

Le président israélien Shimon Peres a averti samedi qu'une attaque était "de plus en plus vraisemblable" contre l'Iran, peu avant la publication par l'Agence Internationale pour l'Energie Atomique (AIEA) d'un rapport sur le programme nucléaire de Téhéran.

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En attendant une éventuelle décision, Israël a procédé jeudi à un vaste exercice de défense passive simulant une attaque de missiles dans la région de Tel-Aviv, et a tiré mercredi avec succès un missile balistique doté d'un nouveau système de propulsion.


Les médias israéliens ont également fait état d'un exercice mené ces derniers jours par 14 avions israéliens en Sardaigne (Italie) en coopération avec l'aviation italienne pour s'entraîner à des missions "à longue distance". "Les Etats-Unis savent que toute attaque du régime sioniste contre l'Iran produira de sérieux dommages non seulement contre ce régime mais aussi contre les Etats-Unis", a averti le chef d'état-major iranien, le général Hassan Firouzabadi.


Le ministre iranien des Affaires étrangères, Ali Akbar Salehi, a affirmé jeudi en Libye que l'Iran s'est "préparé au pire".

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Peres: une attaque contre l'Iran "de plus en plus vraisemblable"

Le président israélien Shimon Peres a averti samedi qu'une attaque était "de plus en plus vraisemblable" contre l'Iran, peu avant la publication par l'Agence Internationale pour l'Energie Atomique (AIEA) d'un rapport sur le programme nucléaire de Téhéran.

Depuis quand l'entité terroriste sioniste prévient à l'avance de ses lâches méfaits?

De plus elle n'en a nullement les moyens, elle qui a pris deux déculottées face au Hizb Hallah..........

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si elle attaque l iran tout les chites de la region vont se soulever et tout le monde connait leur force et leur sacrifice a défendre leur pays !


alors je ne sais pas si ces gesticulations de part et d autre sont la que pour se faire peur et faire plier l autre !

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Peres: une attaque contre l'Iran "de plus en plus vraisemblable"

Le président israélien Shimon Peres a averti samedi qu'une attaque était "de plus en plus vraisemblable" contre l'Iran, peu avant la publication par l'Agence Internationale pour l'Energie Atomique (AIEA) d'un rapport sur le programme nucléaire de Téhéran.


Salam 3ala min itabi3 al houda


Jamais les Sionistes n'attaqueront l'Iran. Car les Chiites Rafidas sont leurs meilleurs alliés dans la région.



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âamar rassek:



Friday, October 28, 2011

Iran and Israel met secretly in Dubai to adopt a strategy to push up the prices of the oil and gas after the collapse of the dollar and the euro. Pakistan and China as well as Russian, aware of the strategy of tension game to maintain the prices of oil, gas high, confirmed that Iran is in posession of at least 6 thermonuclear warheads bought from Ukrainia in 2003 to reveal to the world the Netanyahu-Iran plot and force Iran to use nukes against Israel if attacked

Iran and Israel Caught – Partnering in Nuclear Attack Ploy

Tel Aviv and Tehran Clergy in Oil Price – War Scare Fraud…Iran Nuke Arsenal Exposed


by Editors Gordon Duff and Jim W. Dean, with Mike Harris



Whose Fortunes Will Be Sunk in the Persian Gulf ?


The news has been filled with stories of plans by Israel or the US to bomb Iran. There was recently a series of accusations made against Iran involving the assassination of Saudi and other diplomatic officials.


These accusations were quickly discarded by most press organizations as “far fetched” but, for some reason drew responses from the US, France and others, responses that were “non linear” at best.


Why would President Obama threaten Iran over accusations that all the networks said were nonsense?

Now, sources in Iran, at the highest levels, along with sources in the US and Britain, fearful of a “scam gone awry” tell of an extraordinary plot that is ready to unfold.



Secret contacts between Prime Minister Ahmadinejad, Ayatollah Khameni and counterparts in Israel, Russia and Turkey have been uncovered outlining a plan to stage an attack on Iran by Israel with full permission of the key groups within the leadership of the Iranian government and the clerics who oversee them. Members of opposition groups who have learned of this plan are livid.



The Sopranos Move to the Persian Gulf

The attack, scheduled for any day now, has one primary purpose.

It is meant to stabilize both the Iranian and Israeli governments, both of which have strong opposition at home and face charges of corruption and to correct major regional financial disaster each confront.

The “deal” between Israel and Iran is much closer to something out of the Sopranos than normal international relations.

This is pure “mob rule.”



Americans note that gasoline prices, recently at $4.50 per gallon, now approach $2.99 despite the continuation of artificial price supports due to illegal market speculation.


Gas price manipulation bankrupted the auto companies and has bled trillions of dollars out of the American economy that, not only destroyed our balance of trade but has lowered our standard of living.


This manipulation has been to prevent downward pressure on oil prices from three major market forces.


Will We Get the Old Gas Prices Back at This Critical EconomicTime - Or Will We Get Raped Instead?

1) There has been an 8% decrease in demand for oil and other petrochemical products worldwide, causing massive downward pressure on oil prices.


Price platforms that had been over $150 per barrel (2008) with current futures trading up to $120 per barrel while actual sale prices according to Platts Marketscan are at $86.00 per barrel less discounts of up to $8.00.

Corrected prices based on actual supply and demand would have oil at or below $60 per barrel and gasoline on the American market at $1.79 per gallon and on most European markets at E .79 per litre including all applicable taxes and fees.

The truth about supply issues has been suppressed. Not only is demand down but supply is skyrocketing.

2) Recent discoveries in the Eastern Mediterranean and West Africa/Cameroon place available reserves at nearly 40% higher than estimated 3 years ago.

Accurate reporting of these reserves would make oil futures virtually worthless, something that in a normal world would be of interest to the Securities and Exchange Commission. Now its “big oil’s” time for its own “pump and dump” in the futures market. With this comes more powerful political backing for this crazed and apocalyptic scheme.


3) New gas pipelines have broken Russia’s stranglehold on the market for natural gas and will push costs and profitability in that commodity through the floor.



Thousands of Highly Mobile Silkworms Line the Persian Gulf


There is only one way to stabilize gasoline prices that are in “free fall,” closing the Straits of Hormuz, the narrow waterway serving Iraq, Kuwait and other Gulf States that is controlled militarily by Iran through its vast network of Silkworm missiles will do exactly that.

Such an act would hit just like a worldwide oil embargo and could be triggered in hours by any Israeli attack on Iran.

What had been seen, in the past, as a potential world disaster, is now just another way to make a quick buck, despite the fact that those involved are, at least according to stories in our press, “blood enemies.”



To Save Themselves Financially - Would They Do Something Crazy?

Iran’s government is unstable, unpopular, considered extremely corrupt and is subject to pressure both internally and externally and we note from the continual talk of “sanctions.”

Post revolutionary Iran has a theocratic government, whose elected officials are subject to oversight by a religious authority.

However, it is the religious authority itself that is currently the subject of most accusations of corruption and reported to be behind this new deal with Israel.

Additionally, Iran had chosen to invest around the imagined stability of the Euro, both out of poor financial judgement and a belief it was a way of opposing the influence of the United States in the region.

However, as the Euro is currently in total collapse and the banks looked to for providing support for the Euro, banks Iran is heavily invested in, are insolvent due to hundreds of trillions of Euros of “toxic assets,” worthless securities they have used to underwrite their most profitable lending activities.

Thus, Iran’s financial picture isn’t very hopeful and much less so if oil markets are under threat.


A collapse of oil prices would lower Iran’s GNP (Gross National Product) significantly, causing additional social discord and the inability on behalf of the government to subsidize key constituencies. Currently, veterans of the Iraq/Iran war are one of the key political constituencies in Iran and are very mobilized for political action.


They stand ready to act against the current government if financial policies threaten their interests, as does the military and the Revolutionary Guard.

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Just look at Nigeria. With a population of nearly 200 million, any cut in revenue due to falling oil prices would threaten their already beleaguered situation, a nation facing, not only terrorism but revolution.

Venezuela faces the same as does Ghana, Sudan, Chad, Angola, Tunisia, Indonesia and a dozen other nations without the financial wherewithal to remain stable with significant changes in the oil market.


Though “flush with cash,” the big loser is Russia, not just a potential big loser but also a “big player” in the region.



On June 18th, 2010, I wrote the following in Veterans Today:



Israel's Iran Strike Logistics Basing Area

A week ago, Israel leaked to the press that they had permission from Saudi Arabia to use their air space to attack Iran. The Saudi’s quickly denied this.

The effort on Israel’s part was a ruse to cover their real plans, to attack from the Republic of Georgia, close to Iran’s northern border.

However, the breakdown in relations with Turkey after miscalculating the response to their Flotilla raid on a Turkish ship in international waters may have ended this operation.

Israel, whose arms agreements with Turkey mounted to nearly $5 billion dollars over a period of years, had been training pilots in Turkey for bombing attacks on Iran. During these training missions, Israel was smuggling aircraft through Turkish airspace.

Turkey had allowed Israel to use their air space for training because their terrain closely resembled areas of Iran that Israel planned to attack. However, Turkey was unaware that planes involved in this effort were being relocated to forward staging areas in the Republic of Georgia, making Turkey, technically, fully complicit in this planned illegal attack.

Helping coordinate the attack are intelligence units forward stationed in Azerbaijan, under the guise of technicians, trainers and advisors under the broad armaments agreements with that small nation.

Supply operations, moving necessary ordnance, much of it supplied by the United States under ammunition storage agreements, is being moved through the Black Sea to the Georgian Port of Poti, a major site for exporting coal and manganese ore….


USS Graple

Cover for the supply operations is being performed by the Georgian Coast Guard, set up by Israel and manned with Israeli observers.

Their job is to keep Russian surveillance craft away from supply operations under the guise of a “Gaza type” naval blockade of Abkhazia, a separatist province supported by Russia….

US Naval forces began operating in the Black Sea in late May, with the USS Graple (T-ars 53), a service and salvage ship, visiting the Georgian port of Poti for joint military exercises which ended June 8th.

Prior to that, the last US Navy ship in the region was the USS John L. Hall (FFG-32), a Perry class guided missile frigate. A Russian spokesman said, “The US is trying to turn the Black Sea into an American lake.”

The US is also maintaining a training and observation command in Tiblisi, a unit from Ramstein AFB in Germany, that is coordinating air traffic and radar functions.

With regular visits by the US Navy scheduled and ramping up at the same convenient time Israel is building up its arms cache in Georgia for the upcoming attack on Iran, the current debacle with Turkey may have set things back or ended this gambit completely.

Turkish air controllers had to know something was afoot when the attack bombers failed to return to the agreed upon flight plans and return to Israel.


Russian made S-300 Air Defense Missiles

A critical issue, of course, is the S300 air defense system that Russia has agreed to withhold from Iran as part of the program of sanctions. The current Tor 1 system, though robust, can be defeated by a well planned low level attack.

As the use of Georgia may be seen as a provocation by Russia, even if the attacks never manifest as anything other than more “firing blanks” like Israel’s tussle with Hezbollah in Lebanon, Russia may reconsider the delivery of this vital defense technology.

Without the ability to use forward bases in either Georgia, Azerbaijan or Kazakhstan, Israel would be unable to attack Iran at all except by flying a circuitous 4500 mile “each way” route or using the limited capabilities of its nuclear armed submarine off the coast of Iran. It is uncertain how Turkey will deal with the illegal use of their airspace by Israel as relations are already at a low ebb.

With a number of former Soviet airfields spread across Georgia and 4 of 5 fields in Azerbaijan available for operations and support, the region makes a perfect area for broad operations, not only against Iran but for movement of contraband of every variety.

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Yes - America Has Been Talking to the Iranians

What we didn’t know but suspected, is that Iran and Israel had been doing more than talking in Dubai where both do more than occasional banking.

Back channel communications between the Iranian government and the US had been done through Indonesia with Robert Gates as initial intermediary.

Since that time, such talks have gone through many hands. What we didn’t know is that “talks” included “plots.”

The current issue has an unusual flavor to it with money flowing freely into the hands of all involved.

Participation in such a plan, with the risk of nuclear war very real despite the careful mechanizations of the conspirators, could very well have ramifications leading to global war.


Wars have been started over less, as an assassination in Sarajevo in 1914 taught all of us.




Is Netanyahu Betting It All on a Grand Slam?

Israel gets to focus its internal problems on an external enemy and, in the process, get another “big win” like the one the US got when it killed the long dead Osama bin Laden.

Netanyahu’s belief is that his domestic opposition, more powerful than ever, will be silenced and his strained relations with the US will be repaired.

Added to “the deal” are provisions for generous financial windfalls for all involved.

Similarly, we have traced payments to Hamas made by Israel, stretching back many years.

We have also traced Israel’s control in a number of publications supposedly dedicated to the Palestinian cause, all carefully used by Israel to orchestrate tensions and derail any potential trust or cooperation.


The supposed “anti-zionist” Palestinian publications and select Islamic organizations, particularly in Lebanon, have been among Israel’s most valuable assets.


Now with the discovery of the covert relationship between Israel and Iran, this has become much more understandable, particularly in light of the new-found fear of political destabilization as Israel primary “assets” in the region, Mubarak in Egypt and Gaddafi in Libya have both fallen to what we hope will be democratic regimes.



Thermonuclear Warhead

We had been receiving information about nuclear weapons in Iran for several months. Sources were given that had not checked out, Pakistan, North Korea, South Africa and even Israel.

However, one source did check out, the Ukraine. We don’t have the exact date or number but we are told that the Ukraine sold Iran 6 thermonuclear warheads, probably in or around 2003.

Iran was fearful of US forces on both borders and nuclear weapons would have only been usable as a “last resort,” not against Israel but against American armies moving into Iran.

That the warheads are from an American ally, one being courted for NATO membership at the time, made this issue one of great sensitivity.

It was easier to continue talking about nuclear programs that didn’t exist than weapons that did.

For Iran, these weapons, back in 2003 at least, were going to be a great surprise to the neocons at PNAC (Project for a New American Century) that had planned their demise. Things never got that far.


Now Iran is stuck with weapons they can never use, not against Israel, certainly not against American forces in Iraq who are currently in full scale withdrawal. Each weapon has taken on the effect of being an albatross around Iran’s neck, far more of a security risk than asset.



Discussions within the Iranian clergy, unknown to their new Israeli friends, indicate that these nuclear devices, each deliverable by ballistic missile, will be made operational as a “safety measure.” What can they be thinking?

One must realize that this is the same religious organization that regularly has government officials charged with witchcraft.


This highly classified information is being published at great risk by many in America, Great Britain and Iran in hopes that that the “clear light of day” will bring about a period of reflection and a restoration of sanity.

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Peres: une attaque contre l'Iran "de plus en plus vraisemblable"

Le président israélien Shimon Peres a averti samedi qu'une attaque était "de plus en plus vraisemblable" contre l'Iran, peu avant la publication par l'Agence Internationale pour l'Energie Atomique (AIEA) d'un rapport sur le programme nucléaire de Téhéran.


je pense que c'est le début de la fin de l'etat d'israel

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Un petit résumé en français s'il te plait ^^'


Pour attaquer l'Iran il faut du lourd (quand je dis lourd,cela veut dire qu'il faut incriminer l'iran ... ) ... boom boom par ci par la ,et le sarko avec l'homme baraqué feront la loi :mdr:


globalement çà dit que les juifs et les iraniens sont en train de se payer la tête des gens ... :D

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En fin de compte,l'Iran n'est pas un problème pour les sionistes,ils jouent la comédie c'est tout,c'est pour faire diversion .... une autre chose se prépare ...


C'est vrai quand on y pense,depuis quand Israel annonce qu'elle veut attaquer :mdr: et surtout quand on voit al jazera appuyer ce "fake" on se dit que c'est l'inverse ...

Tombons pas dans leur piège médiatique :46:

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En fin de compte,l'Iran n'est pas un problème pour les sionistes,ils jouent la comédie c'est tout,c'est pour faire diversion .... une autre chose se prépare ...


C'est vrai quand on y pense,depuis quand Israel annonce qu'elle veut attaquer :mdr: et surtout quand on voit al jazera appuyer ce "fake" on se dit que c'est l'inverse ...

Tombons pas dans leur piège médiatique :46:


c'est censé faire grimper les prix du baril et du carburant à la pompe ...

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En fin de compte,l'Iran n'est pas un problème pour les sionistes,ils jouent la comédie c'est tout,c'est pour faire diversion .... une autre chose se prépare ...


C'est vrai quand on y pense,depuis quand Israel annonce qu'elle veut attaquer :mdr: et surtout quand on voit al jazera appuyer ce "fake" on se dit que c'est l'inverse ...

Tombons pas dans leur piège médiatique :46:


Tout à fait ...........


Ils font ce "bruit" pour cacher certaines choses (accélération de la colonisation d'Al Qods et des travaux sous la mosquée) et pour en préparer d'autres


Al Jazeera est dans son rôle au service du sionisme en rendant cette menace farfelue réelle !!!

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