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Khalida Toumi & BHL

Guest mackiavelik

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..tu te refères à quel dictionnaire ???


en parler Algérien "el mella" veut dire : le chemin que suis tout homme ; "meltek" veut dire : le chemin que tu suis pour être "un Homme" ; tout ce qui fait la Culture d'un Homme...


" how many roads must a man walk down bfore they call him A Man " disait Bob Dylan :)


je me refere à un dico qui disait que "milla" veut dire religion...

mais peut-etre que le dico aussi sest trompé... :rolleyes:


sinon, oui cest possible que ça veuille dire "chemin" aussi puisqun mot peut avoir plusieurs sens ...


and it's ok if you like Bob Dylan's songs but i don't think that he would ever tell you someday what "milla" means in arabic, wouldn't he? :D

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However,..i think that he know wath te word means in Man's Language,..and that is the important thing...!!!:)


but you have to meet him first and i don't think that you can do that because he's a huge star !!


anyway, is your "man's language" valuable for women as well?

because i guess that EVERYBODY has to follow his or her own road in life, don't you think? :04:

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anyway, is your "man's language" valuable for women as well?

Yes, of course ...:)


because i guess that EVERYBODY has to follow his or her own road in life, don't you think? :04:

perhaps...:)..you can open a topic about that subject :)


well, i don't think that it is really necessary, in fact...

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