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Obama To Clinton: "You're A Racist"

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Obama To Clinton: "You're A Racist."

Clinton Calls Obama: "The Worst President Ever."




Bill Clinton a propos d'Obama " C'est le pire president qu'a jamais connu les Etats-Unis"


Obama les repond " Vous etes un raciste"



Only one week after reporting that Michelle Obama may be having a "steamy secret affair" with a Secret Service agent, The Globe has just unleashed another bombshell that may very well sink the foundering Obama Regime. According to the Globe, long-standing tensions between Barack Obama and Bill Clinton reached the boiling point during a recent golf outing at Andrews Air Force Base.




According to multiple unnamed sources, Clinton has been confiding to close pals that Obama is "the worst President ever" and his presidency is a "sinking ship" that is "taking the Democratic party and the country down with him," and when Obama confronted him on the comments, Clinton looked him in the eye and said; "Yes, it's a fact." The Globe reports: "At that point, the source adds, Obama went ballistic and told the ex-Prez; 'Then you are a racist and no different than the rest of them.'"




There’s certainly much more to this story than a gossipy accusation from a supermarket tabloid. While the information apparently comes from multiple unnamed sources, it is not in dispute that there is a long history of disgusting and highly politicized accusations of racism against Clinton from Obama's surrogates over the years. During the 2008 primary campaign, CNN political analyst Donna Brazile, Obama spokeswoman Candice Tolliver and a number of others repeatedly implied that Clinton's comments on Obama's lack of experience and his "fairy-tale image" were racially motivated.

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tout les noirs disent ça, je ne vois pas ce que viens faire le sionisme la dedans.


Le sionisme c'est d'abord la victimisation (dès que vous les critiquez ,ils vous accusent d'anti-sémitisme)....


Les berbéristes savent ce que c'est ...........n'est-ce pas? :eek::eek:

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Obama To Clinton: "You're A Racist."

Clinton Calls Obama: "The Worst President Ever."




Bill Clinton a propos d'Obama " C'est le pire president qu'a jamais connu les Etats-Unis"


Obama les repond " Vous etes un raciste"


de plus bill clinton a raison, je crois même que c'est une épidémie planétaire.

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Guest foennix
S'agissant du stupide g.w. bush _ pas de majiscule_


Disons le plus ... stupide pour être précis:mdr:


mince je sais pas ce qui m'a pris de mettre les majuscules:confused:

oui stupide abruti mais le plus extraordinaire c'est qu'il a fait couler beaucoup de sang

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