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Seeds of Love - Loreena McKennit

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Très belle voix qui me berce depuis peu.






I sowed the seeds of love

I sowed them in the spring

I gathered them up in the morning so clear

When the small birds so sweetly sing

When the small birds so sweetly sing


The gardener was standing by

I asked him to choose for me

He chose for me the violet, the lily and the pink

But those I refused all three

But those I refused all three


The violet I did not like

Because it bloomed so soon

The lily and the pink I really over-think

So I thought I would wait till June

So I thought I would wait till June


In June there was a red rose bud

That is the flower for me

I often times have plucked that red rose bud

Till I gained the willow tree

Till I gained the willow tree


The willow tree will twist

The willow tree will twine

I often have wished I was in the young man's arms

Who once had the heart of mine

Who once had the heart of mine


I sowed the seeds of love

I sowed them in the spring

I gathered them up in the morning so soon

When the small birds so sweetly sing

When the small birds so sweetly sing

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