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^^ Expressions in English ^^

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Hi everybody ! :D


Here we can share all kind of expressions but only the english ones .


Let's start with this one :





To get /have " itchy feet "






to have a strong desire to travel or move from place to place.




- I had itchy feet when I was young, but not any more. I plan to spend the rest of my life in this town.

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Guest Mohamed Jacob

This one's useful :




balancing act



When you try to satisfy two or more people or groups who have different needs, and keep everyone happy, you perform a balancing act.


example : Many people, especially women, have to perform a balancing act between work and family.

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Thank you Mohamed Jacob for sharing ;)





Qui veut dire "comment ça va?" mais ça se dit seulement chez la classe bourgeoise américaine.


seriously ??? :eek:



@syndro: Yo means what ? -_-

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tu parles l'anglais maintenant,




jamais entendu ton expression....merci


sois pas trop jalouse cerise, nimoussa est trop forte elle peut bien t'aider :D


so this is only for you cherry


work hard, and u will pick up the fruit of your effort ;)

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This one's useful :




balancing act



When you try to satisfy two or more people or groups who have different needs, and keep everyone happy, you perform a balancing act.


example : Many people, especially women, have to perform a balancing act between work and family.


You are right, very useful :)


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Just the ticket


You can say something is just the ticket if it's the perfect thing or if it's exactly what's needed.




"I hope that this lesson is just the ticket for you to learn new idioms."

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