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^^ Expressions in English ^^

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non c'est une sorte de veru mais interne d'apparence c'est juste un petit chewia enflé mais pas du tout rougeâtre ..


Oui c'est ça " durillon" ! Va googler mon ami et arrête la pollution :p


lol ma Mp est a ta disposition ;)




Well ..........share your "english idoms" .... thanks :)

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Guest jagellon
existe t il en anglais un equivalent de NPAI?

( n habite plus a l adresse indiquee)


Coucou Moa,


Chez usps ils mettent un tampon moved . Mais ça peut etre la phrase classique du genre no longer living at this alentours.

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'on the nose'


If something is 'on the nose', it is exactly right. The phrase is often used when talking about numbers or money.


EX 1:

A: How much do you think my new TV cost?

B: £300?

A: Yes, on the nose! It cost £300.


EX 2 :

A: Your mother must be about 60 years old?

B: You got it on the nose. She's 60. But I don't think she looks that old.

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