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^^ Expressions in English ^^

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Guest Ziha-Dz
Exactly.That's what you told your teacher.


bigmdr bigmdr bigmdr


WTF !!!!!!!!! :eek:



I anderstand her reaction now ! she looks me like that ==) ":confused:"


I must to explain to her next class !!..... :crazy:

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Guest bloodclad
I have seen cold callers on the front of the doors




Hi Moa,

A telephone call or a visit call made to someone who is not know or not expecting contact,often in order to sell something.

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Guest bloodclad
WTF !!!!!!!!! :eek:



I anderstand her reaction now ! she looks me like that ==) ":confused:"


I must to explain to her next class !!..... :crazy:


Hold your horses!! (hold on...wait....)


I was only joking. :mdr::mdr:


Flat tyre means "pneu crevé" but.....you can say "that girl have a flat tyre bottom" meaning that she haven't got a sexy bum.:04:

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Hold your horses!! (hold on...wait....)


I was only joking. :mdr::mdr:


Flat tyre means "pneu crevé" but.....you can say "that girl have a flat tyre bottom" meaning that she haven't got a sexy bum.:04:


what a pity that you don t let her to explain to her next course :mdr:

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  • 2 months later...
je me permet de faire un hors sujet c'est extrêmement urgent :D

dis moi stp La sorte de bouton qui apparaissent dans les pieds on ma dit que ca s’appeler des "oignons" mais quand j'ai fais une recherche rien trouver de comparable t'aurai pas le mots ou le terme exacte ? :D


"Durillon" ou "œil de perdrix" quand c'est entre deux orteils !


C'est de ça que tu parles ?

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