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La Russie déploie 30 Sukhoi au large de la Syrie.

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Les Forces Aériennes Russes déploient 30 avions de combat SUKHOI 35 sur l'Ile de Chypre plus précisément dans la partie Grecque.


ces 30 avions Sukhoi-35 effectueront 10 patrouilles aériennes quotidiennes dans les espace Grecques, Chypriote, Syrien et Libanais.



An unprecedented escalation .. Russia put 30 advanced fighter aircraft to face Turkey



ecided Russian Air Force sent 30 aircraft to Cyprus from Sukhoi 35 one of the newest types of fighter

jets Russian, which is the aircraft fifth generation that can not be

detected radar and comparable jets F-35 U.S., to be off the coast of the

Turkish, Syrian and Lebanese, in the absence of carriers Russian aircraft insufficient, and that the Greek Cypriot military strategic relationship with Russia, according to the New York Times.


The Russian aircraft will about 10 patrols a day in the air off the

Turkish Cyprus, Syria and Lebanon expert talks about a possible air

confrontation between Russian aircraft and Turkish aircraft.


The newspaper said that Turkish planes violate every day Turkish Cypriot atmosphere and passing over the atmosphere of Greek Cyprus, but not over the capital, but in its airspace, and Greek Cyprus are very important and expensive at the heart of Moscow.

source : An unprecedented escalation .. Russia put 30 advanced fighter aircraft to face Turkey - Iraqi Dinar News, Information and Facts - IRAQI DINAR

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Les Forces Aériennes Russes déploient 30 avions de combat SUKHOI 35 sur l'Ile de Chypre plus précisément dans la partie Grecque.


ces 30 avions Sukhoi-35 effectueront 10 patrouilles aériennes quotidiennes dans les espace Grecques, Chypriote, Syrien et Libanais.



An unprecedented escalation .. Russia put 30 advanced fighter aircraft to face Turkey



ecided Russian Air Force sent 30 aircraft to Cyprus from Sukhoi 35 one of the newest types of fighter

jets Russian, which is the aircraft fifth generation that can not be

detected radar and comparable jets F-35 U.S., to be off the coast of the

Turkish, Syrian and Lebanese, in the absence of carriers Russian aircraft insufficient, and that the Greek Cypriot military strategic relationship with Russia, according to the New York Times.


The Russian aircraft will about 10 patrols a day in the air off the

Turkish Cyprus, Syria and Lebanon expert talks about a possible air

confrontation between Russian aircraft and Turkish aircraft.


The newspaper said that Turkish planes violate every day Turkish Cypriot atmosphere and passing over the atmosphere of Greek Cyprus, but not over the capital, but in its airspace, and Greek Cyprus are very important and expensive at the heart of Moscow.

source : An unprecedented escalation .. Russia put 30 advanced fighter aircraft to face Turkey - Iraqi Dinar News, Information and Facts - IRAQI DINAR


Les seuls perdants c’est les civils syriens dans cette démocratie de canon

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