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Only in English , to Improve the language

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Dear All ,


Fist of all , i would like to tell You good morning to every one in this interesting Forum ,

As I show it in the title , Im looking for personns who speak English very well ; to help me and help another people too ; who this language is ehh like a Handicap ...


Please , Only in english .. Who are the first one ? :wavetowel:

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Hello heart of stone.

Present ! i subcribe, but i'm not excellent.


Ps : when a word starts with a vowel sound, then we say "an", like "an hour", or "an engineer". So we say an handicap.


Ahh yeah , you are right ...redface2


Im sorry for this Hige mistake ..Grrrrrrr

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Well it seems that some alien has lost his way...and landed in Bab el Oued...large negociations are ongoing to see if we can sell something to the alien...some proposals?


He will find his hapiness in zni9ét l3rayéss at sahét chouhada:o


(j'ai traduit litteralement l expression: trouver son bonheur :crazy:)

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Well it seems that some alien has lost his way...and landed in Bab el Oued...large negociations are ongoing to see if we can sell something to the alien...some proposals?
We can always try to sell , our chewing tobacco(chemma in english), it will be a start,then may be we can buy some advanced devices who can tell corrupt people,so we can improve our palmares in this particular field ,because if corruption is an olympic sport, Algeria will win the gold medal, leaving in the dust countries like Zimbabwe.we also would like to trade with these aliens, ourfamous ''guelma"motorcycless,very well known worlwide, in exchange of their hate lotions wich can make our presidents hate the "chair'' and organise elections where the best wins, and let the people choose freely their representatives

Sorry for this long speech, waiting for others proposals.

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Guest bloodclad
Hello heart of stone.

Present ! i subcribe, but i'm not excellent.


Ps : when a word starts with a vowel sound, then we say "an", like "an hour", or "an engineer". So we say an handicap.


You are right except that the "H" (in handicap) in not a vowel therefore you say a handicap.

The rule states that “a” should be used before words that begin with consonants (exemple... b, c ,d) while “an” should be used before words that begin with vowels (exemple... a,e,i). Notice, however, that the usage is determined by the pronunciation and not by the spelling, as many people wrongly assume.

You should say, therefore, “an hour” (because hour begins with a vowel sound) and “a history” (because history begins with a consonant sound).

Similarly you should say “a union” even if union begins with a “u.” That is because the pronunciation begins with “yu”, which is a consonant sound.

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