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Un afghan vend sa fille, son pays ravagé par les USA

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Un afghan vend sa fille faute d'argent



Un article paru dans un journal anglophone emirati. en gros ca dit qu'un pere afghan a du vendre sa fille pour pouvoir nourrir le reste de sa famille, faute d'avoir trouve un emploi.

Comment un musulman peut-il etre reduit a VENDRE la chair de son sang???????????????


"Sayed Ali sold his 11-year-old daughter, Rabia, for $2,000. He says he will never forgive himself, but that he sacrificed Rabia to save his other children.


With food prices in the country soaring and the 40-year-old father unable to find work, Ali said he had no other choice but to sell his daughter to save his family from starvation.


“How can someone sell his own child? It’s like selling your eyes or your heart,” Ali said, according to IRIN, the United Nations news agency. “As no one would give me work I had no other option but to sell my lovely daughter. I sold her only to save the rest of my family. I sold her only to buy food for my younger children who other-wise would have died from hunger.”


Afghanistan is one of the world’s the poorest countries - ravaged by war and food shortages, which have left many families struggling to survive. Six million people in Afghanistan, out of a population of about 32 million, are already receiving food aid but many more are in desperate need of it. “For too many days I stood next to roads and asked people for work, but always ended up disappointed,” Ali explains. “I used to scavenge in garbage and collect leftover food. I would lie to my family and say I bought them food from the market.”

Ali’s tale is sadly not a unique one, with many destitute families resort-ing to selling children, particularly young girls. Another family, who live near Kabul, sold both daughters to stave of starvation. The girls’ brother said: “My father went to sell my sisters and I cried. But my father was forced because we had no food.”

“I know people will say I am a cruel and merciless father who sold his own child, but those who say so don’t know my hardship and have never felt the hunger that my family suffers,” Ali said. “I hope the government will hear my voice and help people like me to find jobs and feed our families.”

The Afghan government was among the first to see the looming food crisis and in January asked the UN World Food Programme (WFP) for more aid. The WFP subsequently launched a $77 million programme of assistance. But WFP officials say food aid is not a long-term answer to Afghanistan’s hunger. Instead agriculture needs to be developed, in particular, farmland given over to the production of poppies for the heroin trade must be converted to food production."


source: 7DAYS General and Local News | Dubai Abu Dhabi | UAE | Sold to save her family

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