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who said men don't know how to cook !

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Admino koul sba3 bssen3a,...bon pour l instant ani ndour bih bech yedini nhawess m3ah bel van fel marikane..,,,:D


khelih berk, il m'a pas encore vu quand je met le foulard et que je commence a neftel et3am :D

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I like that , ..... sooo realistic , ... not like other girls , all the time dreaming of a pink world full of flowers and rabbits , ... where they can have anything they want , and enjoying the magnificent life with a romantic hasbend pfffff , this gives me the creeps !


When you are realistic you live better...your energy is not spent in vain...you don t wait for things you don t even know....you are not afraid from the future...or afraid from being disappointed by someone because you simply do not expect nothing from nobody....

Ohh i like this philosophy!!

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Guest kowalski
Parce que n'as jamais vecu seul :04:


oui , peut être , .. mais je compte commencer à apprendre bientôt , ... au moins je n'aurai pas d'ennuis quand je serai seul , où si ma femme ferrait la tête

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Guest kowalski
When you are realistic you live better...your energy is not spent in vain...you don t wait for things you don t even know....you are not afraid from the future...or afraid from being disappointed by someone because you simply do not expect nothing from nobody....

Ohh i like this philosophy!!


terrific :)

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Guest kowalski
Lolllll.....c est bon normalement tout le monde sait que je suis une femme maintenant.....3 snine yawwww!


oui , on sait tous que t'es une femme , et l'avatar te convient parfaitement , ça exprime beaucoup ta manière de penser :04: comme L'inspictour Tahar :D

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oui , on sait tous que t'es une femme , et l'avatar te convient parfaitement , ça exprime beaucoup ta manière de penser :04: comme L'inspictour Tahar :D


En3emm ihhh...mestekleff b lizafirate ta3 srikate...ktilate.....

Ma3endich labrenti...kteltou!

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Guest kowalski
En3emm ihhh...mestekleff b lizafirate ta3 srikate...ktilate.....

Ma3endich labrenti...kteltou!


:mdr: now we're talking , .... mais il te faut labrenti pour lui donner des ordres et exercer la tyrannie


je me souviens bien de ton voyage à la Tunisie :D

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