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Pour les anti-kabyles haineux !!!

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Asswipes are against my religion :D, i use only stones to be in conformity with my ancestral traditions


I am duly impressed, I never expected you to be able to tell your ass from your elbow, let alone come up with the ingenious idea of using stones in the absence of dildos. I'm confident that with the proper guidance and care, you'll make Darwin proud by moving on to oiled pebbles, or even cobblestones, should the need for larger sizes arise. :D


I don't know what part of "get lost" you don't understand and to be totally honest, I don't really care, all I know is that you as much as I enjoy ridiculing you, I simply have better things to do, in essence, you're leaving me with no other option but to put you where you rightly belong, the ignore list, with your dim-witted friends. :D

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des algeriens brillants qui réussissent ailleurs,il y en a des pelles.On en connait plus ou moins tous. L'Algerie ne leur a pas permis de non seulement beneficier de leurs compétences mais de le faire partager avec les jeunes generations d'étudiants.En même temps quand on voit par qui et comment on est gouvernés...

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Guest Zapata
Franchement je ne vois pas le but de ce topic. Des Algeriens d'origine qui reussissent ailleur? Et apres?


Et après c'est intéressant de connaitre leurs parcours et ce qu'ils pensent de leur pays d'origine, l'Algérie. Par exemple.

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Guest Serena1
Et après c'est intéressant de connaitre leurs parcours et ce qu'ils pensent de leur pays d'origine, l'Algérie. Par exemple.



que vient faire l'anti kabylisme la dans??

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I am duly impressed, I never expected you to be able to tell your ass from your elbow, let alone come up with the ingenious idea of using stones in the absence of dildos. I'm confident that with the proper guidance and care, you'll make Darwin proud by moving on to oiled pebbles, or even cobblestones, should the need for larger sizes arise. :D


I don't know what part of "get lost" you don't understand and to be totally honest, I don't really care, all I know is that you as much as I enjoy ridiculing you, I simply have better things to do, in essence, you're leaving me with no other option but to put you where you rightly belong, the ignore list, with your dim-witted friends. :D

I am just a follower, if the stones were good enough for my prophet's ass, then , they are good for mine too, i don't think my ass is better than my prophet's one.Sorry. to disapoint you, but Darwin is not one of my idols,i only admire and follow geniuses from my islamic civilisation:D:D.I am so glad, i finally join your list, heee haah,never expected that i will get a favor from you.DO ME A LAST FAVOR, EAT SHIT AND DIE
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I am duly impressed, I never expected you to be able to tell your ass from your elbow, let alone come up with the ingenious idea of using stones in the absence of dildos. I'm confident that with the proper guidance and care, you'll make Darwin proud by moving on to oiled pebbles, or even cobblestones, should the need for larger sizes arise. :D


I don't know what part of "get lost" you don't understand and to be totally honest, I don't really care, all I know is that you as much as I enjoy ridiculing you, I simply have better things to do, in essence, you're leaving me with no other option but to put you where you rightly belong, the ignore list, with your dim-witted friends. :D


apulee sors de ce corps!

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Sois gentil et surtout n'essaye pas d'assumer un rôle qui ne te va pas, tu nous as habitué à mieux.


de quel role parle tu? au pire c'etait un clin d'oeil...désolé mais ton anglais m'a rappelé celui de apulee...c'est toi...c'est pas toi...on s'en tape quand meme un peu non?

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revenons au sujet

je ne deteste pas les kabyles qui sont mes freres algeriens mais je ne souhaitent pasz etre un faux kabyle


Tiens,tiens,en revanche être un faux Arabe,comme l'autre chouquequette,ne te pose pas de problème,heureusement que le ridicule ne tue pas,il ferait des ravages dans certaines peuplades.

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