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L"ordinateur refuse le mot: con

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Énigme amusant .Ouvrez un nouveau dossier en cliquant sur la page d'accueil et appelez le :con. Votre ordinateur le refuse.Que les informaticiens du forum nous donnent un avis scientifique.130719104737782430.jpg


Pask hada l'ordinateur mouslim

ma ihabch ez3aka:mdr:

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Énigme amusant .Ouvrez un nouveau dossier en cliquant sur la page d'accueil et appelez le :con. Votre ordinateur le refuse.Que les informaticiens du forum nous donnent un avis scientifique.130719104737782430.jpg


moi je comprends pas cette phrase...

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Guest jagellon
c est que t as jamais travaille en hotline grand public :p



hotline grand public c'est la même chose que con en colocation :o


Un autre tour de :





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Guest bloodclad
Énigme amusant .Ouvrez un nouveau dossier en cliquant sur la page d'accueil et appelez le :con. Votre ordinateur le refuse.Que les informaticiens du forum nous donnent un avis scientifique.130719104737782430.jpg


Saha ftourek Sekini,

Un detail:je serais curieux de savoir comment tu nommes tes autres pages d'accueil.:mdr::mdr:

Par ailleurs,j'ai pu faire ton experience sans difficulte...peut etre parceque mon PC est programme en anglais.

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Énigme amusant .Ouvrez un nouveau dossier en cliquant sur la page d'accueil et appelez le :con. Votre ordinateur le refuse.Que les informaticiens du forum nous donnent un avis scientifique.130719104737782430.jpg


Con correspond à un nom de fichier système déjà existant sous windows, il exécute les commandes CONsole, les trois premières lettres de console lui sont donc réservées

Le mot" nul"est refusé aussi comme nom de dossier .

Ce sont des noms réservés.

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Énigme amusant .Ouvrez un nouveau dossier en cliquant sur la page d'accueil et appelez le :con. Votre ordinateur le refuse.Que les informaticiens du forum nous donnent un avis scientifique.130719104737782430.jpg


PC dialak negadrou n'daoukhouh ;)




En supposant que le chemin vers ton bureau soit: c:\users\sekini\desktop


Hak(er) la recette


1 Lancer une fenetre DOS


2 taper la commande DOS suivante: md \\.\c:\users\sekini\desktop\con


Un dossier intitule "con" sera cree sur ton bureau (rafraichir l'affichage si besoin)


Pour le supprimer il suffit de taper: rd \\.\c:\users\sekini\desktop\con




Saha f'tourkoum ou rouhou s'laaqel aal qalb el louz



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Un vestige du MS DOS....


MS-DOS borrowed the concept of special files from Unix, but renamed them device files. Because early versions of MS-DOS did not support a directory hierarchy, device files were distinguished from regular files by making their names reserved words. This means that certain file names are reserved for device files, and cannot be used to name new files or directories. The reserved names themselves are chosen to be compatible with "special files" handling of PIP command in CP/M.

Con is for console: The system console, root console or simply console is the text entry and display device for system administration messages, particularly those from the BIOS or boot loader, the kernel, from the init system and from the system logger.

On traditional minicomputers, the console was a serial console, an RS-232 serial link to a terminal such as a DEC VT100. This terminal was usually kept in a secured room since it could be used for certain privileged functions such as halting the system or selecting which media to boot from. Large midrange systems, e.g. those from Sun Microsystems, Hewlett-Packard and IBM, still use serial consoles. In larger installations, the console ports are attached to multiplexers or network-connected multiport serial servers that let an operator connect his terminal to any of the attached servers.

On PCs, the computer's attached keyboard and monitor have the equivalent function. Since the monitor cable carries video signals, it cannot be extended very far. Often, installations with many servers therefore use keyboard/video multiplexers (KVM switches) and possibly video amplifiers to centralize console access. In recent years, KVM/IP devices have become available that allow a remote computer to view the video output and send keyboard input via any TCP/IP network and therefore the Internet.

Some PC BIOSes, especially in servers, also support serial consoles, giving access to the BIOS through a serial port so that the simpler and cheaper serial console infrastructure can be used. Even where BIOS support is lacking, some operating systems, e.g. FreeBSD and Linux, can be configured for serial console operation either during bootup, or after startup.

It is usually possible to log in from the console. Depending on configuration, the operating system may treat a login session from the console as being more trustworthy than a login session from other sources.

Routers and Managed Switches (as well as other networking and telecoms equipment) may also have console ports in particular Cisco Systems routers and switches that use Cisco IOS are normally configured via their console ports.


For information pls go through:Microsoft Windows - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Guest jagellon
On parle de dossier pas de fichiers , qui eux ont une extension.



waaaaaaw waaaaaaaaaw waaaaaaaaw tebradi mon ordi darbah djenn, n'gatta3 rouhi wenchamchat h'wayji.



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