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TOPIC : communicating in English

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Guest Bleeding Angel
youre right. i dont need to see you, the smell of your words show it.



I'm angel but bleeding so avoide me

cause you can be full of it

than you risque to killed my lestat :mad:

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Guest Bleeding Angel
oh yeah, i learned something very important. that children of today are all, but mine, some stupid or somethin kinda


so loooook to your's

they need more help and education

visit "pour quoi tant de divorce"

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Hello everybody, it's a good idea the topic. An opportunity to exercise our English :)


See you !:41:


Yes ! "Smichou", Aniss' nickname, is a genius guy ;) Nice to see once again this toupikoun (it funny arabic translation by April)...


Zazou, I think that Smichou's found a smicha close to the sea during his last trip there... that's why he's gone again :08:


No, I'm kidding U ! You'd better ask Kamélia, she's the best for that kind of search or Mr. Jacques Pradel but I think that he doesn't have enough networking now to find our schimou :gossip: His ears must be burning...:D

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Guest Bleeding Angel
Yes ! "Smichou", Aniss' nickname, is a genius guy ;) Nice to see once again this toupikoun (it funny arabic translation by April)...


Zazou, I think that Smichou's found a smicha close to the sea during his last trip there... that's why he's gone again :08:


No, I'm kidding U ! You'd better ask Kamélia, she's the best for that kind of search or Mr. Jacques Pradel but I think that he doesn't have enough networking now to find our schimou :gossip: His ears must be burning...:D


Smichou's not here

but we should keep this topic alive

for smichou and for everyone likes english :p

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Yeah we should take care of this topic

cause you can improve our english very well


Of course ! I agree with you.


Yes ! "Smichou", Aniss' nickname, is a genius guy Nice to see once again this toupikoun (it funny arabic translation by April)...


Damage, i didn't know him :)

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That's why we are here for : to improve our English.


Yes and it's very rewarding for every one to share some expressions, informal language or argot...There is no secret, the command of language involves to be put in practise, otherwise you loose as quick as you have learnt.

And what about a spanish one ?! Algerian people uses to know it, isn't it ? My husband's grandma has kept for example some words from the spanish community which was living close to her !


Because of the night of the doubt which should be this evening (if God wish it), I wish you all a happy Ramadan's month :)

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