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TOPIC : communicating in English

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Spanish is by far easier than English or French. Especially when it comes to writing ; its orhography or spelling is not only easy and simple, but rather consistant or let's say coherent. Whereas, both French and English pose great difficulties to even native speakers.

For instance, there is only one way to spell the letter A. Where as in english this same vowel could be pronouced in God knows how many ways ( i.e. : father, bad, fate, and bald ) , for each of the same vowel there is a different pronunciation.

Worst of all, it seems to create some confusion as you are making progress in mastering the two languages. For example, the word I just wrote, it's written in english with a U -language- and in French there is no need in order the obtain the same sound for the letter G.


So let's hope Spanish gets here one day.

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Guest Bleeding Angel
Thanks !!!!!! I hope that Ramadhan will be good this year for all the "forumistes"


thanks Hvilke for you, the forumistors

and all the muslman all around the world


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Guest Bleeding Angel
hi everybody !!!

How are you ??

I miss you:bawling::bawling::bawling:


dont cry darling I'm here

arround you loke to the sky you'll see myface

to the flowers you'll see my eyes

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Hello everybody


Very good idea, my english is too bed, and i wanna improve it with you thank you for help.


may I start with some corrections first :


- It should be bad instead of bed, the latter is a furniture one sleeps on it.

- The I is always in capital letter.

- And finally you say : thank you for your help.

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may I start with some corrections first :


- It should be bad instead of bed, the latter is a furniture one sleeps on it.

- The I is always in capital letter.

- And finally you say : thank you for your help.



I think after your remarks , nobody would have enough courage to post in this topic :04:

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I dont think so, You need a gerund after your " for "


so "thanks for helping me" would more appropriate ( correct)


If you say it !


For me : Thank you for help = Merci pour l'aide !

Thank you for your help (ce que j'utilise tjrs) = Merci pour votre aide !


Both are correct :41:

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If you say it !


For me : Thank you for help = Merci pour l'aide !

Thank you for your help (ce que j'utilise tjrs) = Merci pour votre aide !


Both are correct :41:


I don't know , I confess that I haven't based my answer on a particular rule , it's was just a feeling.


but if we analyse your clause in French , we find an article (l apostrophe) which misses in the english translation.


I would say thanks for the help to translate merci pour l'aide

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I don't know , I confess that I haven't based my answer on a particular rule , it's was just a feeling.


but if we analyse your clause in French , we find an article (l apostrophe) which misses in the english translation.


I would say thanks for the help to translate merci pour l'aide


Hello Moh,


Absolutely, I forgot the article 'the' I agree with you Moh. Yesterday, I wasn't concentrated ... It was late ! Thanks for your help man :41:

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I dont think so, You need a gerund after your " for "


so "thanks for helping me" would more appropriate ( correct)


Good afternoon all and Mr. Moh :04:


It's a bite funny but I think that "thanks for helping me" means that she would appreciate to receive help (as DJ' Djamal's done !! :D) !!

So, personaly I prefer to take the most of this topic, Djamal you can notice my mistakes and add some grammatical informations to help people like me :)


And for the sentence, I would say "Thanks for you help" ! But my english is far far away :D

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Good afternoon all and Mr. Moh :04:


It's a bite funny but I think that "thanks for helping me" means that she would appreciate to receive help (as DJ' Djamal's done !! :D) !!

So, personaly I prefer to take the most of this topic, Djamal you can notice my mistakes and add some grammatical informations to help people like me :)


And for the sentence, I would say "Thanks for you help" ! But my english is far far away :D


Hello Mme ryline:D, and Merry Ramadane


It's a bite funny but I think that "thanks for helping me" means that she would appreciate to receive help


Absolutely redface2, I just figured it out, thanks for your help :D


But my english is far far away


as far as you are ? :D

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i'm new .........



hello ever body i'm neww...........

how do you do ?

i'm a teacher of english language !! if you need any help, i am here for you!

and i am sure that we'll have nice timeS TOGETHER!! this RAMADAN EVEN IF WITH EMPTY STOMACH§§§§§§§§:crazy:

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Bit and bite :

Bite ( pron. byte) is a verb and a noun : to bite= mordre ou piquer. As a noun, a bite= bouffée that you eat. May I have a bite of your sandwich. A mosquito bite.


A bit means a little of something ; just a little bit ( bit with a short i tending to sound like an e : between the i and e in French)


A bit as a tool is what you use to drill a hole with. Une mèche ou une perceuse in French.

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