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TOPIC : communicating in English

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Your saying about Palestine is not funny at all, especially during the holy month of Ramadhan. You must ask God for forgiveness if you wish to go to Heaven.

Ghaza is under siege without power and people are dying in their hospital bed among other griefs.


Can you give me the link please?

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Litterature, Culture,art And Go To The Proverbes Et Seulement Algeriens.

And Tell Me What You Think.


redjlih fi ettine et y3ayet tahya falestine !


Maybe the meaning behind the quote is "believe and never give up" :01:

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I would translate this as follow ;


He is stuck deep in the mud and yet he screams : long live Palestine.

And it means he is miserable so are the people in Ghaza.

the joke is in poor taste considering the status quo.


I don't think that's what he wanted to say ... :01:


just wait for him, i'm sure he will give some explanations about it later...

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Have ever wonder why were they so many jokes about Mascara?


Hi everybody !!


Yes I do :p ! My husband told me that the people from Mascara have a sense of humour very developed and that they create themselves this king of joke !

That's right ??! :rolleyes:

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The city of Mascara was known well known to have resisted the french invasion of our country; the french started to spread jokes about inhabitants of this city in order to humilate them. The people of mascara are no more smarter than the rest of us nor are they more stupid.


Djamal, I don't have understand very well the sense of this last sentence. But "smater" you mean "clever" ?! So you say that they are like every one ?! (no more no less) ? :rolleyes:

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The city of Mascara was known well known to have resisted the french invasion of our country; the french started to spread jokes about inhabitants of this city in order to humilate them. The people of mascara are no more smarter than the rest of us nor are they more stupid.


About this, my husband has just told me that the joke about Mascara came after the period. First it was about toto (jouha), after about Chadli Benjdid and jokes about Mascara arrived during the 90's !


Historically, I know that french considered the Emir Abdelkhader as a very clever man and today, again, they celebrate him in the south. So why spreading jokes about inhabitants of a city which has this honourable man as children ? It's a non sense.

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