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TOPIC : communicating in English

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hum, a pur coincidence, i love it too:D:D:D

pepole of Mascara are very cool, i confess they are queer, but very cool :D

ps: je me suis souvenue que queer voulais dire aussi Homo lol, je voulais dire singulier :D


Lol !! Yes I was puzzled about your choise "queer" because it's means "homo", "suspect" or "strange" but I didn't know "singular" :D


So welcome to the Mascara's club :cool:

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About this, my husband has just told me that the joke about Mascara came after the period. First it was about toto (jouha), after about Chadli Benjdid and jokes about Mascara arrived during the 90's !


Historically, I know that french considered the Emir Abdelkhader as a very clever man and today, again, they celebrate him in the south. So why spreading jokes about inhabitants of a city which has this honourable man as children ? It's a non sense.


The jokes about President Chadli was the work of the french intelligence. Things don't come just like that, there is always something or reasons behind them.

The Mossad had spread jokes about the egyptian army in the past in order to lower its morale.

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Guest Bleeding Angel

ANIS ! my baby love

I need you, oh how I need you

But all you do is treat me bad

Break my heart and leave me sad

Tell me, what did I do wrong

To make you stay away so long


that's what we can call it love

ohhhh my god my wings shake

when I hear some words like that

hooooooola hooola hola fiesta today untill the sunrisssssse

let go

:woot_jump::woot_jump::woot_jump: everybody dance :p

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that's what we can call it love

ohhhh my god my wings shake

when I hear some words like that

hooooooola hooola hola fiesta today untill the sunrisssssse

let go

:woot_jump::woot_jump::woot_jump: everybody dance :p


Nothing to celebrate :07:

don't u see she's sad? :mad:

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hello cute members :)

it began just as an idea between me and selfish to create that space to improve/practise our english while we are having fun,at the same time we exchange advices and help; so i hope you'll do very well ;)


i'm waiting for your reflex/reaction



ps : only english so no pollution :exclaim:

yeah really nice

i'm ready for the first lesson ,i beleive it's name is

""where's brayan"":04:

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Summer has come and past The inocent can never last,Wake me up when September ends.Like my fathers come to pass Seven years has gone so fast,

Wake me up when September ends,Here come the rain again Falling from the stars."bla bla"my pain again

Becoming who we are.

As my memory rest

But never forget what I lost

Wake me up when September ends


neh neh neh neh

Summer has come and past.

The innocent can never last.

Wake me up when September ends.




Ring out the bells again.

Like we did when spring began.

Wake me up when September ends.


Here comes the rain again

Falling from the stars

"bla bla" in my pain again

Becoming who we are

As my memory rest,

But never forgets what I lost

Wake me up when September ends


Summer has come and past

The innocent can never last

Wake me up when September ends


Like my fathers come to pass

Twenty years has gone so fast

Wake me up when September ends


rq "bla bla" means i don't understand what he's saying.

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