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TOPIC : communicating in English

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Two algerian women were found dead in their London flat bludgeoned to death and in a pool of blood. the young women age 22 and 19 had been living in the UK for years and thought to be nice and decent people according to one of the neighbors questioned be the press. Still the details are under investigation by the London police who are holding a man thought to have a connection with the tradegy.

the story made the headlines in most UK newspapers.


good morning

ya i read about this tragedy in newspaper

but until now they don't have any details , by the way they are an important man 's daughter its could be the reason

act of vengeance , settlings of scores

who knows....?

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good morning

ya i read about this tragedy in newspaper

but until now they don't have any details , by the way they are an important man 's daughter its could be the reason

act of vengeance , settlings of scores

who knows....?




As I am new here, not yet able to answer right now

I take my time ...

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Guest Bleeding Angel
As I am new here, not yet able to answer right now

I take my time ...


don't worry brother

here in our home (forum)

we like to hear all the answer

of new membres or old membres

so if you have an answer

tell it (poste it) I'll be glade to read to you ;) :p

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  • 2 weeks later...
Ils disent : bon appétit lorsque tu manges dans un restaurent chic au USA. s'il faut l'écrire, tu l'écris en italique parce que c'est une expression étrangère.


bon appetit to you.


Warning Djamal !! You are talking in French... :p


And how to translate "Inch'Allah" ?? I have hear in a movie "God willing" ou "if Gob willing".... First I was more convinced with (or by - help me) something with "wish" ! What do you think ?

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Warning Djamal !! You are talking in French... :p


And how to translate "Inch'Allah" ?? I have hear in a movie "God willing" ou "if Gob willing".... First I was more convinced with (or by - help me) something with "wish" ! What do you think ?



God willing or If it is God's will, will in this sense would mean volonté in french not the futur form like shall;


We say : Thy will be done= que Sa Volonté soit exectutée.

Like I'm willing to translate the sentence into French = je suis prêt ou determiné à traduire la phrase en français ( avec vonlonté).



I've heard God's willing.




The opposite would : God forbid. la samaha Allah.


wa Allah a3lam.



God knows best.



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Ils disent : bon appétit lorsque tu manges dans un restaurent chic au USA. s'il faut l'écrire, tu l'écris en italique parce que c'est une expression étrangère.


bon appetit to you.

how do you know that

have you been in the states


if yes tell me please

where did you stay

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Are you calling me a liar now?:mdr:


I visited many cities but stayed mainly in Los Angeles,Ca and Boston, Ma.


:D Hi Djamal !


I don't think that he was kidding yourself !! His name is "Oneway", he just want to be sure to take the best ! :p

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