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Il ya si peu de temps , j'ai pris connaissance a travers le net d'une voix enchantante qui aurait pu evoluer au rang des stars dans le chaoui original et qui reflete un style parfait avec un potentiel "modernisable". La chanteuse s'appelle Amel Ayth Yacoub ,malheureusement c'est une voix qu'on eassaie d'etouffer dans l'oeuf faute de sponsor et de soutient en favorisant le travestit chaoui-arab (aarabeth n'izzane). Je suis enchante' et plein d'orgueil de voir sa voix revivre a travers la voix d'une petite fee chicana (Mexican american) qui essaie d'apprendre Thamazigeth, et d'ecrire sa chanson en Chaoui en particulier . Je serais un peut trop reveur de la voir un jour' blender les deux' son Chaoui sur Fond de musique Mariachi


Je poste ici les deux videos celle d'Amel (original ) et celle de Jessica pour que vous voyez la difference ou l'espoir naissant.

Est -til pretentieux de ma part de de dire que contrairement a un poste recent que les americains ne nous connaissent pas ...Que , si ils nous connaissent jusqu'a a nos origines (Izuran)



[YOUTUBE]2lvz9NDUt-0[/YOUTUBE] (Jessica,Mexican American)

Restored this am after being removed by a hidden hand! No matter how much you try to hinder our efforts to promote our culture ,we will prevail

I think an inetelligent "bitch" like you need to read between the lines


Ethery A (5/24/14 1021ampct)


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Il ya surement quelque chose de tres expressif dans ces video qui sort de l'ordinaire du moins en ce qui concerne le cote critique intra et inter Amazigh qui tend a suggerer que des gens de la meme famille Amazigh sis a proximite territoriale l'un de l'autre choisissent de vivre dans des planetes differentes et s'ignorer mutuellement pour des raisons de chauvinisme (non fonde d'ailleurs) {je prefere taire le diable qui m'a juste dresse une table des evenements durant lesquels on a ete victimise's en tant que groupe ethnique et par de gens qu'on croyait les plus proches de nous **

Il aurait fallu qu'une jeune fille mexicaine-americaine decouvre cette langue lui trouve un gout et manifeste un desir ardent a l'apprendre et pas que ca seulement , mais vouloir composer une chanson dans celle langue avec un vocabulaire elementaire, je dirais que c'est un un exploit devant lequel je m'incline humblement aussi bien que tous les autres berebres se doivent de faire.

Je ne sais pas si le desir d'apprendre une langue d'un autre group ethnique tres different du sien vient du fait que cette meme fille a des origines Azteques ou Maya .je l'igonre car cette video a ete postee par Peter Chemrah sur son site des "Republicains Marrocains" auquel j'exprime ma gratitude ici au nom des Amazigh et des chaouis en particulier , et que J'assure de notre soutient sans reserve.



je serais gre a monsieur Peter CHemrah un des fondateur du Movement democratique republican marrocain de nous aider a trouver ou comment localiser pour qu'on puisse suivre son iteneraire et progress






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Avant Internet, si tu disais: " Y a une américano-mexicaine qui parle et chante des chansons en chawi , et en plus elle en a même écrit une !", on t'aurait dit :" Riyyah !!!"

Maintenant avec Internet : Deus ex machina !


Sinon, well done Señorita Jessica !

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... favorisant le travestit chaoui-arab (aarabeth n'izzane)....



wow meme vivant a LA on reste ignorant et insolant a sa culture, a son pays, son peuple et meme a une majeur partie de son heritage.


“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”

Daniel J. Boorstin


I had a dream that one day, us living abroad and far from our motherland will wake up from our nightmare and think as human being but it look like even if some live on the moon their dark inner and blind judgment keep them stuck in the toilet.

The video of the so called mexican girl learning the foreign language "chawi" doesn't exist or have never existed and this thread show just the hatred toward their own race.

So long... I won't answer to this thread anymore, it's like the owner doesn't exist to me ...

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wow meme vivant a LA on reste ignorant et insolant a sa culture, a son pays, son peuple et meme a une majeur partie de son heritage.


“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”

Daniel J. Boorstin


I had a dream that one day, us living abroad and far from our motherland will wake up from our nightmare and think as human being but it look like even if some live on the moon their dark inner and blind judgment keep them stuck in the toilet.

The video of the so called mexican girl learning the foreign language "chawi" doesn't exist or have never existed and this thread show just the hatred toward their own race.

So long... I won't answer to this thread anymore, it's like the owner doesn't exist to me ...





Pour le reste, je ne vois qu'une américano-mexicaine qui chante en chawi . C'est un parti pris en soi, le mien .

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Pour le reste, je ne vois qu'une américano-mexicaine qui chante en chawi . C'est un parti pris en soi, le mien .





Thank you for your support sir and for the quick reaction to silence people who never knew what dignity and honor of a whole nation are. We have a duty of preserving by all means necessary the cultural tenants of this nation . To all Amazigh alike i salute the struggling sprit that will preveail

Thanks again.



This video showed up on the site of the Morrocan republicans Movement

I have acknowledged that ,this morning i went back to the original video of Jessica on my origianal post and i had a surprise (it says that the uploader has closed his account) yet it still displays and is active on both your posting as well as on the original Moroccan republican site

If some ass hole is trying to hinder my effort and resort to piracy i think he made a huge mistake

I will try to restore it else i will use the link to MR site


Thanks again



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Avant Internet, si tu disais: " Y a une américano-mexicaine qui parle et chante des chansons en chawi , et en plus elle en a même écrit une !", on t'aurait dit :" Riyyah !!!"

Maintenant avec Internet : Deus ex machina !


Sinon, well done Señorita Jessica !


I have tried to locate this girl at least to satisfy a curiosity ,on how, from all the other cultures she would have picked the Amazigh culture and what might be her goal . It would have been interresting to know if she can blend the two culture in a song for exemple lyrics Amazigh with mariachi music


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I have tried to locate this girl at least to satisfy a curiosity ,on how, from all the other cultures she would have picked the Amazigh culture and what might be her goal . It would have been interresting to know if she can blend the two culture in a song for exemple lyrics Amazigh with mariachi music


Le fait qu'elle ait pu écrire une chanson dans un dialecte étranger, qui plus est complètement "exotique" et loin de son champ culturel, est en soi un exploit, mais bon " quand " on aime...", et elle, elle semble et douée et amatrice !


Je me demande ce que ça donnerait, oui! parce que le contraire (paroles espagnoles sur musique amazigh) ça parait plus...probable !

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wow meme vivant a LA on reste ignorant et insolant a sa culture, a son pays, son peuple et meme a une majeur partie de son heritage.


“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”

Daniel J. Boorstin


I had a dream that one day, us living abroad and far from our motherland will wake up from our nightmare and think as human being but it look like even if some live on the moon their dark inner and blind judgment keep them stuck in the toilet.

The video of the so called mexican girl learning the foreign language "chawi" doesn't exist or have never existed and this thread show just the hatred toward their own race.

So long... I won't answer to this thread anymore, it's like the owner doesn't exist to me ...




wow meme vivant a LA on reste ignorant et insolant a sa culture, a son pays, son peuple et meme a une majeur partie de son heritage.


Ignorant et insolant a ma culture ?: Tu veux que je t'aide a mieux comprendre ce que j'escris ou mieux encore definir pour toi quelle est ma culture puisque tu te faufiles hypocritement entre les lignes pour te substituer a ma personne et a definir la nature de ma culure!!!

Ma culture est purement berbere et j'appartiens a la branche la plus authentique qui puisse exister ,sur son sol se sont joues les plus grands evenements militaires et culturelles qui ont defini ce que c'est d'etre Amazigh

Mon peuple: tout le peuple Amazigh (qui reclame son amazighite)

Mon heritage religieux: Le donatisme (on the revival again)

Il n'y a rien que j'ai dit ou que je fais qui a fait defaut a la conformite et fidelite a mon heritage


The video of the so called mexican girl learning the foreign language "chawi" doesn't exist or have never existed and this thread show just the hatred toward their own race.

So long... I won't answer to this thread anymore, it's like the owner doesn't exist to me ...


I posted a note this morning to inquire why the original video has been removed and I have restored it. You seem to know that it does not exist ? have you conspired in its removal. Oh by the way, It has many versions and it has been copied so the posting will become independent of the link. We have factored all the SOB like you on our way! so continue to kiss the ass of your masters, it pays {you might be an envious pseudo- Amazigh in quest of supremacy who lost ground in his propagandist quest as this video translate who is the real authentic one and put you back on the background where you belong**

Another thing ,that video was posted on The Moroccans republican site Amazighs whose leader Peter CHEMRAH and All the Amazigh with him

So i have no claim on it or finding they have that honor not me!


I won't answer to this thread anymore, it's like the owner doesn't exist to me

I do not give a shit if you answer or not ! I have never asked you to do so

To question an opinion is wise to question an evidence is foolish i am pretty sure you are in the second category


So the bottom line is :you excel in evil and you accuse us of hatred and all the adjectives that you have coined and shaped throughout the history by your evil actions. Do we have to ask you permission on what we worship or how we promote our culture ?. You feel your hypocrisy uncovered when a girl from a totally unrelated culture 3000 miles away found our culture and language appealing and adopted them as her own. With all the evidences that are laid down ,you still negate the existence!

you have posted this in support ,although irrelevant"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”

Daniel J. Boorstin


Let me answer you with one that is really relevant to your case :"People are afraid of the change because it destroys their illusions" (N. Frederick)

Do not talk about a dream, when you plant the paradox you will only collect the nightmare. Every thing you have done , and everything you are doing from the day 693 on the shore of Meskiana (in the chawi land) until today planted the seeds of discords and Laid the ground for this attempt to abstract us.

I am only defending my culture and my belief i am not imposing on you or anyone else this systm of belief as oppose to you who is always in the look out of injecting your retarded culture if not through the language then through the religion!


Here is another posting since you are so blind[YOUTUBE]2lvz9NDUt-0[/YOUTUBE]

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wow meme vivant a LA on reste ignorant et insolant a sa culture, a son pays, son peuple et meme a une majeur partie de son heritage.


“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”

Daniel J. Boorstin


I had a dream that one day, us living abroad and far from our motherland will wake up from our nightmare and think as human being but it look like even if some live on the moon their dark inner and blind judgment keep them stuck in the toilet.

The video of the so called mexican girl learning the foreign language "chawi" doesn't exist or have never existed and this thread show just the hatred toward their own race.

So long... I won't answer to this thread anymore, it's like the owner doesn't exist to me ...





Here is another video that shows the negatives effect of the culture you are defending or seem to be promoting! The dream you had is only a dream for you . I put you on notice to ask this lady wether it's a dream or a nightmare she is living







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wow meme vivant a LA on reste ignorant et insolant a sa culture, a son pays, son peuple et meme a une majeur partie de son heritage.


“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”

Daniel J. Boorstin


I had a dream that one day, us living abroad and far from our motherland will wake up from our nightmare and think as human being but it look like even if some live on the moon their dark inner and blind judgment keep them stuck in the toilet.

The video of the so called mexican girl learning the foreign language "chawi" doesn't exist or have never existed and this thread show just the hatred toward their own race.

So long... I won't answer to this thread anymore, it's like the owner doesn't exist to me ...


Here is another dimension of my culture expanding all the way to Siwa land where once Alexander the great was has been crowned and where the old temple of god Amon existed .

Listen to him telling you how the arab-bedouins tribes tried to raid/invade them and how the Amazigh are prone to be good neighbors(it's our noble nature ) rather than your bedouins brothers....Do you recall something you identify with?




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