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Guest kowalski

one of the reasons that causes the failure of many research groups is the trap of " showing off " , rather than focusing on the problem and bringing ideas to solve it, some members of the team focus on showing that they are superior on others ! or criticizing each other's weak points !

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Guest kowalski
zoukh est un des problèmes algériens. Ils se sentent supérieur pourquoi ?


complexe d'infériorité à mon avis, ... être vaniteux et critiquer avant qu'on nous critique ( attaquer avant d’être attaquer ) !


celui qui est sure de ses capacités n'a pas besoin de les montrer.

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one of the reasons that causes the failure of many research groups is the trap of " showing off " , rather than focusing on the problem and bringing ideas to solve it, some members of the team focus on showing that they are superior on others ! or criticizing each other's weak points !


This kind of behavior depresses me,I gave up on socializing because most people fall into this category .


I have noticed that the more intelligent the person is,the less likely he would exhibit this kind of behavior .

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]complexe d'infériorité[/b] à mon avis, ... être vaniteux et critiquer avant qu'on nous critique ( attaquer avant d’être attaquer ) !


celui qui est sure de ses capacités n'a pas besoin de les montrer.


Insecure people would do anything in their power to bring you down to your knees,don't fall into their trap and try to limit yourself to suit their own needs !



Narrow minded people would want you to believe that showing off your true potential makes you a poser . :confused:

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Guest L'étrangère
complexe d'infériorité à mon avis, ... être vaniteux et critiquer avant qu'on nous critique ( attaquer avant d’être attaquer ) !


celui qui est sure de ses capacités n'a pas besoin de les montrer.


Je crois que nous sommes plus ignorant que connaisseur. Elghar, zough... La religion nous dit "koulou di 'ilmin 'alim

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Guest kowalski
This kind of behavior depresses me,I gave up on socializing because most people fall into this category .


I have noticed that the more intelligent the person is,the less likely he would exhibit this kind of behavior .


yea ! you're right , as Paulo Cohelo said " in a big party you find that the people showing off are those who doesn't really have a big value,... and you find that the great persons act very normally " !

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Only the drum makes a hell of a noise... why? Empty Inside!


yea ! you're right , as Paulo Cohelo said " in a big party you find that the people showing off are those who doesn't really have a big value,... and you find that the great persons act very normally " !





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