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A Real Woman with biiiiiig Balls

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Show me only one F...... Arab or any other person who would quit his high position in the government Just for moral reasons and principles . I could not find anywhere in the whole planet someone who has big balls and being a woman like this woman!:thumbup:

For as long as i live i will erect for you in my mind a shrine of respect and monument of gratitude




That is my take on it, what is your opinion???

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i don't understand this woman....


What is there not to understand, she left her job as a secretary of state in the british government just to protest the policies of D Cameron about Gaza!

Do you know of any other person anywhere who has same courage!


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Guest Mandragora
What is there not to understand, she left her job as a secretary of state in the british government just to protest the policies of D Cameron about Gaza!

Do you know of any other person anywhere who has same courage!




Rester et se battre, c'est certainement du courage.


Ce qu'elle a fait, je ne sais pas ce que c'est. Je vais m'abstenir de juger.

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