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Tsahal assassine de sang froid 2 Palestiniens.

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Ces deux Palestiniens étaient accusés du meurtre de 3 jeunes israéliens.

Mais puisque l'entité sioniste prétend être la seule démocratie au Proche-Orient, la moindre des choses était de:

- les capturer (la maison était cernée),

- et de les juger par un tribunal.


En procédant ainsi, l'entité se met hors des lois juridiques.


ps: rappel de l'affaire du bus 300. L'armée avait dit que deux palestiniens avaient été tués dans l'assaut d'un bus qu'il avaient pris en otage. Sauf qu'un cameraman avait un film qui montré les deux Palestiniens capturés vivants après l'assaut du bus. On les voit marchant avec des menottes. En fait, ils ont été abattus par la suite de sang froid.


Tsahal est une armée qui tue ses prisonniers...


The Bus 300 affair (Hebrew: פרשת קו 300 Translit.: Parashat Kav 300 Translated: Line 300 affair), also known as Kav 300 affair, was a 1984 incident in which Shin Bet members executed two Palestinian bus hijackers, immediately after the hostage crisis incident ended and they were captured.


After the incident, the Shin Bet members gave false testimony on their involvement in the affair. The Israeli military censor blacked out coverage of the hijacking originally, but nevertheless, the publication of information regarding the affair in foreign press, and eventually in the Israeli media, led a public uproar which led many in the Israeli public to demand that the circumstances surrounding the deaths of the hijackers would be investigated. In 1985 a senior Israeli army general Yitzhak Mordechai was acquitted of charges related to the deaths of the captured hijackers.[1] Later, it emerged that members of the Shin Bet, Israel's internal security service, had implicated the general, while concealing who gave the direct order that the prisoners be killed. In 1986 the Attorney General of Israel, Yitzhak Zamir, was forced to resign after he refused to call off an investigation into the Shin Bet's role in the affair.[2] Shortly afterwards Avraham Shalom, head of the Shin Bet resigned and was given a full Presidential pardon for unspecified crimes, while pardons were granted to many involved before charges were laid. Following the scandal, the Landau Commission was set up to investigate Shin Bet procedures.[3]



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